Free Essay Describing Elements of Critical Thinking

Published: 2022-07-08
Free Essay Describing Elements of Critical Thinking
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Data analysis
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 464 words
4 min read

An example of an article, which has good critical thinking skills, is by Bolton, Parasuraman, Hoefnagels, Migchels, Kabadayi, Gruber, Loureiro, & Solnet (2013). It has good critical thinking skills because it contains the five major elements. The article attempted to understand the millennial generation and the way they use social media. Researchers discussed the implications of social media on the individuals, organizations, and the society. Results from their research revealed that social media can affect individuals by resulting in either socialization or cyber bullying due to disclosure of too much information. It affects firms by helping them to maintain a competitive edge. It affects the society by leading to social change. The researchers conclude that researchers need to delve into more research effects of social media on individuals, firms and the society by coming up with behavioral measures. The elements of critical thinking that are evident in the article include purpose, evidence, perspective, analysis, and problem-solving. Regarding purpose, the researchers conducted a study to understand the use of social media by the millennial generation. Concerning evidence, the researchers used inter-generational inconsistency from both environmental and individual factors. On the element of analysis, the researchers analyzed the implications of social media on individuals, firms, and the society. As it pertains to the element of perspective, researchers wrote in the point of view of the millennial generation. As to the element of problem-solving, the researchers attempted to understand what the millennial generation does or does not do to figure out its implications.

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An example of an article, which the speaker lacks good critical thinking skills is by Pratt (2018). It discusses whether people should avoid airing their opinions on social media. In the article, the author advises users of social media not to speak their thoughts but speak the truth when posting things on Facebook. The article lacks good critical thinking skills because it does not have an acquisition of information. In the article, the author provides her opinion and advises people to think before they post anything on social media. Besides, the article lacks creativity. Before anyone posts on social media, they usually think about its implications but decide to do it anyway. From a personal perspective, the article lacks the element of creativity because the author writes about a topic that is well known. Furthermore, the article lacks the element of depth. The author would have structured her text by providing relevant sources about the way people's opinions on social media have landed them in trouble.


Parasuraman, Hoefnagels, Migchels, Kabadayi, Gruber, Loureiro, & Solnet (2013). Understanding Generation Y and their use of social media: a review and research agenda. Journal of Service management, vol.24, no.3, pp. 245-267.

Pratt, A. (2018). Censorship on Social Media. Thrive Global. Retrieved from

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