Free Essay. Immigration Behind the Buster

Published: 2023-05-02
Free Essay. Immigration Behind the Buster
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Immigration Democracy Donald Trump Barack Obama
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 539 words
5 min read

The crackdown on unauthorized immigrants is necessary for political, social, and economic security in the US. However, the huge difference in ideology between President Barack Obama and Donald Trump causes uncertainty in the implementation of the immigration laws. The authors advise Donald Trump to practice moderation in enforcing new federal immigration policies since it may attract a lot of criticism and may severely affect the country in a way that has never occurred under the leadership of any other president. The US immigration laws should be reviewed to ensure that they can be implemented uniformly at both state and federal levels of governance. It will ensure support from Democratic mayors and state leaders, hence eliminating the regular creating and undoing executive orders.

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Support from Democratic mayors and state leaders in crucial for the effective implementation of the existing US immigration laws. The Democratic mayors and some state leaders are not willing to cooperate with the federal government because President Donald Trump promised to enforce a serious crackdown on illegal immigrants if he is elected into office. Also, the state leaders may also use the federal courts to block the President's executive orders, just like the Republican officials collaborated with the GOP states to block President Obama's executive orders. The reasons show that conflicts between Democratic mayors and state leaders are derailing efforts to implement the US immigration laws; hence one of the ways to create change is to ensure that the parties agree.

Cooperation between the state and federal governments will eliminate the need for creating and undoing executive orders. President Obama issued executive orders on the deportation of illegal immigrants who had committed minor offenses, yet President Trump threatened that he would undo the orders when he takes over the office. It sets the wrong precedence and creates the impression that executive orders are issued with ulterior motives not related to the welfare of the country. Also, it creates confusion and allows constant interruptions in when and how the authorities implement immigration policies and law.

Cooperation between the state and the federal government will encourage careful investigation and the use of valid reasons to deport illegal immigrants. President Donald Trump promised a serious crackdown on illegal immigrants when campaigning. However, the article shows that the executive orders issued by President Obama contributed to relatively higher rates of deportation of illegal immigrants who have committed crimes both major and minor. There is no difference between what President Trump promised and what President Obama's executive orders initiated. Meaning, such additional orders may lead to suspicion regarding the implementation of the laws.

The US immigration laws can be reformed by establishing common grounds in implementation at the state and federal levels of governance. It will help in getting support from Democratic mayors and state leaders, eliminate the need to establish and undo executive orders every time a new president assumes office, and encourage valid reasoning in the deportation of illegal immigrants. The interest of the country is the primary role of both state and federal governments. Therefore, the US immigration laws should give space for reasoning and validating the actions approved by the political leaders. Above all, the reforms should provide sustainability to the political, economic, and social affairs of America.

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