Hypothesis Test Essay Sample

Published: 2022-05-27
Hypothesis Test Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Data analysis Statistics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 721 words
7 min read

Case 1: Election Results

Conduct a one-sample hypothesis test to determine if the networks should announce at 8:01 P.M. the Republican candidate George W. Bush will win the state.

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Null Hypothesis (Ho):A sample of 756 Floridian voters' responses in the 2000 election will not yield a 50% favorable win for Republican candidate George W. Bush over Democratic Al Gore.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1):A sample of 756 Floridian voter's responses in the 2000 election will yield a 50% favorable win for Republican candidate George W. Bush over Democratic candidate Al Gore. Use 0.10 as the significance level (a).

I - .10 = .90

Ho: 0.10

H1: = 0.10

I reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

From 756 voter's responses in Florida, George w. Bush, Republican candidate, will favourably win with 50% over Al Gore, a candidate for Democratic in the 2000 election and this is confidence of 90%

The results should be announced at 8:01pm by the network because they don't come within a level of confidence which is enough thus wrong results when the conclusive outcomes are calculated when the day ends. Election outcomes are perceived to be having marginally importance or have fairly importance and also to grasp much of a lead due to a sample which is very small in size obtained from a large state of Florida. There are many chances of errors therefore it is a NO.

Case Study 2 - SpeedX

SpeedX, a large courier company, sends invoices to customers requesting payment within 30 days. The bill lists an address, and customers are expected to use their own envelopes to return their payments. Currently, the mean and standard deviation of the amount of time taken to pay bills are 24 days and 6 days, respectively. The chief financial officer (CFO) believes including a stamped self-addressed envelope would decrease the amount of time. She calculates the improved cash flow from a 2-day decrease in the payment period would pay for the costs of the envelopes and stamps. You have an MBA from the University of Phoenix, and work for SpeedX as a business analyst. One of your job duties is to run analytics and present the results to the senior management for critical decision-making. You see this as an opportunity to utilize some of the skills you gained in the Statistics course. Because of your strong understanding and background in inferential statistics, you decide to take up this important assignment. You have learned any analysis in inferential statistics starts with sampling. To test the CFO's belief, you decide to randomly select 220 customers and propose to include a stamped self-addressed envelope with their invoices, Arguelles, (2015). The CFO accepts your proposal and allows you to run a pilot study. You then record the numbers of days until payment is received. Using your statistical expertise and skills you gained in the class, conduct a one-sample hypothesis test and determine if you can convince the CFO to conclude that the plan will be profitable. Use 0.10 and the significance level (a).

Case 2: SpeedX

Use 0.10 and the significance level (a).

Conduct a one-sample hypothesis test and determine if you can convince the CFO to conclude the plan will be profitable.

Using your statistical expertise and skills you gained in the class, conduct a one-sample hypothesis test and determine if you can convince the CFO to conclude that the plan will be profitable. Use 0.10 and the significance level (a).

Null Hypothesis (Ho):

Alternative Hypothesis (H1):

Use 0.10 as the significance level (a).

I - .10 = .90

Ho: 0.10

H1: = 0.10

I reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

From 756 voter's responses in Florida, George w. Bush, Republican candidate, will favourably win with 50% over Al Gore, a candidate for Democratic in the 2000 election and this is confidence of 90%

The results should be announced at 8:01pm by the network because they don't come within a level of confidence which is enough thus wrong results when the conclusive outcomes are calculated when the day ends. Election outcomes are perceived to be having marginally importance or have fairly importance and also to grasp much of a lead due to a sample which is very small in size obtained from a large state of Florida. There are many chances of errors therefore it is a NO.


Aartsen, M. G., Abraham, K., Ackermann, M., Adams, J., Aguilar, J. A., Ahlers, M., ... & Arguelles, C. (2015). Evidence for astrophysical muon neutrinos from the northern sky with IceCube. Physical review letters, 115(8), 081102.

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Hypothesis Test Essay Sample. (2022, May 27). Retrieved from https://speedypaper.com/essays/hypothesis-test-essay-sample

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