Free Essay on Making a Basilica

Published: 2023-12-12
Free Essay on Making a Basilica
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Family Architecture Personal experience
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 914 words
8 min read


My wife has been ailing for a while now, and I am optimistic that she will get better. Over this period, I have pondered on so many things about her life, legacy, and the light she would want to be seen and remembered by. My darling Cathy is just as beautiful on the outside as she is the inside. She has lived by a strong spiritual code that I believe has had a great impact on our family and my personal life as well. When I met her, I was just a simple ordinary man who did not quite understand the church to a large extent, but with Cathy’s help, I have gradually understood the importance of religion and church as a whole. In simpler terms, the far I have come spiritually is because of my dear wife.

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Cathy also loves nature and uses the imagery of nature in most of her divine interpretations. She understands herself before God in a simple hidden form but blooming where the lord chose to plant her. She believes that all forms of life are sacred and beautiful and, as such, should be respected and valued. In our marriage, Cathy always made sure that the family observed sabbath at all costs and still remains a great influence in our church. In this respect, I have decided to honor her by making a basilica in her likeness.


My inspiration to make a basilica is because they are the purest and the most ancient places of worship traditionally identified with dignity, historical value, architectural, antiquity, and artistic worth. A basilica often stands out as a center of worship and active liturgy. Basilicas in the Greek conventional churches is a title of honor given to churches distinguished by their role of serving as international centers of worship, antiquity, or an association to or with a historical event or a major saint. The title grants the church additional privileges, including limiting the basilica to local jurisdiction by elevating it to international status.

Cathy has always put her spiritual side before any other, and by this, basilica hopes to build something in her image. A place where everyone is open to seeking spiritual refuge and guidance like she likes to call it, your personal space with God. After hours of research, a number of designs came to my attention. After a thorough review and consideration, I chose the smaller secular basilica.

The model has aisles spreading the side length only with an apse at a single end. This was an ancient model that was used by early Christians. The basilica shall have a transept, an adjacent aisle that will cross the nave before the apse, hence creating a shape that resembles a cross that is standard for most churches and basilicas in specific.

The columns that separate the nave from the aisles will carry an entablature and a blank wall that will support the roof(timber) of the nave above it. Since the nave rises higher than the aisles, the wall supporting the nave roof shall stand above the level of the aisles, allowing the space on top to be windowed hence lighting the center of the church. The aisles will be single, and the apse will lead to the nave by an arch, which will serve as the entrance. The entrance will then proceed to a court surrounded by arcades.

The basilica will also comprise the canopeum, a silky canopy of traditional colors (papal), with red and yellow stripes. The bell, also known as tintinnabulum, is another important necessity that is mounted on a portable pole along with the ombrellino. The basilica shall also display the crossed keys banners on furnishings and the seal. It is my belief that the basilica will offer the opportunity for religious hospitability for visitors and the locals on holy days.


The basilica design shall also include several statues. Located on the entrance, there will be a statue of the holy virgin Mary holding the body of her son Jesus with tenderness and great composure, attributing to the real situation of a mourning mother full of compassion and remorse among others. The basilica shall comprise of entablatures and marble columns to consistently display a gleaming and shining appearance, a golden crucifix weighing 47kg, glimmering chandelier with dolphin-like lamps hanging above the altar. There will be 24 gold lamps attached all-round the aisle columns. It will be such a spectacle observing it at night, with the lamps shedding their light on polished metal and marble surfaces, creating islands of illumination in huge chunks of spaces.

Honoring Cathy means that I should consider what she holds dearest, and it would be incomplete if I did not complement the basilica with its orphanage where orphans and neglected children can come for shelter and refuge. Over the years, she has always shown great interest in the welfare of homeless children and the less privileged. A firm believer in looking out for those who are not in a position to help themselves. She always steps up whenever children and the less privileged are involved.


She has always prided her life on helping others, and by including an orphanage, the center would be the spitting image of herself. She always had plans to start one on her own, and there would be no greater honor than combine the two most important things in her life. The orphanage sitting will be decided later after the basilica has been completed.

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