Essay Sample on the Topics of Socialization and the Impact of the Media on a Child's Behavior

Published: 2022-06-10
Essay Sample on the Topics of Socialization and the Impact of the Media on a Child's Behavior
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Media Human behavior Interpersonal communication
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1310 words
11 min read


Socialization agents are those that pass on the expectations of the society and involves everyone because societal expectations are communicated in interaction and other ways that people have. For instance, when a person dresses in a particular way, he or she may not feel what is being communicated through such dressing, but when every person in that environment has the same mode of dressing, there is a clear conveyance of some expectation about the appropriate dress. In the society, people feel the pressure to match the expectations of the society even though the pressure may be unrecognized or subtle. Socialization does not occur between individuals but happens in social institutions that shape the socialization process such as media, peers, family, and school.

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The family is one of the agents of socialization which is regarded by most people as the first source of socialization. Through the family, I was introduced to what is expected of me in the society as I learnt how to see myself through the eyes of my parents. This is important because the way in which my parents treated and defined me was vital in the growth of my sense of self. Andersen and Taylor argue that the family passes the expectations of a given culture in the society and maybe negative thus what children learn in the family is not uniform (86). Living in a family with social problems such as alcoholism, unemployment, domestic violence, or teen pregnancy affects how children are socialized. I grew up in a family where educational achievement, discipline and strict obedience were emphasized and these have shaped my experiences and defined the role and the status I occupy in the society. Furthermore, religion, social class, race, and other societal factors are crucial in socialization. My background entails educated parents who worked in careers that required solving problems creatively thus I was taught behaviors that would be valuable in such positions. This, therefore, means that I was raised and socialized to take up roles that my parents already have which leads to the class reproduction.

The other agent of socialization is a school which is a process that begins when a child joins kindergarten. Teachers and students are the sources of expectations in a school that encourage the participants to behave and think in particular ways. Many expectations are required of the learners which are shaped by different factors such as the expectation of the teacher and the resources brought by the parents to the education process. In a school, socialization is an excellent way in understanding the influence of race, class, and gender in the socialization process. The school has shaped my experiences by enabling me to acquire identity and learn the behavior patterns that are congruent with the needs of other institutions in the society (Brooks 12). I have been exposed to the skills in reading, writing, and other subject areas and has trained me to be punctual, follow the laid down rules, and respect authority. Socialization in school is related to my status in the society because the skills that I learnt in school are useful in my place of work since I conform to the needs of the community. I follow the set schedules and value teamwork which I learned in school.

Peer group is another agent of socialization which consist of children of a similar age. Some cultures especially those in traditional societies formalizes peer group as age-grades which is confined to males. Children within the same age-grade maintain a close and friendly relationship throughout their lives. Men move through age set grades as a group such as childhood, junior and senior warriorhood as well as junior and senior elderhood. The importance of the family in socialization is evident since the experience of the young child is shaped exclusively in age grades but is less apparent in those children living in western cultures. Children above four years spend a great deal of time in the company of friends of the same age set and play together (Schneider et al. 12). Through this, children actively create and recreate the meaning of gender in their interactions. Peer relations has had an impact on my experiences as it has shaped my behavior, identity, and attitudes.

The last agent of socialization is the media. It is increasingly becoming a vital socialization agent because young people spend a lot of time immersed in media of every form. Television and computer are the dominant media used by children and the youth today where they encounter images which are influential in their lives (Newman & Newman 256). With the advancement in technology, the internet is becoming the fastest growing mass media used by children and the youth today where they learn objects of material culture such as consumer options, transportation, beliefs, essential values, and the norms expected of them. The media has been influential in my life as I have developed identity and enhanced my learning through listening to music and playing games (Kirsh 24).


The impact of the media on the behavior of a child is profound. Because of this, the parents should dicuss the exposure of a child to the media and provide due guidance on the suitable media about the media to be used such as internet, video games, radio, and television and the age of the child. There is need to explore the harmful and beneficial effects of the media on the physical and mental health of the child and identify how the family can enhance healthy use of media at home.

Exposure to media shapes the behavior of the child. For instance, a child can be exposed to violence, offensive language, and inappropriate sexual acts through the media (Bakan 57). Repeated exposures elevate and activate the probability of aggressive feelings and thoughts which alters the attitudes and beliefs about aggression leading to diminished tendency to respond and notice suffering and pain as well as an increased tendency in the interpretation of situations in a hostile way. Furthermore, exposure to media activates the interconnectedness between behavior on one hand and goals, values, and personality on the other which influence the reaction of the child.

Media content is instrumental in indoctrinating the minds of the children and adults with morbid imageries and false notions (Megele 223). It is worth noting that not all exposure to the media results in adverse effects, but the media at times feed the minds of the young generation with disturbing scenes that are inappropriate for them. They show the young how to participate in acts that are controversial and unacceptable in the society. This results in misbehavior among the children and adults.

In conclusion, socialization occurs in infancy and childhood because this is the most intense period of cultural learning and is the time when children learn language and the basic behavioral patterns that form the foundation for later learning. The primary socialization agents include the family, media, peer groups, and schools. Social interactions in this in these contexts help the children to learn the values, norms, and the beliefs that make up the patterns of their culture.

Works Cited

Andersen, Margaret L., and Howard F. Taylor. Sociology: Understanding a diverse society, updated. Cengage Learning, 2007. Print.

Bakan, Joel. Childhood under siege: How big business targets your children. Simon and Schuster, 2012. Print.

Brooks, Clare. Teacher subject identity in professional practice: Teaching with a professional compass. Routledge, 2016. Print. Kirsh, Steven J. Media and youth: A developmental perspective. John Wiley & Sons, 2010. Print.

Megele, Claudia. Safeguarding Children and Young People Online: A Guide for Practitioners. Policy Press, 2017. Print.

Newman, Barbara M., and Philip R. Newman. Development through life: A psychosocial approach. Cengage Learning, 2017.

Schneider, Barry H., et al., eds. Social competence in developmental perspective. Vol. 51. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012. Print.

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