Growth Through e-Portfolio Artifacts: A Healthcare Professional's Journey - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-30
Growth Through e-Portfolio Artifacts: A Healthcare Professional's Journey - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Employment Healthcare
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1134 words
10 min read

The different artifacts that I have submitted in the e-portfolio courses have allowed for my growth and learning as a healthcare professional. Throughout the nursing programs, the artifacts from my past work and abstracts of reflective writing have shaped my career path and this has been significant in the learning experience. The artifacts have allowed me to gain significant knowledge that has contributed to my nursing practices and working in a healthcare setting to take care of patients. Over the course of my earning, I have managed to evolve to a professional nurse that is more competent as the course has enhanced my critical thinking and knowledge applied in the nursing practices. I have managed to use all the knowledge I have gained and applying it to my nursing practices. I have been ale to learn on the significant of offering compassion care that is patient family-centered that has significantly improved my theoretical and empirical understanding. As highlighted in my e-portfolio, I have always been interested with quality and safety since my days in high school that allowed me to becoming familiar with the body mechanics. Therefore, the different aspects during in my e-portfolio are a representation of my professional strengths.

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Through engaging with evidence based practices has allowed me to focus on the needs of the patients. The most important part of my learning has been understanding ethical principles, which has allowed for my growth in taking care of the patients and attending to the needs of the patients. Thus, this has taught me on the significance of maintain beneficence for the patient and their families. The growth I have experienced in healthcare provision has allowed me to understand the significance of causing no harm towards patients. Through learning autonomy has made me realize on the significance of respecting the individual decision of patients. According to Skar (2009), a profession is bound by duty to the patient and being able to account for their actions as an autonomous individual. Subsequently, I have enhanced my understanding on promoting self-care that will allow to improving the medical condition and well-being of the patient.

Another professional strength was learning about Florence Nightingale, who was highly influential on my nursing practices and understanding of evidence-based practice. Thus, her works were significant for me to understanding the need to ensure proper hygiene. Also, the works of Faye Glenn enhanced my understanding of nursing practices that are research-based. Therefore, my nursing practices are based on the works of these historical figures, which has shaped my career growth. Hence, this has contributed to my provision of care to patients and I am more focused on improving the well-being of the patients am attending to in a healthcare setting.

However, during the progression of the program I encountered challenges, which were a hindrance to my nursing practices. I have come to the realization that nursing is a challenging career as there are issue that will arise in a health care setting that are out of an individual control. For instance, at the healthcare setting, the nursing department was short staffed and one is left with no choice but to take more shifts. Hence, this resulted to me experiencing burnout as the job is stressful and there is very limited time for relaxing and taking care of oneself that left me feeling frustrated and unsatisfied with the tasks provided. Also, to work long shifts due to the healthcare setting being short-staffed was so detrimental. Therefore, this had an impact of affecting the quality of my care delivery and it placed me at risk mostly on my health.

Throughout my coursework, I meet nine programs that assisted me significantly to meeting the outcomes I expected at the end of learning. First I managed to achieve effective communication especially in written, interpersonal and oral modes. From the start to the end of the course allowed me to have improved communication skills. Thus, it allowed me to being more confident in voicing my concerns and opinions to my co-workers and the patients. Also, the course allowed me to enhancing my clinical reasoning. For instance, through the evidence-based practice allowed significantly to enhance my clinical reasoning, which is critical in provision of quality and safe care for my patients. The other outcome was provision of compassion and care that is patient-centered to individuals and their families, which was an important part to nursing practices.

I fulfilled my role as a scientist during the program through using my knowledge I had gained to make informed decisions that are related to provision of healthcare. Thus, I was able to implementing the gained knowledge I learned from the course to enhancing my nursing practices. As a detective, I managed to developing the skill to conduct monitoring and using subtle clues to predicting the outcomes of patients. Thus, this mostly entail a wider deal of making clinical decisions that are critical, which offers the difference to prevent patient outcomes that are adverse. Finally, as a manager of the healing environment, I managed to implementing the practice with every patient I attended to on a daily uses. Thus, nurses can be viewed as the center to the process of providing care to patients. Therefore, as a nurse I aimed at working towards goals that are patient-driven and I realized on the significance of acting as a patient’s advocate. Thus, I strived to ensure the best possible outcome in relation to the patients was achieved.

I have seen significant difference on myself from the beginning of the program in terms of professional growth, which has shaped my nursing practice due to the overall positive transformation that I have experienced. Gradually, I have become a person that is more confident, which has enhanced my competency and this has turned me to be a better nurse. Subsequently, I have improved my communication skills that have allowed me to be sharper and it has allowed me to offer concise reports. Subsequently, I have significantly improved on my skills to use critical thinking, and this has expanded the experience I have gained especially through the clinical rotations I have been performing. Also, I have improved on my time management significantly with every shift, as it has allowed me to deciding on the interventions that I can perform together to ensure I do not waste time. The leadership part of nursing has made me an individual that is more confident in performing tasks and making judgment, and working as a team in a healthcare setting. Therefore, throughout the learning process for my nursing course, I have gained significant knowledge that will allow me to offer patients the care they require and leave them satisfied.


Skar, R. J. (2009). The meaning of autonomy in nursing. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(15-16), 2226-2234.

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