Essay Example. Education, History, Oppression, Microaggression, And Resistance

Published: 2023-07-10
Essay Example. Education, History, Oppression, Microaggression, And Resistance
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning History Education Violence
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 721 words
7 min read

In my understanding, I knew education is the process where an individual goes to school from lower classes to college to attain a certificate and also to be able to communicate with people. The lessons from school have taught me that education is the procedure of facilitating learning or acquiring skills, habits, beliefs, and knowledge (Wang, 2018). The methods of teaching include training, discussion, direct research, and storytelling. Usually, education takes place under the guidance of educators, teachers, and professors, where the student' acquire knowledge from them. Learning also takes place in informal or formal settings and has a formative effect on the way the student acts, feels, or thinks.

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In the same concept of learning, history to me was anything from the past. What I did not know is that we could learn lessons from the past. In class, we learned that history is an event that took place before the writing systems were invented. History can also be the past events as well as the discovery, organization, memory, interpretation, collection, and presentation of information about past events (Riegel, 2016). The only way to learn this is through written documents that were written in the past, such as biological markers, oral accounts, artifacts, and material objects as historical sources.

My understanding of oppression is when one is frustrated to the point that they are diagnosed with mental pressure. In class, I learned that abuse is an unjust or cruel exercise of power. The minority, in this case, are suitable examples used to show how they were historically subjected to oppression by people in power. It is also unfortunate that abuse takes place today. For instance, many societies claim that women are properties of husbands or fathers. This status does not allow them to wear clothes of their choice, and they cannot go anywhere they are not permitted. In the past, oppression was the inequitable use of physical force, law, or authority to prevent others from being equal or free. On his note, feminists of the 1970s decided to find ways of balancing the powers between men and women because they are both insidious and overt forces in society (Dunbar-Hester, 2017).

Microaggression is a new term to me that I never heard of in the past. In class, we learned that it is a term used for commonplace and brief daily verbal, environmental, or behavioral indignities, whether unintentional or intentional, that communicate derogatory, negative, or hostile insults or slights toward marginalized groups. The term was first coined in 1970 by Chester M Pierce to describe dismissals and insults he regularly observed when non-black Americans were inflicted by African Americans (Riegel, 2016). The term was also used in the 21st century in the causal degradation of marginalized social people such as people in poverty, disabled individuals, and the LGBT (Riegel, 2016).

In my understanding, resistance is a term used in physics to show the opposition of any current flow in the electric circuit. However, in class, resilience is a movement that took place during the Second World War, which occupied many countries in outright warfare. Many states also formed resistance movements to undermine or to fight the Nazi and Axis invaders. Many groups were later formed, ranging from armed resistance to humanitarian aid based on the varying circumstances.


All the terms used in class are connected to past events. The definition of the names had different meanings until they were taught in class. For instance, the term history is used to reveal past events as well as the discovery, organization, memory, interpretation, collection, and presentation of information about previous activities. The same term shows a connection to the other times of the events that took place in the past.


Andrei, A., Oosterhout, J. H. V., & Sauerwald, S. (2019). When the Mouse Squeaks Will the Elephant Listen? The Effect of Minority Shareholder Voice on CEO Dismissals in German Family and Non-Family Firms. SSRN Electronic Journal, 161-198. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3385471

Dunbar-Hester, C. (2017). Feminists, geeks, and geek feminists: Understanding gender and power in technological activism 1. Media Activism in the Digital Age, 187-204. doi: 10.4324/9781315393940-16

Riegel, K. F. (2016). The Recall of Events from the Individual and Collective Past. Psychology of Development and History, 221-236. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4684-0763-1_14

Wang, Q. (2018). Philosophy and educational paradigms examined. Coaching Psychology for Learning, 11-30. doi: 10.4324/9781315170510-2

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