Essay Sample on Essential Workers: Key Players in Coronavirus Pandemic

Published: 2023-08-26
Essay Sample on Essential Workers: Key Players in Coronavirus Pandemic
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Covid 19
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1262 words
11 min read


The coronavirus pandemic has brought about a series of changes in the lives of people and institutions. One of the significant aspects of life that have changed as a result of the pandemic is employment, and the regulations surrounding labor in many economies. The high rate of unemployment has been caused by low economic activity and the various risks that the employees are exposed to. Some of the key players during this pandemic are the essential workers; who offer critical services to individuals. There has been a change in labor standards, aimed at making sure the interests of the society and the employees are well taken care of. The benefit of the community is that there are appropriate steps to ensure the people's welfare is addressed adequately. On the other hand, the interest of the employees is their welfare, which is their safety, and economic benefits that they derive from the services they offer. An example of the essential workers is in healthcare. They are exposed to a more significant measure of risk, which necessitates a change in labor standards for their benefit.

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Coronavirus and Labor Standards for Essential Workers

The first way the labor standards have changed is by giving preferential treatment to some workers compared to the rest. During the coronavirus pandemic, the essential workers are more important than the other workers, because of the roles they serve in averting a more serious situation. Therefore, there is a need for preferential treatment of the employees to be adequately motivated to help their respective nations in a better way. For example, in the United States, the job security of essential workers has been enhanced in various ways. That is through multiple forms of temporary rules that are meant to provide relief to employers and employees during the coronavirus pandemic. First, as a result of reduced economic activity, some employers of essential workers might not afford to pay them. That may lead to layoffs and job cuts. A reduction in the number of essential workers in the workforce will compromise the efforts meant to address the situation.

There was reimbursement of funds to private employers of the essential service providers, which is meant to cater to their salaries and wages. That is a change from the regular practice, whereby the private entities are solely responsible for taking care of their employees. Furthermore, there will be funds that the employees will be provided with, for sick leave, for leave that is taken in light of issues directly related to coronavirus (Caldararo, 2020). The measure was taken to make sure the welfare of the employees is taken care of, and the financial status of the businesses is considered at the same time. That would enable the employer and employees to have more motivation so that they can engage in efforts that are within the interests of the economy and other people. These provisions are provided for under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which is meant to ensure the essential workers' interests are considered as they offer their services. Furthermore, there has been the suggestion a Sick leave and universal healthcare where healthcare employees will be taking a vacation to enable them to get relief from the stressful work conditions they are facing (Koh, 2020). That will allow them to work more effectively when they return to work during or after the coronavirus pandemic.

The other way labor standards have changed through the government's role in taking care of the essential workers' welfare. The essential workers have been exposed to a greater magnitude of risk than before. The reason for the risk is the fact that they are the first line of defense against the virus. The riskier the job, the higher the wages it should attract. Therefore, the Canadian government has reacted by increasing the salaries of the essential workers. The rise is due to long working hours and the risk they are exposed to (Britneff, 2020). Furthermore, it is meant to motivate the employees to serve in their capacity in better ways. They are better motivated, hence serving better in the roles they are assigned to. There have been calls for increased wages even after the pandemic, because of the role the essential workers continue to play in Canada.

The labor essential workers' labor standards can also be highlighted in with Brazil as an example. There has been a change like activities concerning essential workers, which is meant to be for their convenience. Brazil is one of the worst affected countries by the coronavirus, which has overwhelmed the healthcare sector. The hospitals have more than 90% of their capacity dedicated to the fight against coronavirus. Therefore, there has been a change in the way essential workers operate. They are encouraged to stay at their work premises, a cost which is born by their employers. The accommodation of the employees is meant to reduce their interaction with other people, which is likely to get them infected by the virus (Langlois, 2020). The adjustment is of convenience to them as it gives them more time to work and cater for their safety. The workers that are encouraged to reside at their workplace include healthcare workers and domestic workers; who take care of vulnerable families, now that the pandemic has taken a toll on the healthcare sector.

The other way the labor standards have changed for essential workers during the pandemic is by championing their rights more vigorously. For example, in the United States, essential workers have pushed for more personal protective equipment and better pay (Mahbubani, 2020). They are exposed to the coronavirus because they are the first line of defense. Therefore, they need protective wear to prevent them from contracting the virus. Furthermore, they are forced by the prevailing circumstances to work for longer hours and take more risks. That qualifies them for a higher pa, because of the increased tasks they have to perform. Therefore, the essential workers are championing protection from layoffs, the supply of protective equipment, and better wages.


There are more reasons for changing labor standards to benefit the essential workers in any economy. They are tasked with the responsibility of making sure the essential services continue to operate. That is despite the hardship that has been caused by the pandemic. Therefore, there has been a highlight of how different countries have been taking care of their essential workers. The degree of care differs, depending on the ability of a country to cushion its employees from any hardships. The more developed nations have taken better measures to safeguard the interest s of their labor force, though prioritizing the essential workers. Less developed countries have healthcare workers as their significant interest to protect, while for more developed nations, the stakes are spread across various sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, and financial services. The common characteristic that all countries have is that they implement measures to benefit their essential workers.


Britneff, B. (2020). Wage boosts for essential workers should last beyond COVID-19 pandemic: union leaders.

Caldararo, N. L. (2020). The End of Leisure and Retirement, Covid-19: Innovations, Jobs, pensions, and Keynes: Guaranteed Income or Future Poverty and Redundancy?. Covid-19: Innovations, Jobs, pensions, and Keynes: Guaranteed Income or Future Poverty and Redundancy.

Koh, D. (2020). Occupational risks for COVID-19 infection. Occupational medicine (Oxford, England), 70(1), 3.

Langlois, J. (2020). Brazil’s vulnerable domestic workers cannot afford to get sick.

Mahbubani, R. (2020). 'We're disposable': Faced with coronavirus dangers every time they do their jobs, essential workers are still pushing for better pay and adequate PPE.

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