Essay on Challenges in Healthcare Management: An Overview and Solutions

Published: 2023-11-07
Essay on Challenges in Healthcare Management: An Overview and Solutions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Healthcare
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 440 words
4 min read

Like other organizations, the management of healthcare is associated with numerous challenges. The issues have been perceived as a key barrier that hinders the attainment of quality health care. The essay reviews the health management challenges and how to counter them.

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Due to low financial capability, the management experience challenges due to inadequate budgetary allocation (Salarvand et al., 2017). The issue is worsened because of the changing systems across the healthcare sector, which need a lot of cash to maintain (Salarvand et al., 2017). Additionally, the management experience challenge in conducting activities due to inadequate human resources (Warren et al., 2016). Most hospitals across the world do not have enough personnel, and therefore, management tends to overcome the available health workers. Furthermore, poor leadership systems in healthcare centres impact how activities are conducted (Warren et al., 2016). Normally, leaders have a great role in influencing how activities are conducted. Therefore, having an ineffective leader impacts the healthcare centre to embrace systems that do not motivate other workers (Salarvand et al., 2017). In addition, the management encounter issue of coordinating activities, especially due to the lack of connection between junior and senior staff (Warren et al., 2016). The lack of effective healthcare infrastructures has been another key issue that hinders management in hospitals. Hospitals with low-quality facilities experience challenges in conducting activities, and this affects how management conducts their daily activities.

Based on my perception, healthcare management should seek monetary support from other organizations. The financial support should align with the organization’s plan, thus minimizing budgetary stress (Warren et al., 2016). In human resources, management should ensure hospitals have enough experts, thus minimizing the issue of overworking a particular group (Salarvand et al., 2017). Additionally, hospitals should deploy individuals with high leadership qualities, thus improving their ability to coordinate activities (Warren et al., 2016). Furthermore, the introduction of modern systems ensures that management has all the necessary facilities, thus improving their working performance.


In conclusion, management challenges have been a critical aspect affecting the performance of the healthcare centre. Most hospitals experience challenges, such as financial, leadership, and much more. Healthcare centres need to engage experts in numerous fields to assist in controlling the challenges.


Salarvand, S., Azizimalekabadi, M., Jebeli, A. A., & Nazer, M. (2017). Challenges experienced by nurses in the implementation of a healthcare reform plan in Iran. Electronic Physician, 9(4), 4131.

Warren, J. I., McLaughlin, M., Bardsley, J., Eich, J., Esche, C. A., Kropkowski, L., & Risch, S. (2016). The strengths and challenges of implementing EBP in healthcare systems. Worldviews on EvidenceBased Nursing, 13(1), 15-24.

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Essay on Challenges in Healthcare Management: An Overview and Solutions. (2023, Nov 07). Retrieved from

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