Forensic Crime Scene: Attain Warrants, Record, Preserve Evidence - Paper Example

Published: 2023-10-27
Forensic Crime Scene: Attain Warrants, Record, Preserve Evidence - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal law
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 537 words
5 min read


The three most basic computer-related forensics procedures necessary in processing evidence at the scene of a crime include attaining a warrant, recording the details of the crime scene, and preserving the evidence safely (Rid & Buchanan, 2015). Attaining a warrant is crucial to help ensure that the investigator uses legitimate ways; thus, the evidence can be used during the court case. Without finding a warrant fast, one cannot use the attained evidence to argue a case in court. Recording the crime scene's details helps preserve the authenticity and avoid tainting the collected findings. The human mind is prone to forget or restructure information to the point of losing the original data as present in the crime scene. Preserving evidence to match the original state when collected helps ensure the documents' justification. In case there are any changes, it is essential to record the changes (Nelson et al., 2014). For that reason, keeping an audible record while examining the crime scene provides high ground to quickly find any required data during the process of finding evidence of a crime at the scene.

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The Most Crucial Aspect of How a Financial Investigator must Secure Digital Evidence

The most vital aspect of how a financial investigator must secure digital evidence to help in the prosecution of offenders involves ensuring it is valid and preserving the evidence safely and as expected (Rid & Buchanan, 2015). Ensuring that digital evidence is suitable and can help in a prosecution is crucial to ensure that the piece of evidence will serve a particular essence in court. Besides, safe preservation ensures that the evidence does not distort; hence, a financial investigator can use the data in court.

Adverse Effects of Omitting Forensic Procedures

Omitting one of the forensic procedures will negatively affect the investigation or prosecution process since without finding a warrant before assessing a crime scene, the findings in the crime scene will not be applicable in court (Nelson et al., 2014). Poor recording of the details of a crime scene and horrible preservation of evidence will affect the investigation adversely by changing the findings.

Oversight during the Collection and Identification of Digital Evidence

Inconsistent recording of the crime examination process is a possible oversight that can occur during the collection and identification of the digital evidence process (Nelson et al., 2014). Therefore, to solve the issue of inconsistently storing information attained at the crime scene, one can use an audio recorder to easily talk into the recording device every step of the way (Rid & Buchanan, 2015). Afterward, it will be easy to go through the data while documenting all attained information.


Nelson, B., Phillips, A., & Steuart, C. (2014). Guide to computer forensics and investigations. Cengage Learning:

Rid, T., & Buchanan, B. (2015). Attributing cyber attacks. Journal of Strategic Studies, 38(1-2), 4-37:

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Forensic Crime Scene: Attain Warrants, Record, Preserve Evidence - Paper Example. (2023, Oct 27). Retrieved from

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