Free Essay Sample on Mozart's Suspicious Death

Published: 2023-11-10
Free Essay Sample on Mozart's Suspicious Death
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Music Forensic science Historical & political figures
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 988 words
9 min read


Back in the eighteenth century, scandalous rumors about famous musicians were still as common as they are in the modern-day. However, sources circulated the news at a slower pace because of the level of technology that was being used for production. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a renowned composer born in the year 1756 and died in December of the year 1791 (Ranson). The situations surrounding Wolfgang’s death are not clearly identified. As a result, the story has attracted a lot of speculation and research from various parties. The paper discusses the circumstances surrounding Mozart’s suspicious death and a brief reflection of the story.

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Suspicious Ilness

It is reported that the composer visited his wife in Vienna from Prague, where he had taken a trip to complete a score entitled The Magic Flute. His wife Constanze was doing household chores upon his arrival; thus, Mozart settled in and focused on composing a Requiem (Mozart et al.). At this time, Amadeus was in a healthy condition physically. However, he fell sick on November 22 that was two days after his last performance. Mozart’s illness was characterized by symptoms such as fever, rash, and swelling of the entire body (Ranson). His sister Sophie even stated recalling how the composer was unable to turn in bed due to his swollen body (Mozart et al.). After his body succumbed to the infection, Wolfgang fell unconscious and died on the morning of December five.

Several theories were developed regarding the cause of the popular musician’s death, but none of them gave clarity to the people. The first suspected root of death was poisoning, but there was no proof to support the argument. One week after Wolfgang’s death, an obituary was written in a newspaper stating that it was believed he was poisoned due to the manner in which the body was swollen (Ranson). The poison theory was adapted from an autobiography printed in 1798. In the biography, the author recounts Mozart telling his wife that he had been poisoned. Several people were accused of the crime, but none of them was ever arrested due to lack of evidence.


Over the years, many causes of the genius composer have been stated. One of them is syphilis; this is because Mozart was a popular figure appreciated by many female fanatics. The accusation was disregarded due to a lack of facts (Gil Extremera). Other sources reported that the root of his death was vasculitis; the stated reason was that the infection causes renal failure, which explains the swelling of Mozart’s body in his last days. Other popular rumors associated with Mozart’s death are trichinosis caused by the consumption of undercooked pork and infection acquired during a medical procedure (Gil Extremera).

Recently, researchers in the field of medicine conducted an epidemiological analysis study that brought up new speculation surrounding Mozart’s death. The research suggests that the renowned musician was a victim of a streptococcal infection that had caused an epidemic during the time of his death (Zegers). The experts stated that many people died in Vienna at the same time. However, the physicians were not allowed to give the cause of death that made it impossible to identify disease patterns. The researchers used the surviving records to build a pattern of deaths around that period and then compared them with results from other years (Zegers).


The results showed an increased mortality rate in the year 1791-1792 caused by a streptococcal infection called Edema. The disease is associated with chronic infections such as kidney and heart failure. In the reports, Wolfgang was diagnosed with a rash, back pain, and malaise, which are all known symptoms of a streptococcal infection. The disease is commonly followed by a secondary infection called glomerulonephritis that is associated with kidney failure. The illness was termed responsible for the swelling of Mozart’s body. The research was the best-conducted diagnosis of Wolfgang’s death until today (Zegers).

It is essential that other specialists consider conducting research using proper techniques to determine the ultimate cause of Amadeus’s death. The popular composer made a significant contribution to the field of music that has evolved to become a lifestyle and common career choice in the modern-day. One should not anticipate dying in search of a manner; however, it is important that justice is served to every individual, whether dead or alive. Without resolving such matters, there is a higher probability of similar occurrences in the present and future. Similar issues have been witnessed where celebrated personalities die of unknown reasons, and no investigation is conducted. Instead, the worst is assumed of the situation, and some news sources manipulate the agenda to generate more revenue.


Mozart’s death was a tragedy, especially considering his young age and the impact he had on society. Nevertheless, it is not ideal to blame anyone for a crime without any proof to support those claims. News sources should use an approach of investigation rather than reporting fake news on a selfish agenda. For instance, in some accusations, Mozart was accused of succumbing to syphilis as the cause of his death. Such an accusation could easily destroy a legacy built by the composer out of hard work and sacrifice. In addition, such information could greatly affect the family; it is vital that news sources assume reliable strategies for collecting information.


Gil Extremera, B. “The Enigma of Mozart’s Death.” Revista Clínica Española, vol. 215, no. 4, May 2015, pp. 240–243, 10.1016/j.rce.2014.09.013. Accessed 23 Aug. 2020.

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, et al. “‘Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.’” The Musical Times, vol. 70, no. 1031, 1 Jan. 2010, p. 39, 10.2307/917549. Accessed 8 June 2019.

Ranson, D. “The Death of Mozart - Historical Forensic Pathology.” Pathology, vol. 24, 2010, p. 14, 10.1016/s0031-3025(16)35930-x. Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.

Zegers, Richard H.C. “The Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: An Epidemiologic Perspective.” Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 151, no. 4, 18 Aug. 2009, p. 274, 10.7326/0003-4819-151-4-200908180-00010. Accessed 23 Aug. 2020.

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