Essay Example: Moses' vs. Billy Graham's Leadership

Published: 2022-07-12
Essay Example: Moses' vs. Billy Graham's Leadership
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 608 words
6 min read

Moses Leadership

The first-ever Israelite prophet was Moses; he was born into slavery and was characterized by a stutter and short temper. Later on, he is seen to rebel against a powerful ruler to free his people from bondage (Bower & Wolverton, 2000). Moses exercised his leadership qualities by use of insight and universal truths, making him teach people from various religious backgrounds making them believe in the God he represented.

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Moses was able to guide people into believing and have hope in his God. However, the harsh realities of the wilderness made it hard to make people fully believe in God. At one time Moses found the people worshiping other gods, this ethical dilemma proved to be difficult for him, and he lost it all (Bower & Wolverton, 2000).

In the area of authority, Moses was able to turn the rebellious followers to worship his true God. As a responsible leader, he was able to delegate duties to his juniors, and whenever they could not perform their duties, he stepped in and guided them (Woolfe, 2002). Moses was an accountable leader able to manage resources effectively by conducting censuses often to determine the natural resources available for use by the people. Human resource census was also conducted to determine the number of his workforce personnel.

Billy Graham Leadership

Billy Graham is an American preacher known for his evangelical works which came into the international limelight in the year 1940s (Hankins, 2018). Billy is also known for his effective leadership qualities worth emulating. Throughout his evangelical journey, he has been faced with the ethical dilemma of earning the integrity of people in the church, in what appears to be the loss of trust by the people. Therefore, Billy does not accept offerings from his followers during his crusades.

In stamping his authority, Billy in association with his colleagues in the church set out stringent rules to guide the church leadership against involvement in sexual immorality which would otherwise make the church lose integrity (Hankins, 2018). As an accountable leader, Graham never accepted money offerings given directly to the church. However, he requested the money to be channeled towards the ministry where it is in the public domain. Effective running of the church was his primary role, Graham oversaw the entire team during crusades and guided them on their operations whenever possible.

Moses vs. Billy Graham Leadership

Moses and Billy Graham stamped their authority whenever it was needed, for instance, Moses converted rebellious followers to worship God, whereas Billy made people regain their trust in the church. Both Moses and Billy were responsible for overseeing the activities of those they gave duties. While Moses did the actual census to determine the resource availability, Graham preferred to let the members channel resources in the church projects without actual handling of the resources ( Woolfe, 2002).

Moses was ethical enough to ensure his members worshipped the true God, however, lost his trust in his followers when they turned against him. In contrast, Billy upheld his trust in his members throughout the ministry.

Lessons Learnt

To develop into an effective leader, there are qualities which should be upheld dearly which include integrity, priority, and self-security. Integrity is characterized by making sound decisions, consequently showing openness consistently. The well-being of whom you govern should be the topmost priority at all times. Moreover, leaders have to be visionary, with the ability to take accounts of their current leadership to determine the future fate of their followers.


Bower, B., & Wolverton, M. (2000). Answering the call.Hankins, B. (2018). Billy Graham: American Pilgrim. Journal Of American History, 105(2), 459-460. doi: 10.1093/jahist/jay255

Woolfe, L. (2002). The Bible on leadership. New York: American Management Association.

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