Free Paper Sample on Leading Globally Diverse Team

Published: 2023-11-07
Free Paper Sample on Leading Globally Diverse Team
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Culture Business Diversity
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1673 words
14 min read


In most companies or organizations, people come from very different cultures, which makes them see things differently and have a varied approach to issues (Homan et al., 2020). Global, diverse teams can be one of the challenges that managers face in an organization and require the leaders to have a better understanding of each group (Jimenez et al., 2017). Additionally, some of the components of life that are affected by cultural diversity are how they communicate, their level of creativity, and their ability to solve problems in an organization (Homan et al., 2020). Furthermore, when persons from different nations are allowed to exercise their diversity positively, there can be tremendous growth in an organization. An open-minded leader who can accommodate different views would be ideal in taking charge of such a group (Jimenez et al., 2017). However, if these cultures do not merge and end up with a common ground on approaching certain situations, then organizations would end up in constant conflicts, thus derailing the growth (Jimenez et al., 2017). This research paper will consider different global cultural clusters, show their differences, and determine leadership strategies on the best ways of managing the various groups in organizations.

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Analysis of Global Diverse Cultures

Nordic Europe Nordic cultures denote countries such as Norway, Iceland, Sweden. Also, Denmark and Finland form part of this group. Furthermore, Aland Island is part of Nordic Europe as well (Schomaker, 2016). Generally, Nordic cultures do exercise socialist democracies (Tödtling et al., 2018). This cluster gives more weight of cooperation, social unity, and certainty (Tödtling et al., 2018).

Latin Europe These are regions that have experienced and embraced German cultures. Additionally, they include Israel, France, Portugal, Switzerland, and Spain (Schomaker, 2016). These are regions influenced by roman cultures and have not embraced protestants (Schomaker, 2016). Latin Europe is known for its collectivism (Tödtling et al., 2018).

Anglo United States, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, and Australia (Schomaker, 2016). Britain colonized them, and over the years, they have grown a huge economic base than other clusters (Schomaker, 2016). This cluster is geared on performance, and one is rewarded because of their output (Schomaker, 2016).

Eastern Europe Russia, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Greece, Georgia, and Kazakhstan (Schomaker, 2016). These are nations that are controlled by soviets communists (Schomaker, 2016). Desist from taking any steps and avoids altercations at all times (Schomaker, 2016).

Latin America Columbia, Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Guatemala, Chile, Peru, and Brazil (Schomaker, 2016). United by distinct Latin philosophy (Schomaker, 2016). The cluster pays little attention to institutional results. Also, it emphasizes collectivism (Schomaker, 2016).

Middle East Egypt, Qatar, Morocco, Kuwait, and Turkey (Tödtling et al., 2018). Mostly known for Arabic Muslim culture (Tödtling et al., 2018). Gender egalitarianism (Tödtling, et al., 2018).

German Europe Austria, East Germany, West Germany, Netherlands, and Switzerland (Schomaker, 2016). Predominantly German-speaking countries (Schomaker, 2016). United by one language. Also show confidence and future alignment (Schomaker, 2016).

Confusion Asia Thailand, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan (Tödtling et al., 2018). They are entrepreneurial-oriented and emphasize collective achievements (Tödtling et al., 2018). Shows the Confucian ideology (Tödtling et al., 2018).

Sub-Saharan Africa Countries in this cluster include Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia (Schomaker, 2016). Predominantly Christian (Tödtling et al., 2018). Slavery took place in these areas in the early years (Tödtling et al., 2018).

Southern Asia Nepal, Iran, Indonesia, Fiji, Philippines, India, and Malaysia (Schomaker, 2016). Practice diverse cultures. Also, they have been influenced by external cultures (Schomaker, 2016). Peaceful (Schomaker, 2016).

Leadership Strategy for Two Cultural Clusters

Two cultural clusters would need a leadership strategy to ensure the merger of notable differences for the smooth operation (Mockaitis et al., 2018). Additionally, the approach should also allow the members to exercise their differences positively to spur growth. Doing this would ensure rapid growth. For instance, considering Germanic Europe and the Sub Saharan Africa clusters, one of the best strategies would be first creating mutual values to reduce unnecessary conflicts (Jimenez et al., 2017).

Create Mutual Values

Both the German Europe cluster and the Sub-Saharan Africa clusters may have different approaches to issues (Mockaitis et al., 2018). Therefore, the leader of these two clusters in a team should develop a common ground to ensure the smooth running of the affairs of an organization. The approach would be effective by first organizing training to instill the different teams' ideas and learn from each side. However, the leader must ensure that all the differences have been incorporated for oneness in the group. Sometimes when the members realize that there is biasness in the tactic, they would not perform optimally, which could lead to constant disputes in the group.

Also, establishing a common ground gives both the different clusters in a group a new identity. Their focus shifts from holding on to their cultural differences to serving the organization (Mockaitis et al., 2018). Furthermore, better coexistence between these groups would also lead to the exchange of ideas, thus promoting continuous learning. Moreover, if the leader succeeds in establishing this approach, management would be relatively easy compared to when there are serious wrangles and person prejudice (Windrum, 2018). Nonetheless, the core values should not be cast on stone. The leadership should review the performance periodically and adjust accordingly. Additionally, there should be an open discussion to enable the whole team to air their views to inform the changes that are being effected (Mockaitis et al., 2018). The strategy ensures a better working environment, thus giving good results.

On the contrary, though, the leader should not be too lenient in allowing the different clusters to exercise their differences. Sometimes this can make an organization lose its focus and become irrelevant or uncompetitive globally (Windrum, 2018). Thus, before considering the cultural differences between the two clusters in an organization, the institute's core values and goals should come first to ensure that the correct team is put in place (Windrum, 2018). The goals and the core values would keep the team on a check and make adjustments accordingly wherever there is a deviation (Mockaitis et al., 2018). Conversely, without setting such, the management would find it difficult to effectively provide direction on a diverse team.

Evaluation of Leadership Strategies

Some leadership strategies are essential in ensuring cohesiveness and ensuring that the employees are motivated, thus resulting in high performance of a global team (Alekseev-Apraksin et al., 2019). Additionally, these approaches would be effective after realizing the entire team's needs in an organization (Windrum, 2018). Therefore, strategies like effectively communicating the vision of the organization, rewarding performers in the group, realizing and addressing biasness in the leader of the team, and embracing training to equip members with the required skills.

Adequately Communicate the Vision

In most cases, conflicts normally arise when the organization's purpose is not effectively communicated to the members (Bach et al., 2018). Moreover, in different cultural clusters, this becomes more pronounced since the approach is extremely diverse of certain issues. Because of the challenges posed by unclear vision, many teams have continued to face serious problems in their operations (Windrum, 2018). Therefore, to ensure cohesiveness in the group, the idea would act as guidance and something that the team can refer to in the daily operations. Additionally, when employees realize that they are delivering well on their assignments, they become motivated, resulting in high performance (Alekseev-Apraksin et al., 2019).

Furthermore, with a more dedicated team, the work of the lead becomes relaxed since the team members understand their roles, and the goals of the organization (Bach et al., 2018). Consequently, clear goals enable the leader to plan and provide the resources required to accomplish a particular task (Alekseev-Apraksin et al., 2019). Thus it is important to have a vision as a unifying factor in a global team to realize the oneness and high performance among the cultural clusters (Windrum, 2018).

Reward Excellence

A global team should embrace healthy competition among its members to spur organizations to greater heights (Alekseev-Apraksin et al., 2019). People perform differently, and because of the distinct cultural differences in the clusters, this could be more pronounced (Bach et al., 2018). Additionally, the difference in performance could be due to the environment where these people were brought up and the values instilled in them at their early stages of life (Alekseev-Apraksin et al., 2019). Also, this could arise because of the different training that these people have undergone. However, all these differences should act as the organizations' strengths and not become a weak point (Windrum, 2018). Therefore, when the leadership rewards excellence, team members will feel motivated to work even harder, resulting in better results in an organization (Alekseev-Apraksin et al., 2019).

Addressing Biasness

A leader could come from any of the cultural clusters, which could result in biasness in their approach to issues (Bach et al., 2018). Additionally, the biasness could be as a result of the kind of training that they have. Also, a leader can treat team members differently because of their background unintentionally (Alekseev-Apraksin et al., 2019). Therefore, the team leader needs to realize this weak point and address it before it results in the low performance of the members (Windrum, 2018). When people are not treated equally, they feel discriminated against and not give their all at the workplace. The feeling could result in wrangles within an organization, thus derailing the operations of this global team (Alekseev-Apraksin et al., 2019).

Biasness could also result in tension because of how people perceive things (Bach et al., 2018). The leader could be biased towards a particular topic and expect everyone else to see it the same way to give it a specific approach (Bach et al., 2018). Biasness could result in irreconcilable differences; thus, the leader should be open-minded and allow other people to express their views concerning certain topics of the team (Windrum, 2018). Furthermore, addressing the biasness results in cohesion; the members become motivated and willing to exercise their abilities freely without fear of being turned down, resulting in escalated performance (Alekseev-Apraksin et al., 2019).


People from different cultural clusters sometimes have diverse approaches to issues that arise in an organization (Alekseev-Apraksin et al., 2019). The methods must be merged to ensure cohesion, the employees feel motivated, and ensure that there is improved productivity (Bach et al., 2018).

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