Essay Sample on the Flat Earth Theory

Published: 2023-02-21
Essay Sample on the Flat Earth Theory
Type of paper:  Article review
Categories:  Data analysis Space Geology
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 539 words
5 min read

The notion about the shape of the earth is a debatable subject depending on a scholar's standpoint on the topic and the various experiments in place to support such claims. From time immemorial, humanity has been informed through several proofs that the earth is spherical, and so it is an idea they have conceded along. The paper presents an otherwise contrary opinion to this speculated belief while relying on the flat earth theory yet admitting critics from a scholarly perspective.

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To begin, the empirical approach of explaining the flat shape of the earth is unsatisfactory. The approach incapacitates individuals who may not possess the sense of sight to be able to observe clouds and other atmospheric bodies and so may fail to discern their flat bases. Furthermore, the method of Cartesian doubt already set a negative hypothesis towards the spherical shape of the earth, hence it is biased and unreliable scheme to prove geographical phenomena.

Secondly, the flat earth theory approach is not specific on a particular type of religion that supports the idea that the Earth is flat. This promotes a lack of authenticity in theoretical proponent. The approach backs up the claim of religion towards their similar assertion on the shape of the Earth, yet they are unsure about the existence of a supernatural being who might be the creator of the same world. That is, their main focus is on the shape of the earth rather than the origin of the earth itself.

The argument of the theory on space agencies of the world continually faking space travels to be at per with each other's' supposed achievement is a mere thought of the pioneers. The idea is not factual but rather based on assumptions and possibilities. To them, the validity of space research is questionable, yet their claims are theoretically based; having not conducted space exploration research.

The flat earth theory also opposes circumnavigation on earth, yet the outer layer of the earth is composed of the crust that holds the earth layers with more binding force. The stand that the crust is made up of compost of ice is invalid since at the crust there are high temperatures that would necessitate the melting of ice. The argument is baseless by omitting a discussion on the vibrant component of their hypothesis just after the layer of ice.

Also, the theory explanation on rotation and revolution of the earth is inadequate. Here, rotation is as a result of the movement of the sun and not as a result of the movement of the earth around its axis. Meaning, this theory regard the earth as a flat, static mass that does not move about. Revolution, as the movement of the Sun around the static earth contrary to the norm, is inadequately sensible.

In summary, the idea about the shape of the Earth is a subjective topic of discussion that depends on how viable a given theory present ideas. However, the mission of the flat earth society of popularising the idea across the world about the shape of the earth lacks a concrete opinion. Failure to see the curvature of the earth in high altitudes in air crafts, for instance, is not enough satisfaction that the Earth is flat.

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