Essay Example on Bipolar Disorder: Abnormal Psychology in the News

Published: 2023-04-30
Essay Example on Bipolar Disorder: Abnormal Psychology in the News
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Mental disorder Bipolar disorder
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1014 words
9 min read

Bipolar Disorder is a condition that used to be called manic depression, is a mental health condition that has extreme mood swings that include highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). You could become depressed, you could feel sad, hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in many activities. In the article, "Better care needed for people displaying first symptoms of bipolar disorder" they felt more research needed to be put into treatments to help patient's that have first manic episodes. They state there's an inconsistency in patient treatment and care. Late detection and lack of guidance is also a major problem that needs to be researched and addressed.

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The aim of righting the article on "Better care needed for people displaying first symptoms of bipolar disorder" (King's College London - Institute of Psychiatry, 2019, June 24) was to express on the existing inconsistent health care, increased failure in detecting bipolar disorder at early stages as well as the lucking guidance on ways of treating individuals faced with the mania for the first time. Additionally, the article aims at expressing how the individuals faced with the first mania bipolar disorder are overlooked by the health personnel despite them showing signs of quick treatment. Based on the article, its intention also is expressed through its explanation of the harm associated with the individual with bipolar disorder which according to the article lies at 50 times compared to the other population as well as 12 times the risk of committing suicide compared to those individuals of the general public.

Moreover, the article on "Better care needed for people displaying first symptoms of bipolar disorder" expresses on lack of quality evidence in intervening in the first cases of mania and the existing gaps on guidelines regarding the appropriate treatments on individuals experiencing the first mania. Further, the article expresses the impact that can be experienced in all levels in a society from the young persons, their family, and the entire society if not identified in the first stages and special attention given. From this various effect associated with the bipolar disorder, the article emphasizes on the intensive research for guiding the future treatment so that people can be kept well in a longer duration and special attention that needs to be given by the medical personnel to the patient that are in their first episode of mania before the condition persists.

Based on the article on "Better care needed for people displaying first symptoms of bipolar disorder" the author intention was to express the negligence imposed by the health fraternity to the bipolar disorder individuals and the risk associated with the bipolar disorder as well as the need for more research to guiding the future treatment of the disorder. However, the article does not accurately describe the bipolar disorder. This is whereby the article does not explain the various necessities as per the bipolar disorder module. For instance, the article does not define the meaning of the term bipolar disorder nor its symptoms as per the module. Additionally, other essential requirements in understanding bipolar disorder are nowhere discussed in the article as it should be as per the module. For instance, the article does not explain the types of disorder, the condition that can occur with bipolar disorder, effect associated with bipolar disorder or how bipolar disorder is diagnosed. Moreover, the article does not explain the necessary treatment that may be exercised such as the medications, psychotherapy or other treatment that are applicable to the bipolar disorder.

Based on the impact associated with the article on "Better care needed for people displaying first symptoms of bipolar disorder" it can be genuinely be established that the article does not constitute the understanding of the topic on bipolar disorder. The lack of the article to base its explanation on the bipolar disorder module, completely makes it misleading since it is only through understanding the entire topic on bipolar disorder that one can understand the message being tried to be conveyed by the article regarding the measures needed to control the rate of bipolar disorder among the people. Also, it is only through understanding the disorder process as described in the bipolar disorder module that one may be able to conduct a research regarding the guidance for future treatment as required by the article.

The article critics on failure to detect bipolar disorder and criticizing to the medical personnel for overlooking the people, who have first episode mania despite them showing evidence for effective treatment, may not sound as an important proposal since the author does not express critically on the exact symptoms that may be part of bipolar disorder. Various behaviors may be experienced among the individual but they cannot necessarily be classified as bipolar disorder symptoms. For instance, an individual may be experiencing normal stress that may be a result of usual life happenings such as the feeling of sadness or lack of interest in usual activities. These same symptoms are also part of an individual experiencing a depressive episode. Thus, the lack of the article to emphasize the exact neglected bipolar behavior among the patient by the health personnel makes the article misleading.

Also, the article seems to be misleading by suggesting conducting research guidance for future treatment of the bipolar disorder. This is because at first, the article expresses that the people with the first episode are being overlooked by the health personnel despite them showing evidence for effective treatment. Basically, research is conducted to determine a solution to a problem that has no other solving method or which the existing methods have been tested and failed. However, according to the article, the author does not express on the measures that ought to be undertaken to curve the behavior of overlooking the patient with evidence for effective treatment rather, the author suggests on conducting other researches on guidance for future treatment of bipolar disorder a condition that renders the article unreliable.


King's College London - Institute of Psychiatry. (2019, June 24). Better care needed for people displaying first symptoms of bipolar disorder. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 23, 2020 from:

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Essay Example on Bipolar Disorder: Abnormal Psychology in the News. (2023, Apr 30). Retrieved from

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