Free Paper Example on Cholesterol

Published: 2023-12-12
Free Paper Example on Cholesterol
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Biology Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 617 words
6 min read


It refers to a waxy matter contained in the blood. Cholesterol becomes a necessary element in the body to construct healthy cells. Nonetheless, high degrees of cholesterol may heighten once’s risk of heart illnesses. Atherosclerosis, a chronic basis of nearly all cardiovascular disease, closely links with cholesterol accretion within arterial intima (Xiao-Hua et al., 2019). Cholesterol becomes insoluble in water; therefore, transferring through the blood is impossible. Particles constructed from fat termed as lipoproteins alongside protein convey cholesterol through the bloodstream. Consuming several meals high in cholesterol maximizes one's risk of advancing high cholesterol (Luo, 2020). It becomes fundamental for individuals to undergo regular check-ups for scrutiny regarding cholesterol degrees. Cholesterol is a necessary element in the human body for proper operations of the body. The body requires cholesterol to construct hormones, substances, and vitamin D that help break down food.

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Biological Molecules

Cholesterol gets included in the sterol group. Cholesterol has lipids classification of molecules. Lipids are also known as fats that store energy along with structural factors of cell membranes. It belongs to the category of organic compounds referred to as derivates alongside cholesterols. Lipids are molecules that possess hydrocarbons and constitute building blocks of the design and operation of living cells. Lipids become do not dissolve in water because of their non-polar state. Lipids become soluble in non-polar dissolvers, for instance, chloroform. Cholesterol, together with derivatives, are compounds having a three-hydroxylated cholestane interior.


There are two primary cholesterol forms: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL is reviewed as lousy cholesterol while HDL gets regarded as good cholesterol. HDL is termed good cholesterol since it transfers cholesterol to the liver for expulsion from one's body. HDL assists in eliminating surplus cholesterol, which evades entrance from the arteries (McDermott, 2018). On the other, LDL refers to bad since it transmits cholesterol in the arteries, which causes atherosclerosis. The disorder maximizes the risks of a clump of blood in a semi-solid condition referred to as blood clots. Once a blood clot obstructs an artery in the brain or heart, it instigates heart attacks. Medically, HDL degrees should lie above 1mmol/L, and as a portion of one's sum cholesterol level, the correlation of HCL should appear beneath four. LDL, on the other hand, should lie at 3mmol/L or below for healthy grownups. For adults at risk of acquiring a heart illness, their LDL cholesterol degrees lie at 2mmol/L.


HDL sucks up cholesterol carrying back to the liver—the liver after it excretes it from an individual's body. High HDL degrees become a benefit since cholesterol may decrease a person's risk for heart disorders and strokes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). HDL cholesterol assists eradicating LDL and ensure it does not gather on the walls of arteries. High LDL levels pose a challenge to the body and cause chest pain, stroke, coronary artery disorder, and peripheral artery illness. Though the risks hardly manifest, low LDL cholesterol levels get linked with heightened possibilities of anxiety, cancer, depression, and cancer. For pregnant women with low degrees of LDL, they face risks of preterm birth. Surveys indicate that lower HDL cholesterol links to higher risks of demise from cardiovascular convictions.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (, 2020). Cholesterol. Retrieved September 26, 2020, from

Heather, G. (2020). Everything you need to know about high cholesterol. Healthline. Retrieved from

McDermott, A. (2018). What’s the difference between HDL and LDL cholesterol? Healthline. Retrieved from

Xiao-Hua, Yu., Da-Wei, Z., Zheng, X., & Chao-Ke, Tang. (, 2019). Cholesterol transport system: An integrated cholesterol transport model involved in atherosclerosis. Progress in Lipid Research, 73, 65-91.

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