Free Essay on the Change Leadership Discussion

Published: 2022-03-24
Free Essay on the Change Leadership Discussion
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1204 words
11 min read
Time Allotted: 3 Minutes

AW began the meeting by welcoming all members, led the review of the agenda of the meeting that was a discussion of both the situational (Ch 5) and style (Ch4) approach and the case study of situational leadership. AW also gave MA a minute to introduce herself and finally, introduced the first item.

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MA introduced herself as a management consultant who is passionate about leading change. She also congratulated the meeting members for availing themselves for the change leadership discussion.

Item 1- Style leadership Approach

Time Allotted: 8 Minutes


AW identified both task and relationship behaviors are the driving force of researchers studying style approach according to chapter four of Northhouse (2012). Northhouse stipulates that task behavior is mainly associated with guiding the members of a group towards achieving a goal while the relationship behavior dictates mostly how a leader either behaves or communicates with members of a group; it is designed to minimize the pressure from the members helping them achieve the set tasks with ease.

AS, AI, and HA all agreed with AW's argument.

AS noted that the relationship was between the subordinates and the leaders. Task dealt more with the direction that a goal took towards accomplishment rather than the actual assistants. The problem comes in when balancing the two aspects. They need to balance each out to ensure maximum efficiency.

AI added that all of it was dependent on the organization and the group it belonged.

HA was of the opinion that there should be a balance in the relationship citing that while other people often want support, others become too dependent if the connection is too strong. Both AI and AW agreed with HA.

Strengths and Weakness of the style approach

AS notes that one of the best advantages that style approach has is that it has a lot of data when it comes to how leaders behave towards their subordinates hence giving researchers a scope on where they can base their research. It also has more evidence on why leaders should act a certain way and also provides a basis that explains their approaches to situations as stipulated by Northhouse (2012).

HA reinforces on the need for a good relationship. She pointed out that even in style approach when attending university, there is a high likelihood that you will get more guidance when you attend schools compared to when you skip, so it all narrows down to someone's commitment level.

AS says it is more like the situational approach.

AW supports AS's perception of the advantages by saying that it will enlighten the leaders knows what to change when it came to how they behave towards their subordinates. She, however, says that the main weakness in style approach is that there is no direct link between task and relationship when it comes to performance.

AS emphasizes on the fact that the style approach significant disadvantage is the fact that it is more inclined from the leader's perspective.

HA emphasizes that if the relationship was useful, for example between a student and a lecturer, there is a higher chance that the task performance will be better.

AS emphasizes on the fact that the style approach primary disadvantage is the fact that it is more inclined from the leader's perspective.

AI refers to her previous working place and compares it to her current. The former workplace made her more comfortable, and she enjoyed working, there as opposed to the new workplace which uses a situational approach.

AW ends the discussion by noting that the workplaces should create a balance between the task and the leadership behavior.

Item 2- Situational leadership approach

Time Allotted: 8 Minutes


AW quoted from Lerstrom (2008) and indicated that there are two types of situational leadership: leadership and development style. The leadership style was more direct, catchy, supportive, and had elements of delegation hence the outcome was more direct with subordinates. She stated that the development style, according to Northhouse (2012), was more considerate, of the assistant from early stages from how they accomplish a task, to levels of comfort, confidence, and overall interest in the work.

AS compares it to the style approach. She says it is more task and relationship oriented. The functions are used as the core directive. She makes a comparison to the situational one which she thinks forces the subordinates to adapt rather than wait and see how things will work out.

HA notes that there is a bridge between the leaders and managers. Managers are more focused on the overall outcome while the leaders are consumed by the people they are working with.

The main strengths of the situational approach

AW acknowledges that the style has both weaknesses and strengths. She notes that it offers the flexibility of leaders hence the subordinates know how to meet the requirements set (Northhouse, 2012). It also helps the leader understand the aides better and treat them as individuals with different level of skills.

AI seconded it. She said it is a practical approach and very easy to understand. It is also flexible so it can be easily adapted to any company. It also amps and keeps the staff motivated which is an essential tool for completing tasks.

HA added to the fact that motivating the subordinates is suitable for tasks. She also said that it was important for organizations to find an effective and lasting solution to encourage people.

AS maintained that style approach was very straightforward.

AI added that people were different; she referred to HA's earlier example of needing support. It would make the situational approach have a terrible impact on the manager would refuse to conform.

HA emphasized the need to balance out situational approach especially when it came to the goals of the managers and leaders. She said that a mental picture ought to be created of task and relationship behavior in the workplace.

What is the accuracy of the situational approach?

AW suggested that there should be a conclusion of the accurateness of situational approach. She said the principal thing would is that the subordinates can adopt the style very quickly and at the same time build a relationship with the leaders.

AS pointed out that situational approach does not have enough research to connect the competence level and the commitment of workers through the four stages which include: high directive, coughing approach, supporting approach and low supportive low guideline. It resulted in the subordinates showing low levels of competence and leader having no relationship with them according to Lerstrom (2008).

HA added that it was necessary to develop a relationship that required a high level of commitment as opposed to basing it on a just personal relationship. High commitment resulted in high productivity. She gave an example of workers who were given commission as a result of selling something. These workers were high in efficiency but very low in commitment. The leaders would be happy because of high turnover.

Date of the next meeting

Time Allotted: 1Minute

The members agreed to hold the next meeting at 11:00 am on 21st November 2018. AS was elected as the chairperson while AI would be the minute taker.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 13:20.

Date: Tuesday 7th Nov 2017 May, Minute Taker

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