Paper Example: Healthcare Website Tools

Published: 2023-04-19
Paper Example: Healthcare Website Tools
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Internet Information technologies Healthcare policy Nursing care
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1360 words
12 min read

Part 1: Research Identification

The field of nursing and the medical profession keeps on evolving with changes and emerging challenges in society. The emergence of new diseases and resistance are the factors that create the need for more revolutionized techniques to expand existing medical facilities to address the needs of patients within the medical units. The most important way to improve and promote nursing management outcomes is to use technology. Therefore, Web-based tools are the critical approaches and techniques to transform and strengthen client care within a medical. The purpose is paper is to propose two consumer healthcare website tools that can be used to expand the application and use of web-based tools to improve client care.

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Part 2: Selection of Consumer Health Website

The selection of the website depends on the basic principle of usability and types of evaluation methods before implementation and effectiveness to address patient care. The consumer health website selected are the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and NHS 111 health consumer websites which are credible sources of information to improve the performance and care within health facilities.

Part 3. Evaluation of Selected Consumer Health Website.

Health information technology provides several opportunities to promote and transform healthcare facility units by the reduction of human errors as a result of forgetting a specific step or procedure. It also improves the facility by tracking and consolidating vital data to coordinate operations within the healthcare unit. Besides, it provides a precise and definite decision support system regarding the particular medical challenge and reduces burnout of the physician and nursing professional. According to before the adoption of the medical and application of the medical research information source, it is critical to establish and evaluate the source based on reliability, credibility, and usability of sources by the users. It is essential to put into consideration a combination of factors such as subjective satisfaction, error frequency and severity, efficiency, and ease of learning to enable medical professionals within the health unit to receive the required information. Therefore, this section evaluates the selected consumer healthcare website to determine how it can expand the application and utilization of web-based consumer health websites.

a). National Institutes of Health Website

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is one of the most substantial and credible consumer health sources of information that can help nursing professionals and medical physicians to receive instant, reliable sources to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of patient care in medical care units. The medical research website is highly funded among other sites across the world enabling it to complement its operational activities and thus to make it become one of the internet's most popular consumer medical healthcare websites.

The mission of the National Institutes of Health is to provide fundamental knowledge regarding the behavior and nature of the living system and applications of professional expertise to promote and enhance the health condition of the patient within the healthcare unit. It tries to improve the health condition by reducing the level of disability and illness through the provision of a credible and reliable source of information to health practitioners. Adoption of the website in the healthcare facility by making the website a research source of medical information is a good start for the health facility to obtain reliable and credible medical professional information.

Regarding the target group, the health information is mainly classified based on age and gender group, children and health teenager's health information, women's health, men's health, and minority and senior's health information. By doing so, it enables the medical physicians to locate and access essential and vital information within a short period to allow them to address the situations in the hospital conveniently.

Based on popularity and website usability, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) receives an average of 20 million staggering unique website clients monthly, of which over 40 percent of users are United States clients ((Ehrenkranz et al.,2005). According to DeBella, Szudek, & Friedman (2000), the popularity of the National Institutes of Health website ranked as 161 out of 354 consumer healthcare websites in the United States on an international scale. The website users typically stay logged on the site for a minimum of four minutes.

In terms of the credibility of the website content, there is a wide range of content updated daily based on new research information established by a medical professional regarding the current health issues affecting the social system. The research team is provided with a high standard of training and research programs to establish reliable information that addresses a vast range of healthcare challenges.

b). NHS 111 Consumer Health Website

NHS 111, formerly known as NHS Direct, is one of the most prominent nurse-led medical information service centers. It provides essential and vital healthcare advice to its visitors and directs those with severe and complex complaints to a more appropriate and advanced part of NHS direct units. The website had more than 2,750 staff agents that handle more than 8 million calls yearly (Turner, O'Cathain, Knowles, & Nicholl,2013).

The core values of the website are to improve and promote access to medical health information services to enhance health services and the social well-being of the patients, medical professionals, and community through use of technology. Besides, it focuses on quality service and excellence.

According to Bradley et al., (2016), the website provides medical healthcare advice on a 24/7 basis to enable its clients to receive services at any time. Apart from the provision of healthcare service via direct calls, the website has an online premier service provision channel that enables its visitors to access self-assessment service by use of infer Med's Arezzo medical analytical decisions supported innovation technologies. The website information is credible and reliable since it is commissioned by the National health service provider of England. Much of the resources to fund research, and modification and system update are controlled and monitored by the National health service. High regulation makes it provide information that is more objective and credible.

Preferred web-based tool

Both the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and NHS 111 consumer website tools play a critical role in the transformation and promotion of healthcare services within the medical unit by enabling access to vital service information. Based on the effectiveness, cost, and reputations established by respective websites, I prefer the National Institutes of Health (NIH) over NHS 111 consumer health website. As stated earlier, the National Institute of Health(NIH) provides a wide range of content updated daily based on new research information established by a medical professional regarding the current health issues affecting the social system. Besides, the website receives an average of 20 million staggering unique website clients monthly, of which over 40 percent of users are United States clients (Ehrenkranz et al.,2005). It indicates that the website is more reliable, and no complaint regarding the function ability of the site had been reported, unlike NHS 111 complaints raised regarding failure to receive calls. Besides, the cost of international calls is expensive, keeping patients with the cost of living not to access the services.


The purpose of the paper was to propose two consumer healthcare website tools that can be used to expand the application and use web-based tools to improve client care. The recommended websites are the National Institute of Health(NIH) and NHS 111. Based on website reputations, the most preferred site is the NIH Consumer Health website tool.


Bradley, A., Littlewood-Prince, M., Kaushal, U., Mitchell, K., Leyland, C., Wanstall, J., & Cooper, N. (2016). Evaluate the improved value that NHS 111 can provide to palliative care patients and their families by utilizing specialist palliative care nurses within urgent and emergency care. Retrieved from

DeBella, K., Szudek, J., & Friedman, J. M. (2000). Use of the national institutes of health criteria for the diagnosis of neurofibromatosis 1 in children. Pediatrics, 105(3), 608-614.Retrieved from

Ehrenkranz, R. A., Walsh, M. C., Vohr, B. R., Jobe, A. H., Wright, L. L., Fanaroff, A. A., ... & Poole, K. (2005). Validation of the National Institutes of Health consensus definition of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Pediatrics, 116(6), 1353-1360. Retrieved from

Turner, J., O'Cathain, A., Knowles, E., & Nicholl, J. (2013). Impact of the urgent care telephone service NHS 111 pilot sites: a controlled before and after study. BMJ Open, 3(11), e003451. Retrieved from

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