Free Essay Example. Germany

Published: 2023-03-15
Free Essay Example. Germany
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  World War 2 Hitler World War 1
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1143 words
10 min read

After the First World War, many countries tried to practice democracy, which was later considered as obsolete. Democracy was meant to provide equality and increase the country's economic stability. However, with freedom in practice, governments developed with authoritarian leaders who later became world dictators. One of the most significant cases in Germany, was when dictators such as Adolf Hitler rose and came to power. After, world war I, countries began to develop their nations through democracy, which included politics, education, and socioeconomic stability (Selb, and Simon, p, 1054). Therefore, this paper seeks to discuss how freedom led to the rise of Adolf Hitler as a dictator in Germany.

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After WW I, there was an increase in students enrolment in the University of Germany. Besides, the government of Germany offered scholarships to students with the ability to study. Due to education and knowledge in politics, leaders like Adolf came to power. Besides, Russia had become victorious in World War I, and Germany needed authoritarian leaders such as Hitler. Also, bad policies led Germany to an economic, political, and military crisis. German status changed because when people needed to express their wants through anger, they supported Germany's craziest elites, who attracted a crowd in public. Besides, like other nations, Germans had gone to World War I with the expectation of winning the war and becoming the world's superpower. They needed to win and force the losers to pay for the cost they spent during the war. The government of Germany also kept lying to its citizens that they were leading the battle. The government told its people that they were almost becoming victorious. However, when the truth came out, civilians were amazed and became angry

After losing the battle, Britain and France needed a peace negotiation, which was criticized by America's leaders who wanted Germany to carter for the losses incurred during the war. The government of Germany was forced to pay for all the damages that other nations faced during the war. Therefore, Germans felt like the world betrayed them, and also they were ashamed and felt humiliated. Also, due to humiliation, German military commanders refused to sign the agreement form to pay for the damages. They resigned from the military and let a civilian sign the agreement form. The commanders asserted that other leaders would hate any leader who signed the agreement form. Following these circumstances, The Weimar Republic, which was Germany's democracy, was abandoned, and it paved the way for dictators such as Adolf Hitler.

On February 20th 1920, Adolf joined the German Workers' Party because he was among the people who were against the Weimar Government. Adolf then became the National Socialist in Germany. Besides, they later shortened Party's name to Nazi. The party fought for nationalism, socialism and fought against capitalism and Semitism. A German Historian Spengler had an idea of Prussian socialism that influenced the views of Nazi leaders. The outcome of the war changed and triggered Hitler's talent as a speechmaker.

Adolf Hitler began to influence Germans with his speeches as he criticized the war outcome. He told Germans that he, together with other capitalists, were going to rebuild Germany and restore its lost glory. Also, Hitler named rich people in Germany 'starving billionaire' who could not spend their currency. He gave luring speeches to these individuals. During the period of economic inflation, Hitler had to recruit over 50,000 Nazis into his political party as a force that would rebuild Germany without paying for the cost of the lost war. Following these occurrences, Hitler was called the father of inflation in Germany. On 8th November 1923, Hitler attempted to overthrow the government but the attempt failed, and he was imprisoned. Even though he was arrested, he maintained his trusted followers. Hitler further wrote 'Mein Kampf' that later became the Nazi Bible.

Late 1920 marked an error when the German started to regain their economic strengths, which withdrew the country's attention from the Nazis. Besides, in the 1928 legislative elections, the Nazis had merely 2.6% of the Vote (Spielvogel, p, 2). Researchers articulated that Hitler needed another crisis to continue gaining his political power and that he could have been forgotten without the mess. The crisis that came developed as misled policies that created barriers to the enterprise, which brought about the great depression.

The German government had its taxes raised and employees began to stop working. Investors could export their items but could not collect payments because of high exchange rates and controls that existed. Besides, the misguided governments' policies had caused barriers to the economic development of the country. Ultimately, the German banks had not fully recovered from inflation; therefore, they were still bankrupt, causing the great depression in Germany. Due to that great depression, the number of Nazi members increased.

Hitler continued agitating for power in Germany. He went to every part of Germany, giving speeches to the civilians. Hitler accused his opponents and called them traitors because he ultimately wanted to destroy them and their parties. The Nazi members began attacking Hitler's opponents and killed many of his opponents (Spielvogel, p, 4). That act attracted many hooligans to Nazi, and they started attacking Hitler's opponents and their supporters every night. That kind of action made the Nazis become a popular political party in Germany. It also became a leading political party in Germany.

On January 30, 1933, Hitler won the election and became Germany's chancellor because he won the election, with a few blackmails. Besides, the Nazis had become the largest political party in Germany that many people followed. Hitler continued to gain popularity with more power as people could not understand what was happening. He ensured that Germany's economy rapidly developed, and it stabilized.

Similarly, Hitler had to turn business that was related to war into government property and also stopped private activities that leaders felt were unworthy. Adolf started forced labor and nobody in Germany could have a job transfer without the government's permission. He recruited many people into the military and police force. Schools that were significant to Germany were turned into death camps. Hitler also ordered for war machines and tried to copy the Russian military style of battle. Under the rule of Hitler, the government regained full control over the economy (Selb, and Simon, p, 1058). Universities continued with support from the government and many elite graduates with different honors. Hitler employed to rule of war socialism, which showed the world how the 'war socialism' can work. Adolf Hitler became a world re-known dictator, who is taught in the history of the world up to date. Therefore, the period after 1914, democracy in Germany became obsolete and it embraced an authoritarian government led by a dictator.

Works Cited

Selb, Peter, and Simon Munzert. "Examining a most likely case for strong campaign effects: Hitler's speeches and the rise of the Nazi party, 1927-1933." American Political Science Review 112.4 (2018): 1050-1066.

Spielvogel, Jackson J. Hitler, and Nazi Germany: A History. Routledge, 2016.

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