Free Essay on Whether Smartphones Bring Harmful Effects to Children?

Published: 2019-05-21
Free Essay on Whether Smartphones Bring Harmful Effects to Children?
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Child development
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 493 words
5 min read

Does my kid need a smartphone? This is a confusing question that runs through every parent with young children. The accessibility and convenience of these modern gadgets are indeed beneficial to most in the world. Many parents allow their kids to use and even carry smartphones at a tender age ignoring the dangers they are exposing their children to (Steiner-Adair, & Barker, 2013). The impact of mobile phones on the young pre-school brain has been outpaced the number of children already using them. Smartphone brings lots negative effect to children on learning, social and health.

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Smartphone brings lots negative effect to children on learning, social and health. If given smartphones, most children would be tempted to carry them to school. They will waste a lot of important time. Due to peer influence, the young generation are tempted to browse adult content like pornographic sites (Gupta, R., & Brooks, 2013). They will spend most of the time on the smartphones diverting the academic minds leading to poor performance due to laziness. Smartphone applications and games for kids hinder them from interacting with other people (Steiner-Adair, & Barker, 2013). Due to immature mind, a child will be tempted to text while walking or crossing the road. That child is likely to cause accidents or even be run over by a car and die.

Another significant drawback is that prolonged use of the smartphone will destroy the childs eyesight. Recent studies have revealed that smartphones can cause myopia of people at a young age (Neufeld, & Mate, 2005). Heavy usage of smartphones at a young age provides an addiction for children. Their eyes will be forced to adjust to the phone screen leading to headaches or migraines.


In the end Smartphones for young children should not be allowed since it only promotes unhealthy behaviour and provides an easy addiction. Though technology is a good thing it should be moderated and taught to be used responsibly. For kids, cell phones are just an element of entertainment and a big diversion from the studies. In conclusion, young children should not be given smartphones before they become mature and responsible of themselves.

Questions from the audience

- Does my kid need a smartphone?

- Dont smartphones provide an easy way to track children?

- What is the correct age to give a child a smartphone?


- No. Kids dont need smartphones because the negative effects outweigh positive effects.

- Various smartphone apps can help in tracking every childs move e.g. Life 360 app.

- Young children should not be given smartphones before they become mature and responsible of themselves.


Gupta, R., & Brooks, H. (2013). Using social media for global security. Indianapolis, Ind: John WIley & Sons.

Neufeld, G., & Mate, G. (2005). Hold on to your kids: Why parents need to matter more than peers. New York: Ballantine Books.

Steiner-Adair, C., & Barker, T. (2013). The big disconnect: Protecting childhood and family relationships in the digital age. New York: Harper

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Free Essay on Whether Smartphones Bring Harmful Effects to Children?. (2019, May 21). Retrieved from

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