Supporting the Techno Utopian Believers - Essay Sample on Technology

Published: 2019-10-30
Supporting the Techno Utopian Believers - Essay Sample on Technology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Internet Technology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 974 words
9 min read

The dynamics of the modern world and the inception of technologically advanced systems have significantly impacted the lives of the current young generation. Through information systems, most aspects have greatly changed from education and how the youth and children play to the way they interact. It is estimated that through technology, more than 50% of modern students have internet enabled smartphones which they use in their daily activities. However, there have been numerous debates regarding the impact of the technology spectrum in children and youths. Personally, I concur with the Techno-Utopians believers who are of the opinion that the internet and information technology is the future of the world that will bring immense change.

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The education system exists as one of the aspects that technology plays a key role. This is with regards to the numerous myths as outlined by Plowman & McPake (2013) whose findings indicate that through technology, it is possible for tutors to consider various ways of teaching while challenging what young students hear and read. Technology has availed most of the information to children before they even entered school. They have been exposed to various elements among them websites, interactive stories, and DVDs which are made accessible via cell phones and notebooks. Through these advancements, I propose that education professions consider the children experiences with technology before they enter school to first understand what they have been exposed. Plowman and McPake further suggests on several positions which technology plays a part in the education of these individuals and which are equally important to consider to ascertain that technology and the internet are the future of our education. In debates, there are those who argue that technology is the cause of a child reduced social skills and has an effect on the emotional development while minimizing their urge to reading. However, these are only a few disadvantages and also, by virtue that through technological video games the child is subjected to critical thinking, then the advancements are essential to their education.

Another relevant discussion regarding education and technology is the visitor resident distinction which reflects on the importance of online studying to the current and future generation of young people. While visitors have been identified as individuals who will use online services only in time of need, residents use the internet to access information whiles post their sentiments and opinions. Another distinction between the two is that while a resident will remain online for most aspects such as studying and recreation, the visitors will have a specified time in which they are online and will rarely express themselves on the social platforms (White, 2011). In line with education, the dynamics of the learning process subject students to reveal their skills in analytical and critical thinking through blogs and comments on a specified topic. Technology is also the foundation of feed based education where students engage in an extensive discussion. Moreover, technology is the basis of the online learning system where the lecture hall approach has been scraped off. Through the social media, students can continuously interact while the issue of group works and discussions has been supported despite concerns regarding the invasion of privacy.

The issue of changes in the modern students cannot go unnoticed. Although the alterations in the educational system are based on technology, the lifestyle has also been changing drastically on aspects such as slang and clothes. Most may argue that it is a bad thing, but again change is inevitable. The issue of singularity is also in the discussion which is affiliated to the twentieth-century digital technology. The current students will spend most of their time on video games, approximately 10000 hours as compared to 5000 hours of reading according to Prensky (2001). The internet and cell phones have become part of their lives which has in turn, changed their thinking patterns. It has then become a fascination to most of the people who were not born in the digital world referred to as digital immigrants. However, there is a need for the digital immigrants educators to change their system of approach to education in aspects such as making it fun and avoiding numerous lectures. However, the digital natives approach has proven to be not only effective but a fast learning process. It is imperative that the digital immigrants will have no choice but adjust their content and methodology to accommodate these alterations in the education system. Bennet, Maton & Kervin (2008) on the other hand after the digital natives debate, ascertain that despite there being a need for investigating the digital natives and net generations have an impact on education. They further state that technology and internet have transcended the traditional education approach that is unprepared and full of hitches. These changes according to these authors call for an education reform which responds to the adjustments. Further, essential to note is that information and communication technology (ICT) attempts to accommodate an array of skills and interest of all students.

In conclusion, the techno utopians are of the idea that technology and the internet are the foundations of the future lives of the young generations on aspects such as education and social interaction. The debate on the impacts of these components in the current education system indicate that although the two have been beneficial in aspects such as improving the skills of the students and that it has provided a fast learning process, there is need to reform the education instructors approach in aspects such as content and strategy.


Bennett, S., Maton, K., & Kervin, L. (2008). The digital natives debate: A critical review of the evidence. British journal of educational technology,39(5), 775-786.

Plowman, L., & McPake, J. (2013). Seven myths about young children and technology. Childhood Education, 89(1), 27-33.

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1. On the horizon,9(5), 1-6.

White, D. (2011). Not digital natives& immigrants but visitors& residents.English Language Teaching Global Blog.

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