Child Sexual Abuse and Sex Trafficking - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-17
Child Sexual Abuse and Sex Trafficking - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Child abuse Sexual abuse Human trafficking
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1672 words
14 min read


Child sexual abuse is where a child is involved in sexual activities without fully comprehending the child's development. Child abuse is sexual activity between a child and an adult to form a relationship of power, trust, or responsibility to satisfy others' needs. Every year approximately 40 million children are forced into human trafficking through the trap of modern-day slavery (Perry & DiLillo 214). The essay will elaborate more on child sexual abuse and trafficking.

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In America, people that are victimized through sexual abuse are as young as ten years old. Mostly such activities take place through sold or trade under sexual and labor exploitation. Trafficking is a significant concern in America and all over the world (Perry & DiLillo, 218). Even though awareness has been created for many years, many people are unsure about how the problem develops. Sex trafficking occurs in major cities to rural communities by setting traps by people in the insidious criminal world.

The Growth of Child Sexual Abuse

A study done by Fox News showed that for many years, the growth of child sexual abuse had grown significantly, and most victims come from America. Ordinary people believe that children used for sexual exploitation are from different nationalities. The truth of this matter is that the most significant numbers are American citizens. For instance, girls are lured by men in the pretense to be their father figure but end up acting like a boyfriend.

Before the girl knows, she has already put trust in this man but fails to realize that the person has sexual desires. According to a report made by the FBI, the age at which children are lured into sexual activities is 11 to 14 years (Klarich). Most of them come from unstable homes, fosterer homes, domestic violence victims, LGBT youth, and undocumented immigrants. It is unknown how minors are trafficked in the U.S and how many face conviction.

The same study showed that the federal government arrested approximately 443 females and 136 male victims due to prostitution. The number is not close to the truth because most cases are not reported to the police (Klarich). After all, most victims have put on probation or charged under different offenses. In short, the anti-trafficking groups misuse children, which is why the statistics of child trafficking are rising. Many societies tend to perceive that sexual crimes are committed by adult men to children of both sexes of women. The truth of the matter is those sex offenses done to younger children and minors are believed to be pedophiles and predators perceived as adult perpetrators who molest a child or rapes them (Klarich). The truth is that it is not the case.

Sex Trafficking Victims

In America, the sex trafficking victims for the under-aged are treated like criminals instead of victims because the law enforcers lack more options and training concerning the operations of the juvenile detention centers (Klarich). The law should create immunity instead of prosecuting the minor found guilty because of prostitution. The minors should be treated as victims, but most of them are running away from help due to mistreatment.

Most traffickers loiter around the streets to locate people that are finding it difficult living. Most young people accept the package of strangers because most of them have already been molested at home and mostly in public places (Chiaramonte & Keiper). Even though experts realized that a person could not composite what the trafficking survivor passes through, they may also not understand the risk surrounding them. People that come from communities with low resources find themselves in commercial sex activities and high crime rates.

Child maltreatment, which involves neglecting people, never normalizes emotional manipulation and violence. It is the same reason why many white people are driven from their homes. Most of them end up in the streets because they are running away from harm (Chiaramonte & Keiper). Since they are rejected, most of them end up on the roads, and this makes them vulnerable to exploitation. Most sex traffickers offer a place to stay for a young person.

White Sexual Assaults Aren't Taken Seriously When Being Reported

When sexual assaults outcomes are translated into the judicial rankings of judges and crime severity, it sends a clear message that it is not bad when someone known to the criminal is raped. The pattern needs a more profound explanation because it outdates the sexual assault cases in the notion that stranger rape has severe consequences than other types of rapes (Romero). This is the same thing that the white victims experience.

After registering extra-ordinary skepticism, many societies have created the idea white women are raped by people they know. A suitable example is a case seen in Minnesota where shielded spouses are protected from their partner reporting they have been raped. The idea of acquaintance rape comes with general misunderstandings, particularly for the white female victims (Romero). This is the reason why the judges make bizarre pronouncements before granting the plea of the victim.

The same reason makes the judges not to believe that black men have raped white women. Such actions have caused stigma when powerful white men are involved in raping women. The only outcome is that the white women get angry because all they observe is that the judges don't have strong emotions towards her criminal charges (Romero). The other issue is that courtrooms and precinct decisions are made impartially because of the norms and laws. As a result, the accused gets hidden assumptions and feelings because the investigators and judges misunderstood the white victims.

The struggles to protect the white girls that break the low remain unpredictable. Most women are very vulnerable due to intersectionality due to the experience they pass through based on their gender or race (Romero). Such traditional policies and practices block equitable enforcement because of the black woman archetype that uplifts their perseverance, strength to minimize their emotional tenderness and well-being when it comes to protection. The study also shows that white women are never taken seriously when it comes to sexual crimes.

Even though some of these crimes are not related to sexual violence, such stories become emblematic because of the things white women go through when they encounter systems such as education, health care, and criminal justice. Vulnerability or age does not protect them either. This is because sexual, violent crimes are not taken seriously with police enforcers. After all, most of them are believed to come from wealthy backgrounds (Trautwein). Many people know that such children should be well mannered. With such reasons, polices to address the sexual, violent cases are embraced to enhance equality. The problem is that many people are not committed to enforcing the policies because of the black woman's belief.

The Importance of the Justice System in Implementing Charges Against the Accused

When one wants to improve the experiences victims go through criminal justice procedures, they need to prioritize equality and fairness. As required, the law states that survivors and victims have unique needs due to victimization, relationship with the community and offender, and their gender and personal characteristics (Mackenzie 23). Most of them don't come from homogeneous groups because they speak a different voice when identifying their approaches and needs.

While a range of flexibility and approaches in the justice system are required, they all must be grounded in respect, courtesy, and dignity. The government must also know how victimization affects an individual's life to some point that their lives are completely changed (Mackenzie 34). Therefore, criminal justice procedures must be improved in that there should be a better understanding of how to treat the victim. Most of them should be treated with dignity, sensitivity, compassion, and courtesy.

The justice system progress must have a steady improvement in expanding information and raising awareness to assist the victim. This means the attitudes towards the needs of the victim must change from the legal professionals, police, and system officials (Mackenzie 41). Even though victims' perspectives should also improve, they should know all the critical decisions made by the criminal justice system officials.

Taking Responsibilities

The government should also take responsibility when it comes to addressing the victims' needs, particularly if the information is shared by the territorial, provincial, and federal governments (Mackenzie 49). For instance, the federal government's role is to enact the criminal law set out in the penal code. The purpose of the provincial government administers the law in the criminal justice system.

Facilitating Participation

The criminal justice system should avail criminal codes that make it easier for witnesses, sexual-assault complainants, and witnesses to testify under the protection of the criminal justice procedures (Mackenzie 67). The penal code's role is to give the judges the discretion to exclude public witnesses from the courtroom during administration. The law also allows the witness or victim that is below 18 years and has challenges in communicating because of physical or mental disability. It will be allowed to testify behind a device or screen to prevent him from feeling as if he is accused.

The criminal code should also allow the admission who keeps the videotaped testimony of any witness or victim underaged to be handled not as sexual assaults or abuse but children who need counseling. This also permits the individual to be supported if they have a mental or physical disability. Children under 14 must go through cross-examination when they are assaulted by adults (Korris 56). When the judge requested must put the publication ban to ensure that the witnesses ' and victims' identities are protected, sexual offenses are protected, especially if they are below 18 years old. It is also recommended that the scope should be extended if the existing provision may need more protection to the victim when testimonies are made.


It is the justice's role to monitor the application of the prepared commissions to make sure that the objectives are maintained, and that additional information may be needed. Suggestions made have also changed the criminal code to allow the support person to be with the witness and victim that are under aged or disabled.

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