Free Essay Sample - Health Support Mechanisms

Published: 2023-09-27
Free Essay Sample - Health Support Mechanisms
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  Medicine Euthanasia Literature review
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 799 words
7 min read

Paterson, C. (2017). Assisted suicide and euthanasia: a natural law ethics approach. Routledge.

Health support mechanisms have attained considerable advancements and thus aiding the process of keeping critically ill individuals alive for more extended periods. However, debates correlated with end–of–life health care and quality of life have grown considerably (Peterson, 2017). Consequently, Craig displayed lucidly in his write up euthanasia and assisted suicide to perpetrate effectual display in natural law deemed fully-fledged. Accordingly, Craig elucidates exceptional rehabilitation and revitalization of the natural law approach associated considerably with the methodologies of moral reasoning. From the insinuations presented by Craig regarding euthanasia and assisted suicide, impeccable inferences regarding the primary ethics of human life divulge (Peterson, 2017). However, the book has expanded my knowledge base related to euthanasia's methodologies and their imperative nature in utilization among the suffering and critically ill individuals.

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Keown, J. (2018). Euthanasia, ethics and public policy: an argument against legalisation. Cambridge University Press.

John Keown's incorporation of remarkable explication correlated with the fact of whether law guidelines should permit the euthanasia application to suffer and critically ill individuals with terminal infirmities (Keown, 2018). Consequently, Keown explicates controversial elucidations facing the concept of euthanasia from a modern societal perspective. However, the application of euthanasia as insinuated by Keown accrual moral acceptability in certain cases establishes to constitute considerable magnitude. Accordingly, societal aspects typically apply slippery slope methodologies to the circumstances perceived morally unacceptable by most individuals (Keown, 2018). From the explanations presented by Keown, it is evident that the actions of euthanasia in hard circumstances accrue moral acceptability despite their rejection by several jurisdictions. Besides, the elucidations regarding euthanasia by Keown enhance my cognition associated with the imperative nature of euthanasia in critical cases, especially with suffering patients constituting terminal infirmities.

Carrick, P. (1985). Medical Ethics in Antiquity - Philosophical Perspectives on Abortion and Euthanasia (1st ed.). Dordrecht, Holland: Reidel Publishing Company.

In the book, Carrick explicates considerably the scientific setting correlated with medicine endeavors perpetrated by the Greek in social-economic, religious, and moral constraint guidelines (Carrick, 1985). Besides, Carrick depicts the Roman and the Greek believes related to euthanasia, infanticide, as well as abortion. Moreover, a practical orientation in a conceptual manner of the critical issue of euthanasia attain remarkable divulge in the book concerning its implications to a pagan mind. Additionally, exceptional ethical ancestry reaches display from Carrick's explanations in the usage of euthanasia to considerably ill individuals (Carrick, 1985). Accordingly, Carrick's elucidations attempt to display the ancient ethical guidelines in the application of euthanasia to individuals suffering extensively from terminal infirmities. Besides, Carrick's suggestions enhance my cognition of the old ethical guidelines in the usage of euthanasia to patients established as widely afflicted from terminal diseases.

Palsule-Desai, O. D., & Ravichandran, N. Euthanasia: Should it be Lawful or Otherwise? Editorial Viewpoint 1 Building Institutions: Lessons of Experience Samuel Paul 6 Institution Building, 55.

The write – up presented by Palsule displays efficaciously the imperative nature associated with the legalization of euthanasia. Consequently, in the mechanisms of legalization of the practice, the court established a considerable distinction related to killing and shunning lifesaving mechanism (Palsule-Desai, 2010). Accordingly, in the legalizations, the court accorded exceptional emphasis on distinct types of euthanasia, which correlated with active and passive methodologies. Besides, the Palsule insinuations display efficaciously the guidelines utilized by the court in the legalization of euthanasia and the manner of application of the mechanism (Palsule-Desai, 2010). Furthermore, the articles have perpetrated exceptional enhancement of my abilities related to cognition of the behavior of the solution of cases associated with critically ill individuals in circumstances where euthanasia attain necessitation.

Clarke, D. (2006). Groundwork of The metaphysics of morals (11th ed.). New York, USA: Cambridge University Press.

Clarke displays effectively insinuations associated with the ancient Greek philosophy correlated with ethics and logic (Clarke, 2006). Consequently, the write – up presented by Clarke perpetrates a practical display of the concept of euthanasia and the ancient ethical guidelines perpetrated to define the nature of its application considerably. From the suggestions presented by Clarke, euthanasia accrues immediate recognition of its use to patients constituting terminal infections (Clarke, 2006). Accordingly, the write–up has effectively enhanced my knowledge related to the level of merit of euthanasia and its usage on patients established as critically ill.


Carrick, P. (1985). Medical Ethics in Antiquity - Philosophical Perspectives on Abortion and Euthanasia (1st ed.). Dordrecht, Holland: Reidel Publishing Company.

Clarke, D. (2006). Groundwork of The metaphysics of morals (11th ed.). New York, USA: Cambridge University Press.

Keown, J. (2018). Euthanasia, ethics and public policy: an argument against legalisation. Cambridge University Press.

Palsule-Desai, O. D., & Ravichandran, N. Euthanasia: Should it be Lawful or Otherwise?. ii Editorial Viewpoint 1 Building Institutions: Lessons of Experience Samuel Paul 6 Institution Building, 55.

Paterson, C. (2017). Assisted suicide and euthanasia: a natural law ethics approach. Routledge.

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