Building on the Strengths of Urban Learners - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-20
Building on the Strengths of Urban Learners - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Education Social issue
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 519 words
5 min read


The article, Building on the Strengths of Urban Learners by Williams and Newcombe (1994), highlights the areas that can help develop a practical framework for learners. The article provides a case study that is used to assess the various characteristics of urban students. The case involves Russel, who had a business dealing with illegal drugs while in school. Russel expressed an urge to learn and worked very hard in class. However, Russel did not perform very well in class.

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Antisocial Behaviors

The article indicates how antisocial behaviors among learners would affect their fellow students. For instance, Russel had an antisocial behavior that disrupted other learners' study team at ten years (Williams & Newcombe, 1994). He was then isolated from the rest and placed in a separate class with other disruptive learners. The authors also indicate how the drug business affected Russel's studies since he eventually dropped out of school. They also express that what was done to Russel by the school's administration would not support learning.

The authors indicate that research in developing the Learner Framework is essential. The model should integrate the aspect of cultural diversity into learning (Williams & Newcombe, 1994). It should also seek to develop potentials and reveal unrecognized abilities. The system should enhance learner development through increasing effort and motivation. The other aspect that should be emphasized while educating urban learners is the resilience of the learners.

Learner Framework

In the article, the authors address the efforts of Research for Better School in developing a Learner Framework (Williams & Newcombe, 1994). They express that reviewing existing research, consulting with other stakeholders in the education system, and testing the theories used in practice are useful in creating a framework for the learners. The most important thing expressed about the framework is that it builds on the strengths, weaknesses, experiences, and differences observed in school. The research conducted by Research for Better School also indicated that learning could be supported by assumptions that positively characterize learners. For instance, learners can be regarded as being capable, highly motivated.

The authors express that the above assumptions can serve as themes that guide practice in learning environments (Williams & Newcombe, 1994). together with the pieces, the article indicates that four key areas can be integrated into the framework. These areas include staff development, management, the school environment, curriculum, assessment, and instruction. These areas are essential in creating a favorable learning environment for urban learners.


The article also identifies the barriers faced while educating urban learners. The belief system, for instance, presents challenges. It is not easy to reform practices and beliefs that were developed through early socialization. Regulations by the federal, state and district authorities also present challenges. Other challenges include the many reforms and insufficient time to implement the reforms (Williams & Newcombe, 1994). The article concludes by indicating that to support urban learners effectively, creative solutions that integrate the various assumptions, themes, and solutions to the barriers need to be developed.


Williams, B., & Newcombe, E. (1994). Building on the Strengths of Urban Learners. Educational Leadership, 51(8), 75-78.

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Building on the Strengths of Urban Learners - Free Paper Sample. (2023, Nov 20). Retrieved from

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