Phenomenology - Free Essay with Qualitative Research Assessment

Published: 2019-10-08
Phenomenology - Free Essay with Qualitative Research Assessment
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Research
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1019 words
9 min read

1. Identify the qualitative tradition being used in the study.

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The qualitative tradition being used in the study is phenomenology which generally focuses on exploring how human beings at one point are making sense of experience and meaning and understanding they normally get through this experience. In this article, it has been used to in a human science which involve nursing and health science. Health care quality has been used in such a way in which it can bring and make sense of the world and a worldview has been developed, through the use of formality in most people experience and putting the focus on how to make meaning about the patients experience in the health care. Through the research is done healthcare user perspective on constructing, contextual, and co-producing the quality of healthcare, the researcher has used and set aside the prejudgment and the past experience through the past research used on health care users; basing their focus on the quality of care and advance quality improvement.

A common shared experience is used in that a group of a participant who shared the same experience is used for example in the research forty-five individuals in three hospital-based outpatient HIV care settings were visited during the process and generally a reflection on the previous year which was in twenty twelve, on the same experience was also shared. Those who participated were able to bring about the impact and the past and present experiences, through sharing discrimination and stigma on the hindrance and the limiting factor on the access to healthcare. In this qualitative research, the discussion on implications and applicability of co-production to conceptualize care as combined offered by the typical health personnel and the patients was considered (Baim-Lance, Tietz, Schlefer, & Agins, 2016).

2. What specific techniques (if any) did the researcher use to enhance the quality of the study?

The quality of the study was enhanced through the use of different techniques in the whole study. So much consistency and validity of the information were considered through the use of an interviews and proper observation; semi-structured interview was used which generally gave no strict structure to of open-ended question in the exploration of attitudes and experience (Ritchie, Lewis, Lewis, Nicholls, & Ormston, 2013). Great flexibility is offered here that provided the researcher with richer data since relationship was also made by the information. Grounded approach was also used as a technique in defining constructs, and considering the myriad means contextual normally have an influence on the shape users. The work collected were effectively analyzed through a body that focused on the particularly widespread logical framework, aiming in setting the study through using of conversation with the existing quality of care research; for combination purpose, a guide framework analysis was set in place to determine the truth and fit between the study and the literature.

Additionally, two thematic comparisons also came through; the first one was exploring the quality of care by the definition and the explanation that was given by the users and being able to find whether the study brought out the standardized notions of the quality that existed in the literature. Generally, this allowed the designing of questions in a manner that was open but not putting limitation to finding of the recurring domains variables. Some content measuring techniques were also incorporated to query the existing standardize ideas that are involved in quality. The second comparative theme that was used focused on the topic of context where the comparison was made on the conceptualization of context in that is existing in the literature with the study. Data securing was done, redirecting the whole research from factor based approach and incorporation of the most dynamic relation between the relation of notions of quality of care and the forces that are allowed to shape them (Polit & Beck, 2008).

3. What quality techniques were not used? Would supplemental techniques have strengthened your confidence in the study and its evidence?

One quality technique that was not used was detailed record keeping and memo writing, this limited the whole data that was used in the research on coming up with a comprehensive audit trail that was supposed to document all the interpretation, what was supposed to be recommended and the final conclusion of the whole study. Analytical memos were not recorded every observation and every session that was involved and was part of the study. Notably, supplemental techniques would have strengthened my confidence in the study through bringing out the credibility and internal validity. The truth value of the findings was able identified by the supplementary technique in that the stability of the data over time and over some conditions was to constantly be supported.

4. Considering the quality techniques used in the study, what can you conclude about the studys validity, integrity, or rigor?

Considering the quality techniques used in the study, some truth and trustworthiness are able to be recognized and proved. Though the study at one point proved to be general, it basically remains to be an essential contribution to an enriched alternative way in the exploration quality of care from the users ways. Through the technique of framework analysis, the validity of the data is able to be identified since it is able to recognize as fit to use in reference to other studies. The models used also focused on the advantages interactive and formative dynamics that are around quality. Additionally, the study has also taken some consideration on the essential interlocutors about a quality of care. In conclusion, the truth value of findings that is involved in the research made it to view as the qualitative equivalent that is necessary for internal validity.


Baim-Lance, A., Tietz, D., Schlefer, M., & Agins, B. (2016). Health Care User Perspectives on Constructing, Contextualizing, and Co-Producing Quality of Care. Qualitative Health Research, 26(2), 252263.

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2008). Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Lewis, P. of S. P. J., Nicholls, C. M., & Ormston, R. (2013). Qualitative Research Practice: A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers. SAGE.

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