Free Essay: Differences between Soccer in American and Soccer in France

Published: 2023-12-22
Free Essay: Differences between Soccer in American and Soccer in France
Essay type:  Compare and contrast
Categories:  Sport
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 936 words
8 min read


Soccer definition is defined as a form of football played with a ground ball by two opponents, each consisting of eleven teammates and cannot be handled by hands except by the goalkeeper. As defined by Dellal and Alexandre in the book." European Journal of Sport Science 11.1 (2011): 51-59." Globally soccer is managed by a body known as the Football 'Federation Of the Association Of Football (FIFA), whose primary role is to protect and develop soccer across the world. It has quickly gained popularity due to its adaptability and accessibility as compared to other sports. It is a significant play internationally, except for Canada and the United States. The history of soccer dates back to the rule of King Edward II, who expelled the games since he was troubled by the disorderliness of the game in London and diverted the inhabitants of England people from actively participating in archery, which was essential for war during the mid-ages and the initial modern era, (Torgler and Benno. 12). The current rules of soccer were drafted in England by the body is known as 'Football Association' (FA) in 1863, and the term 'association football' was used to differentiate it from other systems of football played during that period. The origin of the term soccer was in England, where it was used as a slang abbreviation of the word "association." This paper would, therefore, examine in-depth the differences that are established in American soccer, which will focus on all the American states, and soccer in France, which is a European country.

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The rich have ownership of different soccer teams in France, thus investing and spending a generous some of money in enhancing the upkeep and quality of their units and the presentation of the games on the football pitch. Moguls invest more in bringing the team the best players from all over the world since they have the capital to pay for the players who tend to be expensive (Markovits, Andrei S., and Steven L. Hellerman, 96). In American soccer, teams from the main leagues do their operations within a structure known as a single entity whereby the revenues generated from the group are shared among the investors. Also, as much as the US-specific owners own teams, instead of players signing contracts with the league, they rather do it with the club.


Matches planning is programmed in seasons when it comes to France; there are two seasons. The first one is classically played from the beginning of August through to the end of May. Whereas in the US, major league soccer is scheduled in early March, and it terminates around mid-November. Also, when it comes to US determination of league championship conclusion is by using playoffs. In contrast, in France, the team that garnered more points wins the championship (Dellal, Alexandre, et al., 63). In France, the poor performance of units in a fixed season leads to downgrading to inferior divisions.

Playing Styles

The playing styles differ expressively across France. Most teams play a more extended ball method where players on the wing section pass the ball down the margins and then through the air to be headed by tall attackers. Other teams still in France have a method whereby they play quick-paced ball, then smaller players link with short passes to perform a close-range shot goal. This is different from the US, where it cultivates a crossbreed form of football, highlighting ball control and conditioning.

Player Development

The US significant teams focus on training college graduates with soccer interests to the point of becoming professionals. However, in France, clubs have juniors who sign and develop mostly at 10 to 14. According to Ramkumar, Prem N et al. (95), The kids in France enjoy various civil liberties while on training, such as using the luxurious club amenities because they are trained with skilled staff who advise them while strengthening their psychological training mentorship.

Cultural Differences

The people in France perceive soccer as more than just a game; to them, they perceive it as a connection to their culture and lifestyle. They also have unsurpassed loyalty when it comes to giving their local teams or national teams support. On the other hand, when it comes to the US, their support is more indifferent to sporting activities, making soccer come behind basketball; this is according to the rating in television sets and match attendance by fans.


In summary, much as the paper focuses more on the variations of American and France soccer, we can conclude that there are fundamental variations between them. According to Markovit and Andrei (103), the essential distinction between both of them is their structural organization in regard to soccer participation and professionalism by the investors. The paper also analyzes the origin of soccer in both regions is dates back in the years, and ever since it has become the norm and interest of every investor, and sees it as the critical place to establish their investment.

Works Cited

Bloomfield, Jonathan, Remco Polman, and Peter O'Donoghue. "Physical demands of different positions in FA Premier League soccer." Journal of sports science & medicine, 6.1 (2007): 63.

Dellal, Alexandre, et al. "Comparison of physical and technical performance in European soccer match-play: FA Premier League and La Liga." European Journal of Sport Science 11.1 (2011): 51-59.

Markovits, Andrei S., and Steven L. Hellerman. Offside: soccer and American exceptionalism. Princeton University Press, 2014.

Ramkumar, Prem N., et al. "Concussion in American versus European professional soccer: a decade-long comparative analysis of incidence, return to play, performance, and longevity." The American Journal of Sports Medicine 47.10 (2019): 2287-2293.

Torgler, Benno, and Sascha L. Schmidt. "What shapes player performance in soccer? Empirical findings from a panel analysis." Applied Economics 39.18 (2007): 2355-2369.

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