Free Essay Sample on Nursing Practice and Healthcare

Published: 2023-11-24
Free Essay Sample on Nursing Practice and Healthcare
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Analysis Healthcare Nursing management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1273 words
11 min read


Austin et al. contributed vehemently to the clinical systems' implementations in capturing the patient's voice to improve the purported outcomes across the healthcare system. Giving reliable support to the use of capture and implementation of the patient-reported outcomes (PRO) within the health care unit helps enrich the information concerning the effective clinical and quality results. Based on this analysis, the ability to scale up PROS in all healthcare systems has been limitedly considered due to less knowledge in managing its use in leveraging health information technology. Effective learning and insights are based on the field's efforts to accommodate and incorporate the patient's voice into diverse healthcare units. The research was conducted through the participatory action model to engage the administrative stakeholders and the UW Medicine clinical with a reliable experience on implementing the PRO inventory within the healthcare sector.

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Patient-Reported Outcomes

The patient-reported outcomes provide a standardized evaluative approach for collecting the required information directly from the patient concerning their health status and the general conditions of their health. The integration of PRO in healthcare facilitates patient-provider communication, detecting health status, managing the condition, and improving patient satisfaction. For instance, PRO helps report the possible side effects of the administered treatment on chemotherapy patients, improving the rate of recognizing if a child is depressed because of diabetes. The other example is that PRO can identify and track the possible changes in functions and pains when a patient undergoes surgical interventions. Incorporating technology with the diverse implication of PROs within the clinical facilities can help ensure efficiency in care services with subsequent quality improvement, payment policy, and population health.


According to the analysis by Blijleven et al., nurses and healthcare providers are practically employing the use of workarounds emerging from electronic health record systems. Workarounds are a method and framework that is reliable in overcoming the limitations and challenges realized within a program or system. The implications of workaround are seemingly favorable at the initial usage stage. Still, they are also sub-optimal in general, which would endanger the patients' safety, healthcare effectiveness, and efficiency of care. The rationales of HER in association with various SEIPS components of the work system require a diverse approach to a reliable solution. Most preferably, workarounds related to an individual would be solved the incorporation of effective training. Workarounds related to the specific organization require a review of the policies and regulations to improve patient safety and affectivity effectively.

Additionally, tasks-related workarounds can be solved by redesigning the process as tools and technology related workarounds by the effectiveness of HER redesign efforts within the healthcare sector. Generally, EHR workarounds that involve the incorporation of papers and computer-based efforts in providing effective health services with the clinical facilities are providing substantial help in the healthcare sector. The EHR workarounds provide multiple benefits to the clinical sectors concerning the concerns of the data confidentiality, resistance to change, system instability, complexity of the task, knowledge gap, and the perpetual identification of the lack of efficiency within the healthcare centers. The HER workarounds are vital as it keeps track of record of the clinical organization's performance and its overall workers in ensuring there is effective service delivery for the desired patients satisfaction, effectively and health improvement.

Lean Management System

The lean management system positively influences the nurses' purposes under management positions with the need adequate resources and training to adapt to the healthcare system effectively. Udod and his fellow authors conducted qualitative exploratory research to evaluate how the lean management system can provide a reliable support mechanism in Canada's nursing management positions. Nurse Managers play vital roles in structuring and building a sustainable work station that is reliable for productivity improvement, quality, cost, and timely provision of the required healthcare services. Based on this perspective, a clinical system and diverse healthcare trends exist in Canada by intensifying the inefficiencies, costs, minimal consumer tenderness, and the issues related to the safety and quality of the health services. The lean management system provides a reliable framework that guides nursing managers while performing their duties to meet the required organizational goals.

The lean management system is a product of the Toyota Production System that was agreed to be effective in developing sustainable merits towards the increased cost, efficiency, and qualities that affect the healthcare sector's leadership. The lean system comprises different sets of philosophical diversities, evaluation, and assessment processes that maximize the product value by reducing the effort and waste while increasing the flow of production. As a philosophical approach, lean defines the organizational principles that target to transform the workplace culture aspect with the focus on the subsequent improvement of the institution through the elimination of waste and patient flow improvement. In terms of assessment, it provides a reliable tool of analysis that recognizes improvements and waste activities.

Systematic Review

The systematic review aimed to synthesize the previous studies while evaluating the potential effect electronic prescribing (eP) systems within the sector of health care with the inpatients' specifications and its implications b the nursing professionals. Soomal Mohsin-Shaikh and other authors relied on the healthcare databases' peer review articles in evaluating their research findings. Electronic prescribing and medication administration systems are becoming significant appliances within the healthcare sector to reduce any risks related to the medication process, thus improving the safety of the patients. Some countries use the CPOE (computerized provider order entry) within their clinical settings other than oPs in administering their medical prescriptions.

Based on this study, the incorporation of eP in clinical settings positively impacts healthcare organizations' general workflow. The nurses that underwent the effective training over the implications of the eP were more productive and satisfied with their works compared to the ones with limited educations on the use of this machine. Concurrently, the nursing professionals' ratings upon their completion of the training on eP system were either good or excellent compared to others with limited information concerning the program. In general terms, eP systems are significant in developing a poignant working relationship among the health care providers and improving the patients' efficiency and safety in clinical settings.


In conclusion, clinical systems are creating a significant impact on the outcomes and efficiencies within nursing practice and healthcare. PRO can be applied in identifying and tracking the possible changes in functions and pains when a patient undergoes surgical interventions. Incorporating technology with the diverse implication of PROs within the clinical facilities can help ensure efficiency in care services with subsequent quality improvement, payment policy, and population health. Lean management system defines the organizational principles that target to transform the workplace culture aspect with the focus on the subsequent improvement of the institution through the elimination of waste and patient flow improvement. Subsequently, eP systems are also significant in reducing medical administrations' potential risks within the clinical settings.


Austin, E., LeRouge, C., Hartzler, A. L., Segal, C., & Lavallee, D. C. (2020). Capturing the patient voice: implementing patient-reported outcomes across the health system. Quality of Life Research, 29(2), 347-355.

Blijleven, V., Koelemeijer, K., Wetzels, M., & Jaspers, M. (2017). Workarounds emerging from electronic health record system usage: Consequences for patient safety, the effectiveness of care, and efficiency of care. JMIR human factors, 4(4), e27.

Mohsin-Shaikh, S., Furniss, D., Blandford, A., McLeod, M., Ma, T., Beykloo, M. Y., & Franklin, B. D. (2019). Electronic prescribing systems' impact on healthcare professionals' working practices in the hospital setting: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. BMC health services research, 19(1), 742.

Udod, S. A., Duchscher, J. B., Goodridge, D., Rotter, T., McGrath, P., & Hewitt, A. D. (2020). Nurse managers implementing the lean management system: A qualitative study in Western Canada. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(2), 221-228.

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