Free Essay on Emancipation Story by Larry Lopez

Published: 2017-09-05
Free Essay on Emancipation Story by Larry Lopez
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Human Nature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 614 words
6 min read

The logic behind the separation of cultural humans from nature can be solved through intensive analysis on why the separation happened. The discoveries of this research will, as a matter of fact, allow for the organization of substitute methods to satisfy the wants or causes of the break thereby assisting in forestalling supplementary emancipation in reserved lands. Subsequently, this will avert additional separation of the cordial relationship between nature and cultural man. Henceforth, this will generate a sigh of relief and a striking equilibrium for the rehabilitation of land as a family member and land encroachment for financial gains.

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This research is centered on the findings of the causes of two major issues. First, this research is centered on the discoveries of the causes of separation between cultural human and nature. Secondly, it will focus on the findings causes of land encroachment. One of the main reasons for the aforementioned is the ever rise in the human population triggering the demand for food production.

The research also entails the alternative solutions to the aforementioned problems to give way forward on the techniques to be adopted to avert further separation of culture human and nature. An example of these solutions as cited in the research entails control of the human population. This move will ensure that human need not to encroach into lands for food production to meet the rising population. In the long run, control of population growth will assist in the preservation of the conserved lands hence reducing the separation of nature, man and his culture.

The separation between man and nature dates back to several thousands of years ago when the early Sumerians started practicing agricultural activities along the Tigris and Euphrates valley. The research outlines how man once traversed through the land picking berries and at the same time valuing his land through prayer. However, the split occurred immediately man started viewing the land as a profit making entity. Similarly, the research highlights that ones homeland has evolved to be viewed just as an object and no longer part and parcel of the family. This is contrary to how it was earlier in the life reciprocities. The mutual responsibilities of Mongolia, Greenland and aboriginal refugia clearly go contrary to the theory of separation between cultural human and nature. It argues that there is the need to more developments of the separation to abrogate fully on the break between the nature and culture man. Subsequently, this will help in the execution of designed environmental plans laid down to curb the global climatic change caused as a result of the break.

The closing circle article highlights the impact of technology in the enhancement of invasion of virgin lands. Similarly, it highlights the role technology plays in the separation of culture man and nature (Barry, 20).The article Man and Nature gives insights with regards to the separation of culture human and nature. It attributes the separation to ever changing climate, increased population growth among others

The article Emancipation by Barry Lopez key points will that would be used for future research with regards to the separation of culture man and nature. Additionally, it will aid in provision of alternatives to bridge the gap between culture man and nature.

Works Cited

Commoner, Barry. The closing circle: nature, man, and technology. Knopf, 2014.

Wallace, Alfred Russel. The Malay Archipelago: the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature. Courier Corporation, 1869.

Marsh, George Perkins, and David Rosenthal. Man and nature. University of Washington Press, 1965.

Eiseley, Loren. The immense journey: An imaginative naturalist explores the mysteries of man and nature. Vintage, 2011.

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