Free Paper Example on McDonald's Customer Service Policy

Published: 2023-12-27
Free Paper Example on McDonald's Customer Service Policy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Policy Company Customer service
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 409 words
4 min read

As a business grows and expands its customer base, it becomes necessary to develop a clear customer service policy as a way of ensuring that it remains consistent in its service and directly responds to customer needs. A customer service policy postulates values, strategies, procedures, and guidelines that direct a company toward providing the best products and customer service (Priyono, 2017). McDonald's, one of the world’s largest restaurant chains with its headquarters in Chicago, is one of the companies with a well-stipulated customer service policy (Aymar & Joseph, 2019). Clearly defined customer service policies provide a good foundation for providing excellent and ultimate customer service experience.

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McDonald’s customer service policy is “Clean restaurants. Great tasting and safe food. Child-friendly Happy Meal toys” (McDonald's, 2019, p. 13). In the policy, the company realizes that a successful market position is a product of quality and excellent customer support. There are various ways through which the company has managed to walk its talk. First, customer service is core to its vision which declares quality, service, convenience, and value (QSCV) (Aymar & Joseph, 2019). Policies and mechanisms in place are paramount to ensuring exceptional cleanliness and food preparation and service. It has uniform methods of food preparation and service, which guarantees consistency. McDonald’s, through Hamburger University, trains its new or unskilled employees to master the company’s methods and standards as a way of controlling quality and ensuring ultimate service (Priyono, 2017). As part of its operations, the company focuses on providing value-driven services, exceeding customer goals, and ensuring efficiency.


In conclusion, the customer service policy is a good starting point for developing excellent customer experience. McDonald's is using its customer service policy to effectively drive its quality, service, cleanliness, and value as vital components in meeting and exceeding customer needs in the restaurant sector. Through consistent customer feedback, the company can find ways to improve its strategies and approaches to walking the talk.


Aymar, R., & Joseph, E. M. (2019). Customers satisfaction and brand loyalty at McDonald's Maroc. African Journal of Marketing Management, 11(3), 21-34.

McDonald's. (2019). Standards of business conduct. The promise of the golden arches.

Priyono, P. I. (2017). Effect of quality products, services and brand on customer satisfaction at McDonald's. Journal of Global Economics, 05(02).

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