Free Essay Sample: Why I Want to Become a Doctor

Published: 2023-12-25
Free Essay Sample: Why I Want to Become a Doctor
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Job Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 649 words
6 min read

Since I was a small child I forever yearned to be a doctor when I was an adult. In my case, an encounter with a friend who was very determined to become a doctor, created in me an intrinsic motivation. He always asked me to accompany him to the hospital whenever he went to visit the sick. These visits to the hospital and seeing people die, combined with my love for science, helped me decide that I wanted to be a doctor. More also watching physicians diagnose and give appropriate treatment to patients drew interest on my side and heightened my desire to become a doctor.

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Apart from being neighbors, our friendship was also strengthened by the fact that we had similar aspirations in life. We had some similarities as we had fled from Syria to save ourselves from the oppression that existed in the country. The trauma and other bad experiences played a major role in changing our ways of life and focusing on a brighter future.

My encounters with other people have instilled motivation to become a doctor. My vision was also motivated by a kid named Kevin. Kevin was in a state of deep sorrow as his mother was suffering from mild abdominal symptoms and had been admitted to the hospital. Seeing the little boy howl in pain was traumatizing. The thought of being in a profession now was directed towards being of help to other people irrespective of the circumstance. I was more determined to facilitate people's healthier and happier lives.

Several interactions with other people have also contributed to my burning desire to become a doctor as they acted as reminders of the suffering people. Part of being a human is helping others, and for this reason, I have, over time, helped patients at various levels as per my abilities. In this regard, my motivation for becoming a doctor has been facilitated by many aspects.

Administration of medicine to the patients encouraged me to be a doctor much more than my other motivations. Patients seek refuge in medical practitioners with much faith as they trust their expertise. Driven by my passion, today I have worked at a cancer laboratory conducting diagnosis on the chromosomal anomalies for the patients. I try to put myself in their shoes, which enables me to address their concerns with a lot of caution. This has helped patients have a longer lifespan in their lives. I am anxious to continue with this kind of research as I chase my career.

There are several mechanisms in the control of the condition, which include the tumor suppressor gene. The translocation of 15 and 17 can result in much damage as a result of anomaly. There is a great need to pay attention to ensure that their lives are not subjected to many risks. Some complex cases require much attention to avoid putting the life of the patient at further risk.

In my profession, I have had an opportunity to conduct some research in areas where I have worked as a scribe. This has deepened my understanding of Cytogenetics, which is my job. My dedication to helping find solutions to the patient’s concerns has helped me to conduct much of the research. Technology has been important in the profession to undress the diagnosis of cancer patients.


In conclusion, I do appreciate having done a Cytogenetic course to help address the needs of the society that I experienced. Being able to impact the lives of people positively as well as saving lives gives me a lot of satisfaction. I strongly appreciate having fulfilled my lifetime vision of becoming a Cytogenetic doctor. I appreciate my parents, teachers, and even Kevin and other suffering people. They created a desire in me, which acted as a driving force to attain my dream. They were also a source of support and motivation in one way or another.

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