Essay Sample on Hook: As a Daily Driver of America, Transportation Is Something We Fathom.

Published: 2023-10-15
Essay Sample on Hook: As a Daily Driver of America, Transportation Is Something We Fathom.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Security Automotive industry
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 671 words
6 min read

Thesis Statement: Careless driving is common among American drivers, and it has a massive impact on the transportation sector, it can be classified into; under the influence of drivers, sleepy drivers, and distracted drivers.

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Careless driving is common among American drivers, and it has a considerable impact on the transportation sector, it can be classified into; under the influence drivers, sleepy drivers, and distracted drivers. As daily drivers of America transportation is something, we fathom. The classification is essential to American drivers as pedestrian safety is critical in saving lives, to avoiding unnecessary deaths.

Type 1: Under the Influence Driver

Under the influence driver is one that operates a motor vehicle under the intoxication of alcohol. It is commonly referred to as DUI, Driving Under the Influence, and the minimum significant percentage is 0.08. Nevertheless, alcohol percentage lesser than the above is also dangerous as it can affect drivers differently. It is because a driver may not display any behavior or signs that they are under the influence of alcohol, and it can be misleading and dangerous still (Larkin et al., 2018). Driving under the influence is illegal and punishable by law. Alcohol impairs the cognitive skills of and individual and may affect one’s respiratory system.

Type 2: Sleepy Drivers

Sleepy driving is a massive problem in America, and it is dangerous as it often results in tragic occurrences. It is mostly as a result of fatigue and lack of sleep that makes a driver combine sleep with driving. It can also be as a result of overworking, driving under the influence of alcohol, medication, and sleep disorders (Watling et al., 2020). Sleepiness may sometimes be unpredictable; therefore, a driver needs to employ the necessary measures to stay fresh always while driving. Sleepiness does not necessarily mean that one will fall asleep, and it still affects one’s ability to drive. Sleepiness, therefore, makes one lose focus when driving, react slowly to events, and make poor driving decisions.

Type 3: Distracted Drivers

Distracted driving occurs when a driver tries to multitask while on the wheel, and it is a demanding task cognitively. It places more pressure on a driver to fulfil all the tasks, and it reduces their driving ability. A driver loses focus and is most likely to make poor decisions while driving, and it puts them and other road users in danger (Pope et al., 2017). A distracted driver cannot anticipate an impending danger, and as a result, an accident can occur. Distractions include using a mobile phone, eating, and peeping through the window. Distractions cause a driver to lose balance on their speed, ignore traffic signs, and lose their vehicle lane position.


Careless driving is common among American drivers, and it has a massive impact on the transportation sector, and it can be classified into; under the influence driver, sleepy drivers, and distracted drivers. Sleepy drivers can be as a result of driving under the influence, and with distracted driving, the results can be fatal. Alcohol affects an individual’s cognitive skills, sleepiness causes an individual to react slowly to events on the road, and distractions make a driver ignore traffic signs, and they may lose control of the vehicle. All the above classification of careless driving brings a significant danger on the roads, and they are mostly preventable.


Larkin, P. J., DuPont, R., & Madras, B. (2018). The need to treat driving under the influence of drugs as seriously as driving under the influence of alcohol. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Pope, C. N., Bell, T. R., & Stavrinos, D. (2017). Mechanisms behind distracted driving behavior: The role of age and executive function in the engagement of distracted driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 98, 123-129.

Watling, C. N., Shaw, L. M., & Watling, H. (2020). Sleep-impaired emotional regulation, impaired cognition, and poor sleep health are associated with risky sleepy driving in young adults. Traffic Injury Prevention, 21(2), 133-138.

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Essay Sample on Hook: As a Daily Driver of America, Transportation Is Something We Fathom.. (2023, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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