Essay on Sullivan's Success Journey: Stakeholder Analysis, Resource Constraints, and CSR Insights

Published: 2024-01-30
Essay on Sullivan's Success Journey: Stakeholder Analysis, Resource Constraints, and CSR Insights
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Business Social responsibility
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1066 words
9 min read

Stakeholder analysis may be referred to as the process of identifying different people, people the project begins, thus placing them in groups according to their participatory levels. The groupings may also be dependent on their influence and interests within the projects. It also depends on the best ways of communicating and involving all of the stakeholders. Sullivan needs to adopt the core competencies essential for his business. These are a delegation of some duties, adopting ways to solve conflicts, performance management, good communication skills, and adequate supervision at the workplace. Others include promoting the spirit of team building, and good skills in interviewing. There should also be coaching and even better ways of solving problems.

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What is the stakeholder network? It refers to individuals held together by the stakes or the shared interests within an issue that is common for both individuals. Even though a single organization may convey the networks, its members may voluntarily come together. Who is in Sullivan’s stakeholder network? In answering this kind of question, we look at the different types of people that play a significant role in the Sullivan case study analysis. According to this case study, they may refer to the many individuals or groups of people interested in the given organizations or businesses and the companies' outcomes. Primary examples of these kinds of people include the customers, the people employed, and the shareholders. Other stakeholders in any business entity may consist of the communities, the government, and the suppliers.

According to the Sullivan case analysis, many people can be in Sullivan’s stakeholder network. One such person includes the customers. The customers from the study are the people who got interested in the services that Sullivan offered and who asked him to work for them. An example of the customer was his friend. The one Sullivan built him a guest cottage for his cabin. He also took his spare time to create some projects for other friends and even members of his family. The other people who may be considered members of Sullivan’s stakeholder network are the workers he later decided to employ to assist him. After realizing that his operations required a lot of labor, he used two to three workers to help him. These may be considered to belong to his stakeholder network. Besides, the suppliers of the materials that Sullivan used may be regarded as his stakeholder network. An example of such a supplier is the one that supplied Sullivan with the pine planks that were useful in the wood flooring process. Sullivan's customers and community members mainly through referrals could also be considered as belonging to his stakeholder network (Lim and Greenwood, 775). These people belonging to Sullivan’s stakeholder network shared several values with him. For example, most of the customers appreciated his use of pine planks due to the low maintenance requirements and durability instead of other flooring methods like using tiles. Besides, flooring using wood gave customers opportunities to customize their choices in flooring. Also, Sullivan and his grandfather and even uncle both believed in the woodwork and shared the carpentry values.

From the analysis, there are resource constraints. Resources constraints may be defined as the limitations in resources necessary for any job to be completed. They include labor, resources, and supplies. At some point, Sullivan realized that the operations had become too extensive for one person. Therefore, he needed to employ two to three more people to help with the work. It, therefore, meant he needed to train these groups that would assist him in his career. Another resource constraint that Sullivan faced was a lack of enough resources for his work. His initial plan was flooring using hardwood. However, due to the materials' cost, he opted for the usage of pine flanks, which were relatively cheaper than hardwood. Thus, the lack of resources like capital means that he could not innovate further in his business. Addressing the issue of supplies, Sullivan had to devise the pine flanks to reflect the traditional hardwoods. He could not get the conventional hardwood because of the high costs associated with their supplies.

Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) may mean when businesses and companies consider their overall influences economically, socially, and environmentally by launching initiatives that would ensure their positive effects (Lim and Greenwood, 770). The main aim of CSR is to give back to society. It may be taking part in philanthropic causes and providing different social values that are very positive. The main reason businesses turn to Corporate Social Responsibility is building positive brands around their companies. Similarly, Sullivan may decide to make a positive brand around his business by adopting various Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility. He should align his business with efforts geared towards philanthropy. It could be in the way of offering free training to the community members. That way, he will be able to pass his skills to future generations. In the long run, these actions would prove an effective way to market the business, as the community members get invited and see the company in a good light. The firm also needs to align itself with the conservation of the environment. Sullivan needs to reduce issues of the environment by reducing the general carbon footmark. He may also support communities with volunteer support. He needs to take part in charitable activities within the community. They need to ensure that they assist in projects that promote community welfare. Lastly, he needs to embrace business diversities and labor performance. It may do so when he involves everyone within the community. Besides, as his company expands, he should employ both genders and provide policies that avoid sexual harassment. Also, in case of any violations, he should make sure that the violations get addressed adequately.


In conclusion, there are values that Sullivan shares with other stakeholders and which I feel he should undertake. Both the grandfather and uncle had a passion for carpentry. Sullivan shares the same. It is where the emphasis lies, and therefore, he should continue doing what he does best. He should also continue with the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives like getting involved in charitable projects as this is one way of marketing his business.

Work Cited

Lim, Joon Soo, and Cary A. Greenwood. "Communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR): Stakeholder responsiveness and engagement strategy to achieve CSR goals." Public Relations Review 43.4 (2017): 768-776.

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Essay on Sullivan's Success Journey: Stakeholder Analysis, Resource Constraints, and CSR Insights. (2024, Jan 30). Retrieved from

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