Free Paper Sample on Self-Report Questionnaires

Published: 2023-11-07
Free Paper Sample on Self-Report Questionnaires
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Analysis Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 749 words
7 min read


For one to research a particular subject matter, such as the above topic, one has to ensure that the source selected is appropriate to the subject matter (Gardner et al., 2020). For example, if one wants to research the self -report sitting time questionnaires, one has had a concrete understanding of the research topic, in that the learner understands what questionnaires mean and how they affect the self- report sitting.

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When one chooses this particular source, how do people interpret and respond to a self-report sitting time questionnaire? The source selected relates evenly to the research topic. After the learner has read about the above source, one will understand how the author, Gardner tries to illustrate how sitting time when conducting research affects the results, the author conducted research that included 25 office workers, and they were given 43 items to answer (Gardner et al., 2020). The results that the author found and concluded were that the items given to the participants got misinterpreted and biased; thus, one aimed at reducing the sitting time would help in reducing bias and misinterpretation.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

When conducting research on ADHD on children, one needs to understand the meaning of this disorder and how it affects children (Sayal et al., 2018). One needs to research how this condition affects children, for example, what the symptoms include; impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness, and how it alters the behavior of children (Sayal et al., 2018). Therefore, when one is choosing the source for this research topic, one needs to research the sources that relate to this research topic. In this case, one will choose the author Prof. Kalip Sayal as the author because the author talks about ADHD and how it persists into adulthood and therefore affecting the behavior and relationships of individuals diagnosed with this disorder.

First Aid

When one is researching first aid students and how it can be used to improve their mental status and reduce anxiety disorders, stigma, and other peers related behavior that may affect students (Hart et al., 2019). One used the author Laura as a reference source, this is because what the author talks about profoundly relates to the subject matter being researched.

Evaluating of Sources

When conducting research, one gathers information from various sources such as journals, articles, magazines, and books (Gardner et al., 2020). When one is evaluating the research, one needs to ensure that the information collected is of quality standards.

Importance of Evaluating of Sources

When one evaluates sources, one will able to find appropriate information to support the subject matter. It will also ensure that quality and reliability in the research are achieved (Hart et al., 2019). It will aid in ensuring that biased or outdated information is eliminated from the research itself.

Relevance and Appropriateness

When selecting a source, one needs to ensure the relevance of it by ensuring that it suits its readers (Hart et al., 2019). For example, by identifying how the message will be resourceful to health workers


One needs to ensure that the information is well researched (Hart et al., 2019). For example, one needs to ensure if there are references if there are sources that include statistical data.

Currency and Timelessness

One needs to identify when the information of the sources was published, such as publication dates of books (Sayal et al., 2018). One also needs to ensure if the current information is needed.


When evaluating the sources, one needs to ensure if the information presented is either source objective or biased (Sayal et al., 2018). One also has to understand the basis of the source, for example, if it is based on religious texts or social agendas.


Gardner, B., Louca, I., Mourouzis, D., Calabrese, A., Fida, A., & Smith, L. (2020). How do people interpret and respond to self-report sitting time questionnaires? a think-aloud study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 50, 101718.

Hart, L. M., Bond, K. S., Morgan, A. J., Rossetto, A., Cottrill, F. A., Kelly, C. M., & Jorm, A. F. (2019). Teen mental health first aid for years 7–9: A description of the program and an initial evaluation. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 13(1).

Sayal, K., Prasad, V., Daley, D., Ford, T., & Coghill, D. (2018). ADHD in children and young people: Prevalence, care pathways, and service provision. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(2), 175-186.

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