Paper Example. Ethics in the Classroom

Published: 2023-02-13
Paper Example. Ethics in the Classroom
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching Students Ethical dilemma Classroom management
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1425 words
12 min read

The behaviors considered to be ethical are based on the beliefs as well as psychological functioning. The practices fall into various categories, including the content of the course, student evaluation as well as environment and the student behavior. On the other hand, financial, social relations with the students and sexual relationships are the basis of ethics. Ethics and conduct in the classroom require psychological working outside the academic settings while considering the scholarly and professional literature. The ethical dilemma, as well as responsibilities, are confined to the supervision and treatment of students (Tabachnick, Keith-Spiegel, & Pope, 2001). Also, the examination on the ethical duties and moral obligations depend on the formal policies that regulate the concepts of academic freedom. The ethical principles help the students in acquiring knowledge and skills while maintaining expected standards and presenting psychological information accurately. The profession, therefore, requires one to have the aspect of teaching based on the ethical dilemma that occurs due to the moral attitudes for practical teaching experience.

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From the question posed in the ethics survey and the data collected from 482 APA members working in the institutions of higher education, the degree and behaviors in the working setting were evaluated based on ethics. The commitment to teaching is, therefore, justifiable based on the external efforts that regulate the workers. According to Tabachnick, Keith-Spiegal, and Pope (2001), ethical self-examination, as well as accountability, encourages the students based on the crucial aspects of maturity for the profession and the collective openness from the students. Therefore, strengths, strategies, and rigorous discipline are essential for the persistence that bear behavior and beliefs of the teacher. Examining the age differences is statistically reliable since it influences the interaction with the students, and it is significant for ethicality that requires students to acquire. On the other hand, the ethical principles ranging from the principles used for effective teaching based on the current ethics that help the teachers to recognize their primary role, which is essential for acquiring knowledge and skills. It also helps to maintain high standards based on the aspects of teaching that respond to the psychological dilemma.

Several elements of the study of the ethics from the survey surprised me. Firstly, the validity and interpretation issues in the classroom ethics were surprising. The interpretation, therefore, required caution with the attempts of replication. Although the attitudes and practices of the ethics in the classroom unclear, the teaching psychologists compared them with the effective functioning of the teachers. The ethical standards are also not applicable to the psychologists functioning of the teachers due to the previously presented to improve the moral awareness and for the students. The attitudes, therefore, determines the ethical deliberations with various expressions found to be ambiguous - different actions listed that encourage the participation of the students in the research practice. The professionals are also rated based on the responses and individual judgment of ethicality. The major themes and patterns highlighted indicated ethical dilemma due to the items involved in teaching. The teaching materials not well used while teaching a class without preparing adequately include other issues that prevent the superhuman psychological preparedness. The teaching material not thoroughly learned attributes to the ideal allocation that leads to the problems of keeping up with the exploited information. Engaging in the ethical behaviors somewhat is often due to the criterion used in the teaching values to the students. The other elements indicate the frequency and significance of the practices detailed in the follow up with the exploration of the values neglected in the teaching strategies and the unforeseen consequences.

The responses to the ethics surveyed from 483 respondents differ significantly with the demographic categories in the study of ethics. The description based on sex, age, and primary teaching setting by the respondents showed that the behavior of professional could be adequately be evaluated based on the degree and beliefs in terms of teaching. Examining the sex-related differences showed the significance of interaction with the respondents revealing that men were most likely to be involved in sexual attraction to the students. Sexually participating with a student after completion of the academic course is high in men. Examining the age differences reveals the statistical reliability and encourages the students to use illegal drugs, thus affecting their personal life. With the use of log-linear analysis, age and sex were found to influence the interaction between the students and the teachers. The statistical significance of the relationship shows the association between sex and rating of the item. Behavior and belief are useful for evaluating ethicality and requires teaching while accommodating the physical challenges if the students. Adopting the demographic categories showed that the behavior is ethical. It entails the use of useful resources from the school to create psychology for handling the sexual comments.

My responses to the ethics survey differ from those studies in the study of ethics. Most of the behaviors acknowledged in the study were rare due to the sexual harassment revealed by making sexual comments deliberately and repeatedly as well as the unwanted physical contact with the students. The ethical principles of psychologists are concerned with sexual issues. Disclosing the sexual attraction by the professional toward a student is rarely acknowledged. Teaching under the influence of illegal drugs affects the behavior of the students. Besides the teaching standards and the principles of ethics, teaching individual races that are intellectually inferior is difficult. Also, dishonestly involving information on the students may be misleading and unusual for the students. The problematic judgment from the ethical behaviors indicates the involved de facto segregation with the teaching in classes crowded, thus making teaching so distressful and ineffective.

Controversial in ethical judgments is diverse and has raised concern for sexual thoughts and behaviors. It is being attracted sexually to students' leads to engaging in sexual fantasies, thus becoming involved in sexual relations. The controversial behavior, therefore, requires the students to use aversive procedures, thus leading to severe judgments. Questionable ethical circumstances require effort to narrow the gap between academic credit and ethical behaviors. The use of drugs in teaching life leads to unethical understanding due to the given circumstances. Therefore, the rules involved in the selection of students leads to effective grading for the human nature that influences the assigned grades. The believed actions from the students are seen unethical, although they are omitted from the critical information during recommendations. As a result, there are conflicting loyalties that people use to judge others based on the objectivity in maintaining the standards while upholding the system of the work.

The conflict between the rules of behavior as well as the little boundary-blurring gives the clinical practitioners the professional role that is paramount for interacting with others. Boundary violation compromises with the necessary objective for providing effective services as well as the increased energy for the exploitation and abuse of trust. Therefore, professionals influence students' lives explicit due to the ethical standards and principles essential for the psychologists to avoid relationship roles. The professionals should be encouraged to spend more time with the students while maintaining the boundaries, including social activities available in the educational systems. Attending the students' parties is not acceptable for the teaching psychologists and is an ethical problem based on the involved operations. Also, selling goods such as books to the students has emerged as an issue of ethicality in classroom behaviors. Issues such as gossip and betrayal of student confidences are believed to be hefty. The confidential disclosure of the relationships by the students showed the unethical practices as stipulated by the ethical principles. Therefore, some of these behaviors are embarrassing and may violate the trust of the students and the teacher.

The willingness to stand up to the wrongdoing is essential for dealing with the cheating students while handling issues such as anxiety, painful and frightening to confront. Sexual relations with the students requires professional discipline while maintaining the law and overcoming the negative consequences that might hinder the right to the free association. As a result, the professional relationship will ensure various adverse effects such as erosion of the objectivity have been handled. Assessing the behavior and attitudes provides competent professionalism, including clinical and counseling. The academic professional should not be ignored due to the obligations as well as the formal policies that regulate the conduct that emerge gracefully, the concept of academic freedom is meaningful for considering the professional ethics based on the ethical principles.


Tabachnick, B. G., Keith-Spiegel, P., & Pope, K. S. (2001). "Ethics of teaching: Beliefs and behaviors of psychologists as educators": Correction. American Psychologist, 46(7), 802-802. doi:10.1037/0003-066x.46.7.802

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