Dembski's Book: Religion, Science & Intelligent Design. Essay Example

Published: 2022-12-28
Dembski's Book: Religion, Science & Intelligent Design. Essay Example
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Biology Religion Philosophers Books
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1498 words
13 min read

Dembski's book was one of the most provocative manuscripts in the biology community philosophy that engaged in religion and science dialogue to revisit the intelligent design. The author also gives a sequel to the controversial issues of Behe because of his new book. Dembski happened to be one of the most influential scientists in research because he attained a degree both in mathematics and philosophy. Throughout his career, the author has written several articles all over the world about the intelligence design topic. The importance of his works is that the footnotes he used had the rare manuscript as it illuminated the primary texts.

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This also makes the reader engage fully to understand between and not remain paranoid by missing important point throughout the argument. Moreover, the author also makes use of figures and diagrams that are rewarding pedagogically. In the ten chapters, the author does a great job by revealing the erroneous and limitation that supports the materialistic naturalism. Moreover, he also gives a significant account of history on how the British were overthrown due to the substitution with positivism.

The most remarkable thing about the book is that none can look at the natural laws before the existing entities or forces that can cause relations. However, it has descriptions of the relevant rules of the relationships between the causes and effects. The religious views that exist in the book are the meta-laws because they elaborate more on the inconsistency of the argument brought by Plato's realm.

The primary cause behind this description is not about the capability of controlling one's self, but the nature of primal casualties presented to the forefront. In the chapters, for instance, Dembski stated that a strict Darwinism devoid related to the meaning of contradictory and inconclusive to the scientific wealth evidence to the intelligent design theory. In his preface, for instance, the author shows that several components are used to argue his case.

In 'Intelligent design' for instance uses three things: a research program that finds out the effect and causes of intelligence in a movement that causes problems to Darwinism and the real legacy it portrays (Dembski 13). It is clear that the tour de force is meaning that the audience cannot stop admiring the confidence the author put against the natural philosophy that permeates the establishment of an exact day.

For instance, Dembski boasts that the intelligent design theorist argued that Darwinism is a term derived from a failed scientific research because it does not support the scientific theories that explain power in a limited and abandoned when they try to account about the history (Dembski 112). With such daring philosophy and controversial, is shows that Dembski has unique positions such as oriented Universities like the University of Chicago and M.I.T.

The author is also the most recognized person and most provoking and daring that provoked the proposal of the scientist. Most biologists in this case never agree with Dembski idea by claiming that some of his points are superficial. The author even went ahead and added his erroneous belief that the design must be natural and optimal. With such claims, it is easy for one to agree with Dembski position. For instance, most Catholic churches have never claimed that their stronghold has real powers from God to overrule his creation.

This belief was at first taken a mistake by the theologians and scientists claiming that the statement is only created the will of God and the perfection attributes. Surprisingly, the most challenging issue is the traditional argument because of the capacity it had to debunk the theory of intelligent or natural theory designed from the beginning. In light of the existence of the imperfections created due to God's will, the author continues to elaborate criterion by detecting the intelligent design and the concepts of specification and complexity.

The author also wanted to distinguish the cause the intelligent from the natural causes by avoiding the philosophical scrutiny. But the then the Demsbki idea was to overthrow Darwinism to make any form of theistic evolutionism around his colleagues who researched on intelligent design to have adequate mechanism proposed for the harmonization of the Neo-Darwinian evolution but under the scientific evidence.

An excellent example is the neutral phenotypes and how they respected the selection of the population or organism and how it was maintained in the gene pool. Since the genetic linkage had relationships with the neutral genes, it could perpetuate if the DNA was linked with the information that is crucial for population organismal survival. The results showed that genetic elimination minimized the genes.

The impression of this lesson is that is critics both Michael Behe's and Dembski's theoretical issues by involving versions of neutral ideas. An excellent example is when Dembski uses the bacterial flagellum to infer to the intelligent design (Dembski 177-180). The chapters also continue to state that cases where the geneticist knockout experiment using the genes, they would them discover the abrogation flagellum function that was not permissible to the evolution like the irreducibly complex.

The book also shows a form of agreement between Behe and Dembski when it comes to the irreducible complexity. The challenge with this unity is the evolutionary time concept. For instance, today, the genetic modification does not show what would take place at any given time. Perhaps intermediate structures should be allowed because of their neutrality as well as reproductive fitness. If the statements were accurate, then the theorists would have hinderances when it comes to the progression theory because evolutionary biology is more of historical science than what the bio-philosophers and biologists would claim.

However, the two competing hypotheses have proposed intelligent causation such as the neutral and thoughtful design to make a claim adaptive. This means that unless the probability reasoning is eliminated the theories will not have enough facts to support because of the inaccuracy of elaborating the advent of the natural form. Nevertheless, this can be concluded that intelligent design can only be defined as an argument of the scientists and the neutrality theorist due to the historical record that speculate the accurate facts of the claims.

With such clear objections, it is clear that intelligent design has a higher degree due to the human conditions and components such as the human mind. The reason behind this claim is that the evolution of neuroarchitecture and brain cannot be purely explained due to the cultural influence and evolutionary mechanisms. Since Dwarnisimn is a failed scientist program, it is true that the argument is an overestimate especially to any person that works in the related field or uses the molecular genetics.

However, one interesting point to note from this book is how Dembski talks about the difference between original forms and designs particularly of the natural theistic or theology of evolutionism. The author elaborates that "intelligent design is more powerful and modest than natural theology (Dembski 107). This means that observable features seen around the globe have no preconceived facts that reveal the possibilities of intelligent causation robustly since it does not differ from the smart attributes. In this case, the intelligent theory becomes more compatible because of the various theological issues. But then since the design does not offer clear facts that lead to causation, there will be a weakness in the modesty of natural theology. This is because of the probable natural theistic and theologies concepts integrated into the worldview.

In my opinion, I believe that the Neo-Darwinian theory has reservoir data because it allows biologists to have intuitive jumps when it comes to exploring life. This is because the genetic model organism may be rendered useless if the accounting of evolutionary conservation between lower eukaryotic life forms and mammalians is not rectified. Evidence like genetics makes it clear to argue about the evolutionary savings as well as the natural selection theory. However, my argument is that Intelligent design must have a more robust approach to elaborate more on the evolutionary conservation to overthrow the Darwinian theory because of the attempts made to integrate the difference in the mechanism theory.


Dembski's book was one of the most provocative manuscripts in the biology community philosophy that engaged in religion and science dialogue to revisit the intelligent design. The book has educational arguments because of the elaboration between science and theology. Reading the book also creates a lot of excitement especially when two professionals argue about facts of life. Evidence like the genetics, for instance, make it clear to say about the evolutionary conservations as well as the natural selection theory. This means that unless the probability reasoning is eliminated the arguments will not have enough facts to support because of the inaccuracy of elaborating the advent of the natural form. The book also shows a structure of agreement between Behe and Dembski when it comes to the irreducible complexity. The author even went ahead and added his erroneous belief that the design must be natural and optimal.

Works Cited

Dembski, William A. Understanding Intelligent Design. Harvest House Publishers, 2008.

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Dembski's Book: Religion, Science & Intelligent Design. Essay Example. (2022, Dec 28). Retrieved from

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