Essay Example Dedicated to Gender Discrimination Against Women

Published: 2022-04-18
Essay Example Dedicated to Gender Discrimination Against Women
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Women Gender Discrimination
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1483 words
13 min read

As supported by Price (21), gender discrimination is mistreating someone because of the person's sex. Although it is an issue commonly experienced by women, men are also equally affected. In most countries today, women are at par with men in educational and other critical achievements, but still, gender imbalance persists. To understand the extent of the sex biases, this research highlights how discrimination is predominant in the workplaces, ownership matters, expressions, leadership, and roles amongst other functional areas in the society.

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Gender discrimination at the workplace is conspicuous. In most countries, there are unequal earnings on jobs of the same descriptions, where men are paid more than women despite performing tasks that require the same level of experience, skills, commitments and even working hours. Ideally, jobs with the same classification should pay equally irrespective of the gender (Blau 24). In the society today people are advocating for equality on earnings to ensure people are respected for the value they add at the working places. The US government, for example, has the "Equal Pay Act of 1963" which is a federal legal requirement demanding that employees were performing identical scales of the job be paid reasonably regardless of their gender. At the same time, during hiring or promotions the gender may play an essential role in that, some long-serving staff members prefer working with one particular sex throughout their career and this, therefore, result into discrimination at that specific workplace.

Across the world, sex inequality is evident in ownership issues. Most societies direct the prerogative of ownership of property and tools of production to men. The law of inheritance rests upon the male gender while females are not considered. Women are denied the possessions rights, and this reduces their voices and also prevent them from participating in economic, social and commercial activities (Price 18). Rural communities in some countries like India, Pakistan, and China believe that the male child is charged with the responsibility of ensuring the financial security of the family. The female gender is viewed as a burden with the responsibilities of bearing the child and taking care of the household .also the possession of land is entirely granted on men since women get married and thereby they cannot manage such property.

Potentially, gender biases on the provision of education affect women significantly. There exist a relationship between education and poverty, that is, increase in knowledge to individuals has a potential reduction in poverty most importantly on women (Psaki 123). Also, there is a statistical proof that the returns of women's education are higher than that of men's. However, in the developing countries, the disparity in educational attainment in respect to gender is apparent where the male gender is offered quality education as compared to the females (Healey et al., 137). Practically this is escalated by the fact that women upon marriage, assumes the husband's welfare. Furthermore, people argue that educating the female gender is like watering a flowerbed on foreign land as they have the individual probability of leaving their homeland and so most communities give focus on the boy child's education. More importantly, both genders should receive equal opportunities in the educational platforms to ensure full eradication of poverty and enlighten our societies as this will ensure sound economic, social and cultural advancements.

Historically, gender biases has been witnessed in leadership positions. Sex discrimination in the appointment of supervisory and managerial positions is a conspicuous phenomenon. Several studies reveal that sex is one of the critical criteria that in influence employees' place in the organization (Dubbelt et al., 236). Women have less authority and jurisdictions and their possibilities of being promoted rest on different factors compared to men of the same education level and status. At the same time, in most organizations the female gender is less presented in the managerial positions, occupy a shallow position in the hierarchy and are barely involved in the decision making processes. Furthermore, from a worldwide perspective, most leadership positions are left for men as women are regarded inferior and unable to hold the capacity of most important positions. Statically, most heads of the states across the world are male. Nevertheless, most elective posts that should be relatively contested have been left to men tainting the purpose of democracy in our societies. To emphasize this, in several countries (the U.S., England and Australia), the male teachers less represented, but they are dominant in most top administrative levels.

Gender inequality is manifested too in respect of violence and victimization. Due to biasness in sharing of property, income and household shares, women are more predisposed to sexual and physical harassment which is an exact opposite of freedom and a severe form of coercion. For a long time, there have been cases of rape and beatings on women in both developed and undeveloped countries attributed to the physical preponderance of men, changing of power and justice and even the absence or low education of women. Also, increase in poverty levels, leads to women trafficking for sexual exploitation that is common in some countries. To curb these violations against women, nations should ensure economic prowess upon women and social emancipation by creating income generating platforms, ensuring rights of ownership and more importantly offering holistic education to them as this will greatly empower and give the girl child a voice( Healey et al.,124).

For a long time, there has been an imbalance of freedom of expression in our societies. Human capabilities are bound to expand if the female gender is assured of political and economic freedom. In most backward countries, the right of a woman airing her opinion is completely not allowed, and they have limited provisions of channeling their views about critical matters affecting the society (Blau 98). In fact, there is an appalling apathy in offering power and authority-that is participation in administrative decision making and political makings-to women. However, during the process of evaluation of governance, some countries like India have advocated for women's rights where they are given equal opportunities as men, and this has helped remove the jeopardy on the goal of empowering women. Considerably, guaranteeing the political and socio-economic freedom of expressions does not entirely liberate women. The most important thing is to the implementation of transparent and respected democratic procedures and accepted norms through thorough reforms on political fields. Together with this, the proper participation of women in the society depends on the level of education. Thus more focus should be put here to bring a significant social change.

More evidently, role inequality prevails amongst most communities. Generally, there is a natural fit between chores and gender where some household roles are directed to one particular sex (MacKinnon 83). Several societies perceive most household activities, washing, cleaning and cooking to belong to women. The domestic tasks are predetermined and are not influenced by age, marital status or even type and level of incoming. By women assuming these roles the, men are left with just a few responsibilities to take as the burden rest on women. Studies conducted by the U.K.'s Office for National Statistics reveal that women perform 60 percent of unpaid work on average more than men (Healey et al., 127). Also, some simple roles like arranging playing dates for children, ironing, supervising children's homework and taking the young ones to clubs are tasked to women (Healey et al., 128). Men on the hand prefer taking rests, playing games, watching television, keeping updated with the news and supervising women as they labor in household responsibilities. Logically, there should be a fair assumption of duties to create fairness in the society and to prevent women from being enslaved.

In conclusion, gender discrimination against women is a renowned phenomenon across the world, and therefore nations should implement active policies that protect the interests of the female gender to ensure the balance of involvement in economic, social and political scales. In reality, there has been good progress in improving access to education, ownership of property, freedom of expression and even leadership opportunities on the female gender bus still a gap exists. More focus should be put on ensuring the political and socio-economical balance between the genders to make everybody feel equal and valued in the society. Besides, provision of equal opportunities in all fields will bring a significant change in the outlook of the community.

Works Cited

Blau, Francine D. "Gender, inequality, and wages." OUP Catalogue (2016).

Dubbelt, Lonneke, Sonja Rispens, and Evangelia Demerouti. "Gender discrimination and job characteristics." Career Development International 21.3 (2016): 230-245.

Healey, Joseph F., Andi Stepnick, and Eileen O'Brien. Race, ethnicity, gender, and class: The sociology of group conflict and change. Sage Publications, 2018.

MacKinnon, Catharine A. "Difference and Dominance: On Sex Discrimination [1984]." Feminist legal theory. Routledge, 2018. 81-94.

Price, Nicole. "The Turf War: Gender Discrimination and the Creation of a Hostile Work Environment through Synthetic Turf." U. Denv. Sports & Ent. LJ 20 (2017): 23.

Psaki, Stephanie. "Addressing child marriage and adolescent pregnancy as barriers to gender parity and equality in education." Prospects 46.1 (2016): 109-129.

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