Essay on Breaking Barriers: The Inspiring Journey of Emmy Noether in Mathematics

Published: 2023-12-29
Essay on Breaking Barriers: The Inspiring Journey of Emmy Noether in Mathematics
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Students Mathematics
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 906 words
8 min read


In the past, many people considered mathematics and science to be men's subjects. The belief is not true because many women have proven against people's stereotypes. Many women have contributed just as much as men's counterparts towards mathematics. However, the names of women mathematicians might have been forgotten because their history is rarely documented. One of the women mathematicians who contributed significantly to the subject is Emmy Noether.

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Emmy's Background

Emmy was born in March 1882 in Erlangen, Germany. Her parents named her Amalie, but she was mostly called Emmy. Her mathematics journey did not develop at a young age due to the stereotype that mathematics is a male subject. Her brother Fritz had developed a career in mathematics at a young age. Her mathematics background was stronger because her father, Max Noether, was a famous mathematician in his era (Kimberling, 1972). Despite her living in such a background, she did not concentrate on mathematics; instead, she spent most of her time on languages.

Emmy's Contribution Period

In the year 1900, Emmy decided to contribute to mathematics. At this period, she completed her high school studies at the age of 18. She chose to attend mathematics classes at the University of Erlangen. Her father worked as a mathematics professor, and her brother was a student pursuing mathematics at the same university. However, the university denied her a chance to sit in mathematics classes. Instead, she was granted permission to audit mathematics classes (Kimberling, 1972). After two years, she was allowed to pursue a doctoral student in mathematics, where she became the second woman in the mathematics field. Before engaging in the mathematics career, her mother had taught her the traditional skills a young woman of her time should possess (Case & Leggett, 2016). The skills helped her to maintain her culture despite acquiring the education that many young women never had.

Education Contribution

Emmy's educational background was promoted to her contribution to her mathematics career. Her father and brother probably motivated her to join the mathematics classes despite the belief in her society that women should not pursue a career in mathematics. If she got a stack in any mathematics problem, her father could help her solve the problems. After she graduated with a doctorate in mathematics, her university could not hire her due to the formulated policy of not hiring women professors. Therefore, she decided to help her father, who worked at Erlangen Mathematics Institute. She could teach his classes and conduct her research in her father's office. She published her research work at the University of Erlangen.

Emmy's Interest

She developed her interest in mathematics after completing her high school studies as a schoolteacher. Her strong interest drove her to abandon her teaching to apply for mathematics lessons. Her father also served as her motivation. Her love for mathematics did not stop her from pursuing a math career despite the German society rules that could not allow her to follow in her father's footsteps in becoming a university academic.

Main Contribution

Emmy worked with her father for ten years, and Germany got involved in World War 1. When the war ended, women were granted the right to vote and participate in other nations' activities. Despite the rights granted to the women, she was not paid for her teaching work. David Hilbert and Felix Klein were working at the University of Gottingen on one of Einstein's theories. They noticed that her work would be of great help. She started receiving a salary after three years (Case & Leggett, 2016). Emmy was passionate and cared about her students. She treated them like a family and was ready to listen to their problems. Her teaching techniques made her students develop ideas that facilitated them from becoming great mathematicians. She moved to the United States to extend her career at Bryn Mawr College, where she was offered a chance to teach. She taught in the college until her death.

Significance of Emmy's Contribution

Emily's contribution to mathematics made a significant impact on society. She is a great motivation to young women who want to pursue a career that society believes is meant for men. If she had not developed a passion for mathematics, she would not have coped with the challenges she encountered in her career. She inspired her students to pursue a career despite the barriers to intervention. Her contribution also resulted in developing great mathematicians and promoting their careers (Case & Leggett, 2016).

Connection of Emmy's Contribution to Mathematics

Schools require supporting their students in developing a mathematics career. The subject is significant to all students who want to pursue a mathematics career. There should be no discrimination in pursuing a career to boost their confidence and competence. Mathematics helps students to develop analytical thinking. It also promotes students' ability to think due to the problems that require being solved (Andrews, 2007). Young women should also be encouraged to pursue a mathematics career and fight societal stereotypes. Emmy's contribution to her mathematics career has proved that women can as well be good at mathematics. Therefore, the schools and government should encourage them to pursue their career.


Andrews, P. (2007). The curricular importance of mathematics: a comparison of English and Hungarian teachers' espoused beliefs. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 39(3), 317-338.

Case, B. A., & Leggett, A. M. (Eds.). (2016). Complexities - women in mathematics. Princeton University Press.

Kimberling, C. H. (1972). Emmy Noether. The American Mathematical Monthly, 79(2), 136-149.

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Essay on Breaking Barriers: The Inspiring Journey of Emmy Noether in Mathematics. (2023, Dec 29). Retrieved from

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