Essay Sample on Human Diseases by System: Skeletal and Muscular

Published: 2023-09-28
Essay Sample on Human Diseases by System: Skeletal and Muscular
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Human Disorder
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 515 words
5 min read

Pyomyositis and osteomyelitis are rare conditions in healthy patients. Explain why chemotherapy made this patient more susceptible to these infections.

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Chemotherapy is used to treat cancer by destroying the cancer cells which also affects the normal cells including the white blood cells which provide immunity to the body. They act so by destroying the cells that divide them highly. Chemotherapy destroys the bone marrow, therefore, making it unable to produce white blood cells. Consequently, the white blood cells reduce their quantity in the body, thus, compromising the immune system .with a compromised immune system, makes the patient more susceptible to these infections.

MRSA, the causative agent of the patient’s infection, is common in hospitals. Describe what qualities of the hospital setting result in higher levels of MRSA than other environments.

Congestion in hospitals: Due to the fact that patients are treated in the same room in the hospital, this can increase the spread of MRSA. Use of unclean hands: The only prevention of this infection is cleaning the hands and therefore if one is infected and fails to wash the hands there is a likelihood of infecting other patients. Medical equipment: The MRSA is mostly spread by the use of infected medical equipment in the hospital. Open wounds. For patients undergoing surgery are likely to have open wounds which makes them very susceptible to MRSA.

In this case, bacteria were introduced to the patient’s muscles through an injection. How else might an infectious agent be introduced to skeletal muscle or

The use of antibiotics frequently to treat MRSA can cause infection to skeletal muscles. Antibiotics are used to reduce or prevent infections caused by biological pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, or viruses. Increased use of these antibiotics may make these biological pathogens to be resistant to these antibiotics. If the MRSA for instance in our case becomes resistant there is a likelihood of them getting to skeletal muscle or bone.

What other microorganisms besides Staphylococcus aureus commonly cause myositis or osteomyelitis? Are these agents bacterial, fungal, or viral?

Staphylococcus agalactiae-Bacterial, Clostridium perfringens-Bacterial, Staphylococcus pyogenes-Bacterial, Cryptococcus neoformans- Fungal, Histoplasma capsulatum-Fungal, Pneumocystis jiroveci-Fungal, Hiv- Virus and Hepatitis B and C- Virus

List three other conditions that might compromise the immune system and thus make an individual more susceptible to myositis or osteomyelitis.

Preexisting conditions like HIV and aids which weakens the immune system. A weakened immune system means a high probability of an individual being infected. Prolonged use of antibiotics. This makes some strains to be resistant hence weakening the immunity system. Additionally, improper treatment of preexisting conditions such as diabetes.

Would you expect antibiotics to work as well, worse, or better in a patient with a compromised immune system in comparison to a healthy patient? Why?

Antibiotics will work worse since the medicine function together with the immune system to fight against pathogens. Besides, bacteria may become resistant to the drugs and thereby, deteriorate the conditions of the body further. For a patient with a compromised immune system, resistant bacteria may cause a worse condition than that with a healthy patient.

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Essay Sample on Human Diseases by System: Skeletal and Muscular. (2023, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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