Free Essay - Curriculum Design

Published: 2023-04-05
Free Essay - Curriculum Design
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching Planning Learning
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1321 words
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Curriculum design is an essential part of program design, and it guides stakeholders to achieve overall desired course and program outcomes. Program evaluation is a routine assessment of various parts of a program and a measure of intended goals. Program evaluation is done for a variety of purposes, including evaluating program implementation, determining program effectiveness, providing direction, and guiding improvements (Gaston & Lynch, 2019). The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with the program evaluation process.

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Teaching demands the use of a well-strategized model that guides the teachers and the students in skill dispensation process. It is essential in checking the students' learning outcomes, assessments and pedagogy (Brownie & Rossiter, 2018).

Course Description

The course framework is an essential aspect that enables the students to attain maximum absorption of practical skills taught in class since it provides precise steps and items to be covered at any particular lesson. The course will bear the following traits that will enhance students' maximum understanding and grasping of the lessons and nursing topics taught.

Persuasive Language: The use of this credible language is highly effective for the students and helps in achieving the set goals of the course. A persuasive language makes the learning process lively and engaging to all the stakeholders hence creating a conducive environment for the teachers to deliver quality works and enhance passing of knowledge in a more beneficial manner (McGrath, 2020). Students, on the other hand, feel free to make inquiries on the areas that they did not get well hence making it a mutual benefit.

Precise and straightforward: Use of simple, evidence-based aspects in curriculum development makes the students internalize and develop more interest and urge of wanting to gain more knowledge regarding the topic at hand. Precision in curriculum development is essential in reducing the monotonous nature of bulky syllables which makes the students bored and hence displays poor course outcomes.

Compressive coverage: This course characteristic is essential in ensuring all the required areas in syllabus coverage is adhered to so that no critical nursing items are left out. The curriculum emphasizes the explicit exposure of particular aspects that boost the nursing students' skills.

Humor: Use of humor is essential for both students and teachers when the learning process is ongoing since it creates a sense of personification in the items taught. It, therefore, helps the students to grasp a lot and gain vast knowledge on the matter.

Class Sessions

The course outline will see the students have five lessons a week where each lesson takes 4 hours with commercial breaks after 2 hours.

Underpinning Beliefs

Curriculum development entails various considerations mainly on the side of the stakeholders and core beneficiaries of the course outcome. Some of the beliefs that support this process include the following:

  • All the nursing students in the curriculum development can read and perfect the process of learning through the developed curriculum.
  • The learning process is believed to be a mutual partnership between teachers and students.
  • Teachers in the learning process are the facilitators of the process and are responsible in instilling nursing skills to the students.

Learning Principles

The learning process is based on the current information, skills, and basic understanding of concepts. Nursing students are, therefore, needed to do a lot of research on the topic of interest at any given times.

Main course concepts and models are focused on by the students to ensure that complete coverage of the syllabus is enhanced (Porter et al., 2020). Such concepts and models are essential in nursing lessons in equipping the student with appropriate professional skills.

The learning process is expected to occur in a situation that attracts high expectations scenario, which makes the process successful. All the identified nursing areas identified for coverage should be done explicitly to enable students to acquire an absolutely high outcome.

Learning Outcome

Incorporation of essential nursing skills in the students that are important for them while dispensing their professional mandate and attending to their clients is achieved. It is a valuable learning outcome since the acquisition of necessary skills is essential in nursing practice (Prosen, 2015).

Maximum understanding of the concepts and nursing theories among the student is attained through proper utilization of this course framework. It is essential for the students in enhancing their competence while discharging their duties as graduate nurses.

Appropriate application of evidence-based health care skills among the student is achieved through this course framework. It is achievable since the students are exposed to rigorous and frequent nursing practical lessons which improve their skills while working on the actual situation.

Demonstration of professionalism by the students is essential in nursing and the entire healthcare sector due to sensitivity of situations. This curriculum design is vital in equipping the nursing students with primary nursing professional, ethical code and etiquette, which is necessary for effective and efficiency during the nursing process.


A route for the actualizing realization of the learning outcome above, appropriate resources are essential for course work and reference purposes. Students need to do some research with the guide of teachers on nursing theories and ensure that all the information obtained are compared so that quality and the hybrid nursing outcome is achieved.

Formation of nursing discussion groups among the students is essential in ensuring that all the students are at a bar by sharing information and knowledge. Through this harmonization process, the learning outcomes are attained as the students are placed to have a recap of the course outline and contents covered (Gaston, & Lynch, 2019). In case some students had not gotten some concepts well, they will then address at that point.

The provision of a conducive learning environment for the students to learn is another key rationale that sees the students. The students need to have peaceful and appropriate time to work on the nursing assignments, course. Therefore the provision of such a suitable venture enables the students to achieve their necessary nursing skills.

Rationale Alignment to Course Outcome

The alignment between the outcome of the course framework and the rationale used for curriculum designs shows the procedures involved until all the desired result is achieved. All the outcomes of the learning process depend on the rationale employed to actualize the course framework. Formation of a nursing discussion group which is a rationale in achieving the outcome by enhancing that all the nursing students are in the same level is essential in making sure that the course framework obtained the desired results. Therefore, all the rationale put in place in implementing the course framework underpins the achievement of the desired course outcome for the nursing students.

Success Evaluation Plan

One primary evaluation of the success of the course framework plan adopted is through the use of continuous assessment tests. It gives the progress of the students through an evaluation of the content they have managed as the syllabus is covered. The scores obtained from the students reflect on the success of the implantation of the course framework plan. Therefore, continuous assessment tests are critical indicators for checking the success of the plan.


Brownie, S., & Rossiter, R. (2018). A framework for cyclical nursing curriculum review across multi-site and multi-country campuses. Retrieved 17 February 2020, from

Gaston, T., & Lynch, S. (2019). Does Using a Course Design Framework Better Engage Our Online Nursing Students? Teaching And Learning In Nursing, 14(1), 69-71. doi 10.1016/j.teln.2018.11.001

McGrath, B. (2020). Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal - The development of a concept-based learning approach as part of an integrative nursing curriculum (Health Collection) - Informit. Whitireia Nursing And Health Journal, (22), 11. Retrieved from;dn=814320872847184;res=IELHEA

Porter, J., Barbagallo, M., Peck, B., Allen, L., Tanti, E., & Churchill, A. (2020). The academic experiences of transitioning to the blended online and digital nursing curriculum. Nurse Education Today, 87, 104361. doi 10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104361

Prosen, M. (2015). Introducing Transcultural Nursing Education: Implementation of Transcultural Nursing in the Postgraduate Nursing Curriculum. Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 174, 149-155. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.640

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