Essay Sample on Technology & Social Media: My Daily Connections

Published: 2023-06-30
Essay Sample on Technology & Social Media: My Daily Connections
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Social media
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 653 words
6 min read


Using computers, smartphone and other technology platforms are the main areas of the communication channel in every daily life. It is my daily habit to use smartphone and computer to communicate with a vast number of friends. With the availability of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, my daily life tends to be submerged in the virtual world. Daily is dependent on social media for personal entertainment, especially sharing status videos and pictures with friends. Instagram is my best social media platform due to a vast number of youths sharing posts and following celebrities.

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In almost every day, I visit Facebook and Instagram to view friend's posts and also check on the people following me. On average, I spend over 12 hours on social media checking posts and commenting on what other people are currently speaking about. Most of my friends prefer live calls on WhatsApp or regular calls, over one hour is spent on a voice call, however, to communicate with most friends I select texting them through Facebook messaging app or through Instagram.

Considering how much I depend on consumer technology for daily life through communication and entertainment, it is challenging to keep away from it. I tend to dedicate most of my time on social media, to handle complex computational programming, I have to rely on the internet to get the necessary support. It will also be challenging to communicate with another family relative who depends on cellular calls for essential daily communication. The current world relies on technology for almost every activity. In every day, I keep my smartphone close to ensure I don't miss significant action happening in the outside and also to maintain availability.

Reflective Summary

The way of using gadgets that can connect the internet changes our daily lives; through the way we study, communicate, and also it alters one's behavior. I failed to use my mobile phone and laptop for a total of 24 hours, and I confirmed the hypothesis that internet-connected devices affect a person. I was unable to stay in touch with my friends, both the neighborhood ones and the ones I met online, throughout the day, and it made me feel lonely.

It was like I had lost sight of my family members and those physically around me because I did not feel the bond that existed between us when I was using my devices. I noticed that the use of mobile devices had affected my communication ability. It was like living in the "old" days, with the inability to create memorable conversations and experiences. I was surprised to discover that most of our lives are influenced by our friends, family, online ones, and peers and that the use of mobile devices affects the connection we establish among ourselves. I was unhappy and bored during the entire day. It made me take several naps.

I also discovered that these gadgets influenced my learning behavior. It felt unusual to use books and hardcopy notes to study. I was used to conducting visual discussion lessons with my colleagues. I discovered that learning while using mobile phones and laptops was more convenient and fun. I also found that learning with the devices connected to the internet during this quarantine season is more efficient. I was unable to trace news and trending information, and it made me feel like I was in total darkness.

The use of these devices has affected me in all possible ways. The effects of failing to use mobile devices are evident as on that day; I spent most hours sleeping. The whole experience made me reevaluate my habits of using the devices. It is because the day proved that I was so dependent on using the machines, and this has to change. It inspired me to limit the time I spend on these devices. The days' experience was helpful; it helped to reconsider my behavior at large.

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Essay Sample on Technology & Social Media: My Daily Connections. (2023, Jun 30). Retrieved from

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