Free Essay Example: Clinical Reasoning on a Periodontal Illness

Published: 2020-06-10
Free Essay Example: Clinical Reasoning on a Periodontal Illness
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Dentistry
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 904 words
8 min read

Approximately more than half of the adults in America have a periodontal illness - a chronic disease that is inflammatory, which affects the tissue and supporting teeth. The longstanding periodontal infections that are untreated are associated with the overall health issues. Especially in the adults who are older, the infections, as well as the other oral health problems, can lead to poor general health and pain (Moorehead, 2012). Inability to eat, and pain, can in turn cause the nutritional challenges as well as loss in weight. The ill health secondary to the chronic infection of the mouth may increase the stroke risk and cardiovascular risks. The experts also believe that the inflammation is a core element in the connection of the systematic oral health and the oral health has been identified as the prominent indicator.

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I decided to perform an assessment on my brother John the oral assessment. On assessment stage, I took the temperature of him, asked him some questions concerning the way he has been feeling lately in the mouth. I take the notes as he says that he has been having a fever and some sort gum reddening. In diagnosis, I looked over the symptoms of John that his temperatures are high. I also considered he has experienced fatigue and that he has hyperlipidemia. I suspect that John has a tooth problem, and further examination confirms this hypothesis. In the planning stage, I explained that he needs to reduce sugary foods and instructs him to inform me of any changes.

Data Collection

I brought a mirror, toothpaste, penlight, dental floss, toothbrush, patient education material and disposable gloves to each visit. To encourage the care of the mouth, I asked the patient if he has a mirror to check inside his mouth. I informed John that the mouth inside the mirror reflected his overall health. After asking him some questions, I told him that the gum or tooth pain is not normal, and the issues of swallowing or chewing can come from an oral illness.

The fundamental changes to wellness

For me to recognize the basic changes to the wellness of John, I began by inspecting his face and check for the irregularities of the skin such as the painless lump, or the swelling. Additionally, I palpitated the submandibular, supraclavicular and occipital lymph nodes and then assess the alignment of the trans mandibular joint. After donning the disposable gloves, I examined the oral cavity of John using a penlight, and I recognized some bad breath, that could indicate a disease (Rose, 2013). Additionally, I assessed the color of the oral mucosa, and I also examined the buccal and labial mucosa, lips, tongue, gingiva, the palate and the floor of the mouth. As I observed, I happened to see the signs of trauma in some of these areas. I stayed alert for the changes in surface abnormalities, color, texture and swelling. The color of the oral cavity tissues was reddened, and this suggested inflammation.

The development and the implementation of nursing interventions

It is imperative to teach the patient early and more often to reinforce the connection between the systemic health problems and the oral health. As such, I informed John that the failure to adequately care for his teeth and the gums can result in the medical conditions that are more adverse than the diseases of the gum or the loss of the teeth. More so, I pointed out to him that some of the systemic medical conditions at times have an early oral manifestation. I explained the example to him that a person who has periodontal disease and diabetes may suffer poor healing and loss of the jaw structure. To assist him avoid the dental problems, I gave him the following instructions;

To make a schedule of the routine dental visit for John at least once per year.

To always brush his teeth two times a day using fluoride toothpaste for a minimum of two minutes.

To use moisture drops as well as increase the intake of fluids if the dry mouth occurs.

Check the mouth, gums and teeth in a mirror with some light.

Contact the dentist in case of the red areas in the mouth or when experiencing mouth pain.

The use of interdisciplinary teams in whole persons care

The dentist or a safety net dental clinic is paramount in the case of the dental problem and as such, they perform the dental treatment to mitigate the pain and optimize the general health. The dental X-rays assist in evaluating the support of the bone of the jaw (Walter, 2015). The nurses may offer the antibiotic therapy to the patient.

Application of patient critical thinking

My critical thinking as well as the decision making skills are essential to the patient because they help to detect or prevent the inflammation of the mouth as well as break the chain that link to the problems of oral health to the other health conditions. The skills will enable me to follow up the way the patient is fairing on and where necessary, provide new referrals as I promote and improve the oral health of my patient.


Moorehead, F. (2012). Chronic Mouth Issues and Infections and Their Relation To General Diseases: A Symposium. Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association, 48(3), 845-845.

Rose, P. (2013). Cultural competency for the health professional. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Walters, K. (2015). Nursing models and the nursing process. Intensive Care Nursing, 38-38.

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