Essay Example Dedicated to Federal Register and Foundation Center

Published: 2022-07-18
Essay Example Dedicated to Federal Register and Foundation Center
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Internet Information technologies Public administration
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1196 words
10 min read

What is the Federal Register and Foundation Center?

Office of the Federal Register was established as an enactment of the Federal Register Act. The Federal Register is formed under the United States Federal Government branch. The office is tasked with the publication of daily materials which are proposed as well as administrative regulations of the federal agencies. The office keeps vital records of information under various departments such as Government Printing Office and the National Archives Records Administrations. Some vital information is inclusive of but not limited to public notes, proclamations, regulations, proposed regulations, presidential materials and executive orders. The citizens can utilize this information to keep up-to-date with Federal benefits, their human rights and opportunities for prospective funding.

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The Foundation Center's aim is to enhance the social sector by emphasizing on philanthropy in the US and across the globe. The nonprofit organization is a vital resource for information regarding philanthropic information. The Founding Center gathers data, process the data and provide training services. The aim is to offer individuals the chance to enhance their livelihoods via resource development (Geever, 2012). The Foundation Center Directory keeps an accessible central database for grant information. Stakeholders benefit a great deal from these research areas as well as educational and research (Ward, 2010). The essence is to improve the philanthropy capability of people across the globe through enhancing their knowledge and capacity building.

Office of the Federal Register was established as an enactment of the Federal Register Act. The Federal Register is formed under the United States Federal Government branch. The office is tasked with the publication of daily materials which are proposed as well as administrative regulations of the federal agencies. The office keeps vital records of information under various departments such as Government Printing Office and the National Archives Records Administrations. Some vital information is inclusive of but not limited to public notes, proclamations, regulations, proposed regulations, presidential materials and executive orders. The citizens can utilize this information to keep up-to-date with Federal benefits, their human rights and opportunities for prospective funding.

The Foundation Center's aim is to enhance the social sector by emphasizing on philanthropy in the US and across the globe. The nonprofit organization is a vital resource for information regarding philanthropic information. The Founding Center gathers data, process the data and provide training services. The aim is to offer individuals the chance to enhance their livelihoods via resource development. The Foundation Center Directory keeps an accessible central database for grant information. Stakeholders benefit a great deal from these research areas as well as educational and research (Ward, 2010). The essence is to improve the philanthropy capability of people across the globe through enhancing their knowledge and capacity building (New & Quick, 2003).

Where do One Find the Federal Register and Foundation Center?

Federal Register presents information in multiple formats. Firstly, one may access the information online by visiting the overall website of and selecting the Federal Digital System section. These digital prints can be accessed via the link: One may also have the interest to access the Federal Library for various soft copies for points of references. I was once incapable of accessing the internet and I was informed that I could buy some of the publications then receive them via emails and fax means. These hard files are kept at the library and sometimes they are made available on the newspaper sections. Detailed information can be found from a toll-free number (202) 512-1800.

Foundation Center can be accessed by visiting their official website. The website is enabled with a search menu button which assists with locating grant makers for funding a nonprofit project. The website has a comprehensive database with over 120,000 grantmakers and it is regularly updated to increase its reliability to its users (New & Quick, 2003). The learning avenues can also be accessed from the website. The Roanoke Public Library is close to Lynchburg at 706 South Jefferson and the main link to the website is

Why does the Federal Register and Foundation Center exist?

The Federal Register exists to store relevant information which is essential for the public as well as other institutions through information accessibility in regards to regulatory frameworks and opportunities for funding. It comprises a database of vital information which informs the general public. It exists to inform the citizens about their responsibilities and rights as well as to establish a platform for them to get engaged in a democratic procedure.

The Foundation Center is guided by a mission to promote and empower the social sector through knowledge advancement and awareness about philanthropy in the US and across the world (Geever, 2012). In making the information available, it works towards improving the livelihoods of people and communities at large. Fiscal Sponsorship is offered to nonprofit organizations rather than to an individual. Therefore, to acquire the support, one is recommended to align themselves with an organization to receive the resource support which should be channeled in the course of facilitating livelihood improvements (Ward, 2010). It exists to provide written contracts to the beneficiaries on who to receive the funds and formally inform them to utilize the funds appropriately.

Who Authorized or Sponsored the Federal Register and Foundation Center?

The Federal Register Act was ratified by the Federal Reserve Congress in the year 1935. By the year 1936, the Federal Register published its first issue and since then it has been a resource for presidential files, notice, and other important documents.

On the other hand, the Foundation Center was established in the late 1950's by like-minded leaders who were guided by John Gardener and Emerson Andrews. Their quest was guided by the necessity for a centralized place for storing relevant information regarding foundations. Shortly thereafter its creation, the Foundation Center Library was commissioned in the year 1959 in New York which enabled them to share their information in other libraries (Geever, 2012).

How to Access the data From the Federal Register and Foundation Center?

To access data from the Federal Register, one can use the URL using the internet. Some of the resources can be accessed through the Library of Federal Depository ( The resources have also been made available via other platforms such as via phone and fax and for the individuals who do not have access to the above avenues can receive their resources via mail.

Moreover, the Foundation Center resources can also be attained via the internet. The employees can access these materials free of charge while the public would pay to access some of the materials depending with their levels. Monthly charges can be as low as $50 per month to access some invaluable resources. In as much as the Foundation Center and Federal Register vary in multiple approaches, the two present a platform for organizations and the public to access valuable information.


Geever, J. C. (2012). The Foundation Center's guide to proposal writing (6th ed.). New York, New York: Foundation Center. ISBN: 9781595424044.

New, C. C., & Quick, J. A. (2003). How to write a grant proposal. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 9780471212201.

Ward, D. (2010). Effective grants management. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 9780763749842.

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