Essay Sample on New Zealand's Natural Product Industry

Published: 2023-10-31
Essay Sample on New Zealand's Natural Product Industry
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ecology International business
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 463 words
4 min read

Natural products are chemical compounds or substances made by living things that exist naturally. A natural product or compound is the distinct chemical that characterizes certain plant or microbial species. A natural product is not necessarily important to exist, but the producer obtains some gains from their production. The composition of natural products varies, thus the occurrence of say apples with different tastes. For a long time, New Zealand has been known for its success in agriculture and horticulture. This is much evident in the organic and natural food production industries, which lead to its export sector. The agricultural export industry in New Zealand works hard to safeguard its hard-earned position in agriculture by ensuring products exported are of appropriate standards. There are two IFOAM-accredited organic certifiers in New Zealand who collaborate with the Ministry of Primary Industries to approve compliance with stringent environmental standards. The certified products are supplied to New Zealand’s international markets like Australia, Taiwan, Japan, USA, Europe, China, South Korea, and Southeast Asia.

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The natural product industry in New Zealand is expanding rapidly. The natural products consist of about 2.5% of the domestic food and beverage bazaar, with the exports having a total value of $650 million (Organic Exporters Association of New Zealand, 2020). The fruit and vegetable sector takes the lead with about $140 million, followed by dairy, meat, and wool with about $100 million. Processed foods and organic wine contribute $28 million and $47 million respectively (Organic Exporters Association of New Zealand, 2020). The volume of exports of natural products in New Zealand is expected to grow tremendously in the next ten years. New Zealand’s government has put in more effort to preserve its environment's natural status. The country is nuclear-free and its certifiers do not tolerate any kind of genetic engineering. The country leads in the production of renewable energy, and above 60% of its electricity is hydropower, with a substantial rise in wind power (Organic Exporters Association of New Zealand, 2020). Given that the country depends much on its agricultural exports, its government has prioritized the improvement of agricultural sustainability. In this regard, the country is among the initial state to approve the Kyoto protocol and attend to the dangers of climate change. The country's geographical sequestration has enabled it to evade some pests and diseases that infest other countries, making the country's agricultural products to obtain global recognition for quality, safety, and natural wellness. The market share is regulated by the Organic Exporters Association of New Zealand, which strives to increase the market share of New Zealand’s organic products in conjunction with New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as well as other global affiliated companies.


Organic Exporters Association of New Zealand. (2020). Organics in New Zealand.

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