Free Essay on Inequality in the Education Sector

Published: 2023-01-28
Free Essay on Inequality in the Education Sector
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Racism Education Discrimination Multiculturalism Diversity Social issue
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1049 words
9 min read


One of the growing global disasters is now in the field of education. For instance, in international schools, the problem is not poor quality education, but rather the essence of how the process of offering schooling services have become unjust and discriminative and unequal as well. Good kindergarten schools have raised their fees so high that only the parents form good socio-economic backgrounds can afford (Lynch & Baker, 2005). A study done in Hong Kong states that it is so hard for the ethnic minority groups to take their children to the kindergarten schools. However, in the year 2017, a rule was established by its government to help out solve the problem by passing a low of free and quality education in kindergarten schools.

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On the contrary, since the implementation of this rule, parents have continued to air their concern, with poor quality education, especially for the ethnic minority group of parents. They say that the current system works in a manner that, if a parent doesn't pay extra funds, then the child will consequently bear with the situation. Generally, the problem in the education sector today is that the quality of education lies based on haves and have nots (Lynch & Baker, 2005).

Various Approaches to Solving the Problem

Studies revealed three major possible approaches or solving the problem of inequality in the education sector. The heuristic approach was the first. It is the process of working backward with the original state of the current challenge which was successful or better by then (Karg & Thompson, 1964). The algorithm is another approach that involved a stepwise evaluation of the problem to finally end with an appropriate solution (Deb & Jain, 2013). Finally, there was a trial and error method. It is an adage method whereby an individual gives attempts to several techniques. This approach is useful in cases where, a problem is assumed to originate from several causes (Anderson, 1993). A study done at Winter Carolina Elementary school in North Carolina stated that, by adding more resources to the school, children would be able to get a guarantee of higher quality services rather than when their parents are forced to pay funds which they are not able to contribute (Deb & Jain, 2013). The approach aimed to ensure that there are no more haves and have nots.

Application of the Approaches towards the Problem

With the first approach known as heuristic strategy, international learning organizations can try out the analog ways by which education was offered. In the past, about 2 to 3 decades ago, each parent would be forced to take his/her children to school using peaceful interventions such as dialogue and counseling. This would make the parents better understand the essence of taking their kids to school (Karg & Thompson, 1964). However, the concept of dialogue and harmonious debates is missing. Their main advantage is that both of the parents, children, educators and the party concerned, like the government would be able to acquire information, on the existing problems, brainstorm on the solutions and agree on the best solutions (Karg & Thompson, 1964). With this strategy, none of the children will be denied access to any educational resource.

On the other hand, using an algorithm, a chosen approach gives a broader room of determining the original cause of the problem, defining numerous solutions, and measuring the best to use. Using the method, government organ is required to collect the views of children, parents, teachers, and experts, and use the data to provide the inadequate resources that could be leading to the problem (Deb & Jain, 2013). With the availability of enough buildings and classrooms for learning, resources for all sporting activities, enough books, learning materials and teachers in the school that caters for all fields of knowledge, parents would not be required to contribute any amount to facilitate school development and thus every student would become eligible for equal and high-quality learning (Deb & Jain, 2013). Algorithm approach is one the best since it works in procedures, and therefore achievement of a goal can be traced and predicted.

The latter approach that would also be applicable is the trial and error method. For instance, to solve the problem of inequality in the education services to students, a volunteer may come along to help in fixing the solution. However, he/she may lack the information concerning the exact cause of the problem (Anderson, 1993). For instance, inequality may be caused by the greed of teachers, resulting from lower salaries or inadequate resources in school. In such case of multiple choices, trial and error can be used to address the problem, and select among the tested solutions, the best (Anderson, 1993). The best solution is that which ensures that the story of haves and have nots is wholly solved in schools.

The Efficiency of the Problem Solving Techniques

Among the approaches, the algorithm was the best method to use, since, it was procedural and informative enough on the entire intervention plan. Though all the strategies led to a solution of equality, the difference was based on the question of how fast it took, how much it cost, and how convenient or lasting was the decision. Considering all this, the algorithm gave the best solution as it was so difficult for the parties to reverse the situation into a mess. Generally, these problem-solving techniques were appropriate since each one will have its way of intervention.


Anderson, J. R. (1993). Problem-solving, and learning. American Psychologist, 48(1), 35. Retrieved from

Deb, K., & Jain, H. (2013). An evolutionary many-objective optimization algorithm using reference-point-based nondominated sorting approach, part I: solving problems with box constraints. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(4), 577-601. Retrieved from

Karg, R. L., & Thompson, G. L. (1964). A heuristic approach to solving traveling salesman problems. Management Science, 10(2), 225-248.

Lynch, K., & Baker, J. (2005). Equality in education: A balance of condition perspective. Theory and Research in Education, 3(2), 131-164. Retrieved from

Means, B., & Knapp, M. S. (1991). Cognitive Approaches To Teaching Advance Skills to Educational D i. sadvantagedStudtlent. The Phi Delta Kappan, 73(4), 282-289. Retrieved from

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