Event Evaluation Essay Sample

Published: 2022-11-22
Event Evaluation Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Tourism Customer service
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1549 words
13 min read

Event evaluation involves measuring and understanding the expected level of success attained by an event. Whenever an event is organized, it is deemed to serve a particular purpose which is determined by the category and disparity exhibited by that specific event. Event evaluation, therefore, concerns itself with an assessment which generally employs measuring as a core variable and keeping track of those variables to define the possible outcomes (Brown, Gets, Pettersson, Wallstam, 2015). Understanding set objectives help facilitate the exercise of measuring and carrying out the evaluation process of the event. However, setting these objectives has proved to be formidable. The paper provides reasons as to why event evaluation is essential as well as explains the criteria followed in the assessment of an event in the tourism industry.

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Event evaluation aids in the provision of response as well as new ideas to both the concept team and target audience drawing from which strategies were effective and those that were n not. Also, the event organizers can determine whether the event was able to reach its intended motive. Again, evaluation of activities is equally important because it portrays the ability a company possesses in achieving its market as well as the success of an event. Event evaluation outcome, therefore, provides relevant data which is used by most sponsor bodies to determine the effectiveness and value of the event to the community (Trost Lesic, Brscic, & Dropulic Ruzic, 2017). From their findings, these funding bodies are then able to decide whether they are in a position to support that particular company in its future events.

There are three critical stages employed in the assessment of an event, and the first one is, coming up with concrete goals and objectives while bringing together sensitive elements of evaluation. To achieve sensitivity then there is need to ensure the process of assessment lies within the group approach framework ranging from conceptualization to the conduction of the event. Although the setting of these standards may seem informal, the problem sets in when trying to make the goals realistic. To deal with this issue various companies use different models but, in this case, the best approach is by first understanding the audience to which you target the event. Commonly events are tailored to achieve a variety of things for the different audience. For instance, if the event is aimed at making profits, then the audience is likely to be the consumers of the products offered by the tourism company hosting the event. Following the identification of the audience, the expectations of the audience in terms of their thinking, and perception are pointed out and listed about the event (Calabro, Lonetti, & Marchetti, 2015). The objective evaluation takes into account the type of idea and the method of implementing it fully. Therefore, a high level of creativity is required in the method of observation and interrogation to avoid wrong judgment and instances of errors.

Performance measurement before, in the course of, and after the event falls in the second stage. Practically achieving accurate measures of the performance of an event can be difficult. Instead, a future basis approach is used to aid in the prior identification of any errors that are likely to occur. Suitable strategies are then formed to prevent occurrences of such errors. To foretell the practicability of a concept in the initial process which happens to be the conceptualization process, research is employed.

Concept research involves conduction of research on the audience seeking to come up with an appropriate strategic approach to be used in the event. This kind of research is applicable in instances where the framework team does not have a foundation on which they base their decisions. The research, therefore, entails presentation of various alternatives in the form of a story to a random sample of the expected audience and after that giving room for any reactions and comments from them. Drawing from their responses, enough information is gathered to comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives employed. However, this method is projective because it focuses on plans that have not yet been carried out and is therefore termed as a weakness.

During the event, performance is measured through formative evaluation. The stage emphasizes the activities that are happening. Upon modification and implementation of the strategies agreed upon by the conceptualization team, initiatives are put in place to check on the levels of achievement attained during the process of customization. The assessments are tailored to shape the direction in which the final event is likely to take. To determine whether the expected levels of success are likely to be realized, presentations, as well as displays about the event, are used to conduct research. The evaluations are carried out among a selected sample that represents the audience targeted whereby the expected answers are not limited, which means that the individuals in the sample are at liberty to present their opinions without having to choose from a set of solutions. Also, a qualitative approach is used to aid the discovery of a brilliant representation of a concept. Formative evaluations result to a broad perspective of an argument among the team which seeks to correct any emerging lame points. Interpretation of the reaction of the consumer with adequate sensitivity should be taken into account to fuel innovative process ahead as well as ensuring that excellent ideas that were not presented in the mock-up form are not eliminated.

For objective evaluation, the client approves before starting all activities related to carrying out an event. Objectives that support the collected information are then provided to act as solutions of the concepts put forward. Also, the team gives a guarantee on the ways and reasons why the event is likely to meet its desired purpose.

Following the occurrence of the event, objective evaluation is used to achieve adequate performance measurement whereby the evaluation team is involved in measuring the extent to which the event has impacted its audience (Schalock, 2013). Moreover, the evaluation team should state the degree in which the predetermined objectives of the event have been realized giving prescriptions on whether there is room for improving the event or not. In case there are chances of improving the function, the team should put forward the necessary strategies. Evaluating an event give a team an opportunity to learn and correct mistakes they made if any.

The third stage of event assessment is a correction of divergencies from plans whereby achievement of the event's aims and objectives aids in finding out the effectiveness of event evaluation (Getz, 2018). Divergencies are bound to occur in the event of the process. Thus, it is crucial to attaining accurate measurements in every phase.

Terming event evaluation as a political process is right since the stages involved have to be conducted within political and resource restriction thus making politics and evaluation inevitable. Common judgments drawn from results of evaluation have consequences that affect both the event organizers and the audience that is expected to attend the event (Davidrajuh, 2018). In the event evaluation, the team involved is prone to subjectivity leading to a disagreement resulting in political vulnerability. Although it is deemed impossible to separate politics from evaluation, assessors have come up with ways to deal with these political issues whereby, trust becomes a common ground for both politics and evaluation.

In conclusion, event evaluation entails measuring the successes and failures of an event before, during and after the event has started to take place. To obtain the appropriate process of evaluation of a particular event then one can borrow ideas from social media and other similar companies that have previously conducted effective event evaluation. Assessment of an event is crucial when planning to conduct an event as it helps predict the attitude of the target audience towards future events as well as determine the strategies that worked or not. Evaluation of an event also helps draw more sponsors especially if the events company proves to be fruitful (Coallier, 2017). Finally, with the mention of evaluation then politics follows since the two are inseparable. During the stages of evaluation of an event, there is always a likelihood of disagreements among the team members which is termed as political behavior. Therefore, to deal with such issues, companies should base their assessment on trust as it is needed from both a political and evaluative perspective.


Brown, S, Gets, D, Pettersson, R, Wallstam, M. (2015) '' Events evaluation: definitions, concepts and a state-of-the-art review', International Journal of Events and Festival Management, Vol.6 Issue; 2, pp.135 -157

Calabro, A., Lonetti, F., & Marchetti, E. (2015). KPI Evaluation of the Business Process Execution through Event Monitoring Activity. 2015 International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES). doi:10.1109/es.2015.23

Coallier, J. (2017). Ministry Event Evaluation Forms Book.Davidrajuh, R. (2018). Performance Evaluation of Discrete-Event Systems. Springer Briefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, 95-104.

Ferdinand, N., & Kitchin, P. (2012). Events management: An international approach. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Getz, D. (2018). Event evaluation: Theory and methods for event management and tourism.

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Human Kinetics.Mallen, C., & Adams, L. J. (2013). Event management in sport, recreation, and tourism: theoretical and practical dimensions. Routledge.

Schalock, R. L. (2013). Outcome-Based Evaluation. Berlin, Germany: Springer Science & Business Media.

Trost Lesic, K., Brscic, K., & Dropulic Ruzic, M. (2017). THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING EVENT EXPERIENCE. doi:10.20867/tosee.04.26

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Event Evaluation Essay Sample. (2022, Nov 22). Retrieved from https://speedypaper.com/essays/event-evaluation

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