Free Paper Sample on Administrative Tasks for Linux

Published: 2023-10-31
Free Paper Sample on Administrative Tasks for Linux
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Computer science Software
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 924 words
8 min read


Linux network has increased workload and requires an additional administrator. The administrator is required to perform five critical administrative tasks to help the organization perform better and remain competitive. The new administrator needed to be interviewed and hired as per the organization's job design and description, and it is my role to ensure that the most qualified person is hired. The new administrator needs to be able to do the job just like the other existing administrators, and thus the process of hiring needs due diligence and care. Linux operating system is a popular computer system that attracts a broad base of clients (Zhang et al., 2009). The new manager must meet the clients' expectations and ensure that the system remains dominant in the market. The five critical administrative tasks that the Linux administrator ought to perform for the effectiveness of the Linux Operating System are listed below.

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Knowledge of the Linux System

The new administrator must understand the Linux operating system. They must be able to maneuver the operating system to know how it functions. The manager must understand every aspect of the system and be ready and comfortable to answer any query related to the Linux Operating system (Edlund & Lövquist, 2012). Organizations come in different varieties, and thus the Linux operating system needs for each organization is different. The new manager must be able to tailor the system to suit the needs of every organization. The ability to operate a high-end computer and use all the tools available is a skill needed as it helps in the task of managing the Linux Network (Hossain, 2017).

Linux System Troubleshooting

The manager must be able to perform troubleshooting at the top level and inform the quality tam of any quality issues with the system. In troubleshooting, the manager must identify the problem, plan the response to the problem affecting the Linux System, do testing, and the solution, and finally solve the problem (Hossain, 2017). Troubleshooting is done using a computer with login credentials to identify the trouble with the system. Internet is necessary for troubleshooting, and the manager must ensure the internet supply is unlimited to help in subnet and IP calculation. Phones and email communication with the quality team help address any quality issues with the system (Edlund & Lövquist, 2012).

Convey Client Issues

The manager must be able to convey open client issues and maintain a productive environment for the client. In this task's performance, the manager will have to be accessible through phones, emails, and messaging. Open communication channels help in addressing client issues promptly. If the problems require a physical visit, then the manager can organize and see the problem is solved, and the client is happy (Edlund & Lövquist, 2012). The manager can call the client regularly to see if they have any issues with the system and if the existing problems have been resolved correctly. Email communication helps in describing the clients' challenge, and it helps in the documentation of the issues. The new manager must perform the task (Hossain, 2017).

Oversee Linux Servers and UNIX Scripting

The new manager must perform UNIX scripting and oversee the Linux servers. The role is performed using a high performing computer, and the manager needs to understand the process of doing it physically and remotely. The Linux servers play a critical part in the performance of the Linux system and thus must be well maintained, and the manager must ensure its security and optimal performance (Hossain, 2017). The system data is held by the Linux servers, which the manager can access. The new manager just ensures that the UNIX scripting and server management is done to the highest level of standards (Edlund & Lövquist, 2012).

Generation of Stored System Procedures

The generation of stored procedures for the Linux operating system for use by third parties is a critical role that the new manager has to play. The clients or the Linux employees want to use the system procedures, and the manager needs to ensure that the procedures are printed in the correct form. The Linux system procedures are published via SQL, which is computer-based (Vaughan-Nichols, 2012). Computers are sued to print out the procedures for ease of teaching and explanation. The manager can use his computer to perform the roles (Edlund & Lövquist, 2012).


Linux administrators are specialists in IT who work in the backend to install and configure Linux operating systems. The servers need to be well managed to ensure that the supported business performs as expected. The world transactions and business engagements are fats becoming computer-based on modern technology, anmanagermanager the manger must be ready to promote quality and productiveproductive work. Linux operating sybroadbroad has a wide m,,arket share and communication is a critical element to remain competitive. It helps in marketing and solving of issues. The five tasks that the new manager is expected to perform after hiring will ensure that the Linux operating system provides quality services. The administrator helps to ensure that the system is stable from the backend and is user friendly. The roles must be performed with commitment and dedication.


Edlund, S., & Lövquist, A. (2012). The role of system administrators in information systems success.

Hossain, M. (2017). Linux system and network administration (Doctoral dissertation, Daffodil International university).

Vaughan-Nichols, S. (2012). Android and linux re-merge into one operating system. Retrieved from

Zhang, Y. J., Huai, W. H., & Tian, Z. (2009). Design of industrial temperature monitoring equipment based on embedded linux operating system. Computer Engineering and Design, 30(17), 3940-3942.

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