Essay Sample on Crimson Clothing Co: Urban Fashions for Men, Women & Kids

Published: 2023-08-14
Essay Sample on Crimson Clothing Co: Urban Fashions for Men, Women & Kids
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Business Fashion
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 691 words
6 min read


The crimson clothing company has been in existence for the past few years. The company specializes in fast products and fashions such as perfumes, swimwear, beauty, accessories, shoes, and clothes. For the years it has been existing, it has been shipping retailers clothing to other parts of the world. It has almost 30 retail stores and one wholesale store.

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The target market for Crimson clothing company is men, women, and children who mostly live in urban areas. This company's target customers are clients between infancy and 50 years. The company is mainly flocked by adolescents and young adults who are highly sensitive to the latest trends in fashions as well as price mindful (Dowling, & Dowling, 2004). This company has an added advantage in the fashion market since it stocks products across all the ages and varieties needed in the market and does not exclude any gender or group.

The COVID 19 pandemic has brought transformation to businesses, and it will have a ripple effect on the policies and practices that companies under normal circumstances usually use to move forward in their operations. Companies will have to adapt to the current situation of the pandemic and adjust to bring back normalcy in businesses and organizations. In my view, Crimson clothing company can move forward in the next six to 12 months after the pandemic through first, deploying their distinct capabilities to meet the society's immediate needs. That is the provision of the resources that are in high demand, such as a face mask.

Secondly, Crimson will move on through making every step in the protection of its employees, suppliers as well as customers through the promotion of health and safety. Thirdly, the company will move forward after the pandemic by transparently communicating with the customers because most of the product's price will be high by the time the epidemic is high. Therefore, creating a need to be transparent to the customers when informing them about the cost of the products which will eventually be increased. This company is on its first few years of operation and has suffered cash strap due to the pandemic, moving on after the epidemic will require the management to borrow extra cash to meet the market demand.

If I were part of the marketing team of Crimson clothing company, I would encourage the management to make changes and adjustments on the distribution channels and place of distribution. This can be done through the incorporation of technology as a channel of delivery where the internet can be used for advertising the products. Secondly, conducting the promotion and giving of rewards to our regular clients to retain them. Thirdly, provide the products that are regularly required by the target market: men, women, and children outfits. Lastly, I would encourage the incorporation of different types of marketing, such as personalized marketing, organization marketing, event marketing, place marketing, as well as cause marketing.


In conclusion, Crimson clothing company is a company that deals with a variety of products related to both genders, young as well as old. It sells products such as shoes, accessories, clothes, swims wear, among others. This company's target is people, but it is flocked by young people who are always updated with the new trends in fashion. COVID 19 pandemic has brought an effect to all types of investment, and the clothing companies are not exempted. Despite this challenge, the business will need to adapt to the situation and move forward with their activities as usual after some time. In my view, this company will move forward by deploying its distinct capabilities to meet the immediate needs of society and borrowing extra cash to meet the market demand, among others. If I were among the marketing team, there are several strategies that I would discuss with the management of the company to attract more clients, which include incorporation of technology in supply channels, provision of products that are needed by the market as well as using promotional services to market.


Dowling, G. R., & Dowling, G. R. (2004). The art and science of marketing: marketing for marketing managers. Oxford University Press, USA.

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Essay Sample on Crimson Clothing Co: Urban Fashions for Men, Women & Kids. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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