Essay Sample on The Effects of British Imperialism on India

Published: 2023-02-25
Essay Sample on The Effects of British Imperialism on India
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  International relations
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 966 words
9 min read


The roots of British imperialism in India was in the 17th century. In the 1600s, trading offices were set by East trading offices that were established by the Eat India company at various ports, namely madras, Calcutta, and Bombay. Trading was mainly focused on spices due to the global industrial revolution in which the limelight of development was Britain. Britain procured raw materials for its industries from India making India essential for its growth. British imperialism had a massive influence due to the British industrialization and modernization of India. Numerous economic decline was because the British rulers did not provide financial benefits to India. It led to the Indians gaining a sense of nationalism when the British took over the people and government of India. When the British government came to power, it imposed several restrictions on the Indians, getting the Indian economy under its rule. The native farmers were directed to produce raw materials to be exported to the British industries. The Indians were supposed to purchase their products from the British. The raw materials included tea, cotton, coffee, jute and indigo dye (Halsall). This paper covers the impact of British imperialism in India

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The Adverse Effects of British Colonialism in India

The British government took control of the economic and political powers. The laws enabling the resumption of the Revenue-free lands and the VI regulation of 1819 affected the Indian was a means of attaining the government charges (Ahmad Khan). The pledges made by the government were repeatedly breached in providing the native's aa fair share in the country higher administration. The government did not meet political aspirations and claimed to be heard in making legislation that was met slightly. The British rule disregarded the disbursement of taxes and the birthright of the natives as their subjects (Halsall). Financially, the government devised methods of generating fees without consideration of the means of the people. The British showed utter disregard on the oppressiveness and vexation imposed by taxes, both local and imperial. A sizeable political debt of 100 million was to be paid by the Indians due to the inequitable relations in terms of finance between India and England. Extinction of the local craft because of the restrictions on the Indian industries. Reduction in food production and famine in the country because of the emphasis on Cash crops by the British.

The government neglect of the natives caused them to help rebels as recruits to earn an anna, a seer of floor per diem, or one and a half annas due to famine. The government continuously exhausted and impoverished India with the raw materials exported t their factories and industries. The rise in exports with no sufficient compensation has resulted in the loss of manufacturing skills and production. The spread of Christianity since the British rejected the customs and religious beliefs of the Indian religion. The Government wanted to force Christianity and different traditions on the people of India (Ahmad Khan). The idea happened indirectly such as getting rid of Sanskrit and Arabic, and minimizing the ignorance of people on poverty, depriving people of the knowledge of their faith. The attention was directed to Christian Creed principles. Regulation I of 1821 was passed by the government to remedy the numerous sales of property during the early British rule days. The government also introduced a massive assessment of lands. The disappearance of the morals and culture of Indians because of the advent of the new religion. The promulgation of objectionable procedures and laws of Act XXI of 1850 was prejudicial to experts of other religious creeds (Ahmad Khan). The act interfered with people's religion and created strong inducements concerning converted individuals. About Hindu widows, the bill also opposed the Hindu spiritual practice. The British had created laws against uncontrollable animals owned by Indians. An elephant that is priceless to the Indians is killed because of its destruct full behavior (Orwell).

Positive Impacts From the British Imperialism in India

The British lay of the third-largest railway network in the world at that time. The railway network helped the country in creating a modern connecting and connecting far towns and areas. The creation of very significant roads and irrigation systems assist in the production of raw materials for the industries and provided jobs for the natives. Developments of the telephone, dams, and bridges. The dam presented a solution for the scarce water problem affecting India. Improvements in the health conditions of Indians because of the better sanitization techniques (Halsall). Development of colleges and new schools, which increased the levels of literacy in India. It developed a cause of civilization as both males and females were taught. It led to the end of moral and social evils superstition. The resuscitation of the vast literature of India refined and modified by the west enlightenment. The British government brought some harmony, order, and peace. Security of property and life was created when the British forces stopped the war between small rulers and bandits menace.


To sum up, the British rule on the Indians had its benefits and detriments bringing order and peace accompanied by poverty, impoverishment, and debts. The native's name for the British government, "Sakar ki Churi," is a paradox a knife of sugar (Halsall). The British and Indian culture was different where the Indian culture upheld the male gender. Although the British worked to create equality in India, it changed their cultural norms to fit theirs.

Works Cited

Ahmad Khan, Sayyid. "The Causes of the Indian Revolt." Columbia University in the City of New York, 1873,

Halsall, Paul. "Internet History Sourcebooks." Internet History Sourcebooks Project, July 1998,

Orwell, George. "Shooting an Elephant." Houston Community College | HCC, 1936,

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