Essay Example on Breach Management Toolkit

Published: 2023-05-31
Essay Example on Breach Management Toolkit
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Technology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1372 words
12 min read


After evaluating the Breach Management Toolkit, one of the functions outlined in the kit which learned include its importance for or smaller healthcare organizations, which are looking for guidance in complying with HIPAA. For instance, and health care organization may lack the knowledge of the meaning of a breach. As such, the breach management toolkit delineates the distinction between a data breach, as well as the HIPAA violation. Most fundamentally, the breach described in the toolkit involves the acquisition, utilization, disclosure or access of protected health care data in a way that compromises either the privacy or the security of safeguarded health care information. Such an action is further regarded as a violation of the 1996 HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) privacy regulation (AHIMA, 2014a).

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I also learned that the toolkit addresses various roles of the HIM members including maintaining, implementing as well as planning a breach management procedure (AHIMA, 2014a).

Finally, I acknowledged that the Breach Management Toolkit includes mechanisms for mitigating solutions, monitoring risk factors, goal setting, determining responsibilities and roles, as well as the process for prioritizing development steps for addressing breaches (AHIMA, 2014a).

Telemedicine Toolkit

I learned that the AHIMA's (2017) Telemedicine toolkit offers guidance for hospital institutions, and health related practices on how to establish and implement a telemedicine program by evaluating potential opportunities associated with their specific need in safeguarding quality end efficient health care required by patients.

I learned that the toolkit further plays a crucial function in guiding the development of telehealth programs with a particular focus on virtually and securely engaging patients in ways that align with business and clinical strategies as well as a hospital's existing information governance program.

I also learned that the toolkit offers guidance for the evaluation of reimbursement, legal and documentation practicalities in advance of developing and implementing a telehealth system (AHIMA 2017).

AHIMA Disaster Planning and Recovery Toolkit

I learned that the HIM professionals are guided about provision of education concerning the advanced planning for potential disasters particularly the risk assessment and evaluation of the necessary requirements, along with the actual preparation of disasters. As such, both approaches necessitate the consideration of systems associated with appropriate guidance on the investigations and management of HIEs (Health Information Exchanges) as a patient advocacy strategy during the planning and preparation of disasters (Dooling, 2013).

The toolkit further informs HIM experts concerning how to handle recovery of the disasters they faced. In this context, the role of the toolkit involves the demonstration that successful recovery requires collaboration between the HIM professionals with each departmental stakeholder, along with well-timed communication in a well-practiced and rehearsed way to attain the objective of restoring heath care systems with the least disruption of the care offered to patients (AHIMA, 2013).

I also learned that the Toolkit offers HIM professionals the guidance of the release of healthcare information with the main emphasis on protecting and collecting health data (AHIMA, 2013).

Computer-Assisted Coding (CAC) Toolkit

I learned that the CAC program that would be supportive for practitioners wishing to plan and prepare for its adoption within the ambulatory (including physician), outpatient, inpatient, along with acute care settings (AHIMA, 2014b).

I learned that when the CAC is combined with a credentialed coding program, it can potentially assist the users with quicker coding of the records of patients without minimizing accurateness.

I also learned that whenever the CAC NLG technology is utilized in a healthcare setting, the coding period will be highly shortened and advanced; thus establishing improved efficiencies as such roles as reading health records or assigning codes and screes to health care information will be replaced by a validation process based on the CAC approach (AHIMA, 2014b).

CDI and Coding Collaboration in Denials Management Toolkit

I learned that healthcare organization can utilize denial information to work with health provider service lies in offering clinical evidence guidelines often concerned with high-risk diagnoses.

I also learned that coding and CDI programs can help organizations to inhibit denials based on inaccurate or missing data through such principles as accurate documentation supported with information like the POA (Present on Admission) status.

I also learned that it is crucial for the denials professionals to acknowledge the diversity of Medicare reviews, as well as the contractors of the reviews to establish compliant procedures of avoiding possible denials (AHIMA 2015b).

Data Quality Management Model Toolkit

I learned that the quality of gathered health information could be potentially impacted by either the method used to enter the data in a healthcare system, whether manual or outdated, or in the kind of value constraints or labels around information entry.

I also learned that data quality relies on securing housing, along with effective, as well as efficient ease of access when required by HIM professionals. Such, information elements can affect the entire data quality procedure, which allows constant advancement towards quality patient care.

I also learned the fundamental checklist for HIM professionals to apply in evaluating data quality management efforts including: application such as the purpose, limitation and availability of timely data; the collection -procedure that involves effective and timely training, as well as data standards exist, standardization of the gathered information, among others, along with warehousing and analysis that involves determining the link between the management of data collectors, and owners (Davoudi et al. 2015).

External HIPAA Audit Readiness Toolkit

Most fundamentally, I learned that the toolkit helps organizations to prepare for phase two of the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) by addressing such aspects as compliance with HIPAA privacy, security and breach notification requirements.

I learned that the toolkit can potentially assist HIM officials can utilize such leadership reporting channels including BA and CE leadership, along with the board of directors to report compliance activities.

I learned that the role of both privacy as well as the HIM staff involves constant investigation, as well as monitoring data usage, disclosure and is access, in addition to proactively auditing compliance with policy and regulation like walk-through physical 24-hour care such as security or privacy rounds (AHIMA, 2015a).

Healthcare Reimbursement Audit Toolkit

I learned that government auditors have the authority to inspect claims acquiesced by any provider or entity, which offers the USA's Medicare beneficiaries treatments, procedures or services a part of the audit process.

I also learned that organizations are obligated to prepare for external payer and government audits based on such steps as outlining the procedure for responding to the audit process, developing policies that for arranging for an onsite auditor, establishing distinct records and timeframes as well as the appeals that secure every claim.

I also learned the Medicare advantage RADV (Risk Adjustment Validation Audits) safeguard risk adjustment payments through the support of medical record documentation grounded on the HCC (Hierarchical Condition Categories) for coding of health information.

Informatics Toolkit

I leaned that the toolkit offers crucial information concerning heath data analysis process that involves cleaning through logic checks, eyeballing, and spot-checking.

I also learned that the management of health information processes as well as systems includes identifying work procedures such as process advancements; as well as the management of change and the measure of the health care organization's success.

Finally, I learned about the concept of database management that incorporates administrators accountable for exploring databases to safeguard completeness, as well as accuracy by avoiding such inconsistencies as varying field lengths, and inconsistent naming conventions.


AHIMA, (2013). AHIMA Disaster Planning and Recovery Toolkit. Retrieved from AHIMA website: (2014a). Breach management toolkit: A comprehensive guide for compliance (978-1-58426-674-7). Retrieved from AHIMA website:

AHIMA. (2015a). AHIMA External HIPAA Audit Readiness Toolkit (9781584265740). AHIMA Press. (2015b). CDI and Coding Collaboration in Denials Management Toolkit (ISBN #: 9781584266433). AHIMA Press.

AHIMA. (2017). Telemedicine toolkit (978-1-58426-622-8). Retrieved from AHIMA website:

Davoudi, S., Dooling, J. A., Glondys, B., Jones, T. D., Kadlec, L., Overgaard, S. M., ... & Wendicke, A. (2015). Data Quality Management Model (2015 Update)-Retired. Journal of AHIMA, 86(10), expanded-web.

Dooling, J. A. (2013). Meaningful Use and Disaster Infrastructure Q&A: HIM Professionals Share Lessons Learned. Journal of AHIMA, 84(10), 64-65.

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Essay Example on Breach Management Toolkit. (2023, May 31). Retrieved from

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