Aristotle Response to the Article.Philosophy Essay Example.

Published: 2019-11-18
Aristotle Response to the Article.Philosophy Essay Example.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Government Ethics Philosophers
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1179 words
10 min read

Indeed Aristotle might have a different view on G. Marcus Cole the article on the role of the government in promoting morality. Aristotle was an experienced and influential commentator, analyst, and scholar of human history and politics through his contributions in different academic disciplines at his school in Athens.

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As opposed to the Marcus Cole on Professor Fuller's approach on differentiating the morality of law to morality of duty and morality of aspiration, Aristotle has a different belief that government politics and ethics are inseparable (Norman, 1998). He defends to this by the notion that citizens require an environment that nurtures the peoples conscious self. Therefore, the significance of politics is to enhance morality In residents enabling them to acquire their conscious selves. He, therefore, concludes that good government leads to upstanding citizens so the government should use its authority to encourage morality in their people fostering prosperity and development. Besides, the government has a primary responsibility of promoting morality through investment in proper education, arts, philosophy, science, religion, among other things that encourages ethics and rationality.

Moreover, Aristotle may have a different opinion on the article in explaining happiness among citizens in a given government. The article discusses that the morality of aspiration is the moral principles conceived about what humans aspire in their lives. According to Professor Barnett, all people dream of a good life of virtue or morality. Apparently, all churches and people want to give their children the highest standard of morality for their better future, for instance, the laws requiring religious belonging and level of education. On the other hand, Aristotle explains that peoples actions and choices results to some real life. He further defines Good as the ultimate outcome of the actions and choices one made for instance the end of good governance is improved economy, the end of economic prosperity is wealth, and the end of medical science is health. Therefore, having knowledge of the Good is a great value to people to ethically conduct themselves to accomplish their fulfillment in their lives. It is the responsibility of the government to provide adequate security and stability needed the real life that brings happiness.

As far as justice is concerned, Aristotle belief on the concept of the overall sense of morality and the appropriate virtue being implemented. Further, the group's necessary attribute to distributive and remedial. Distributive virtue deals with the efficient distribution of the resources by the authority while remedial virtue meant for rectification of the crimes. However, Marcus Cole article explains that morality of duty to be the rules that all citizens must obey to restrain the immoral citizens from interfering with others lives by ensuring that everyones duty is to respect the person and others properties, for example, the laws dealing with murder and theft.

Aristotle divides the government offices into the judicial, legislative, and executive positions. For the government to incline legislative justice, the legal office needs practical wisdom and knowledge. Similarly, the executive office requires distribution of justice, military leadership, courage, and moderation. Apparently, the citizens have always chosen the path to follow as far as these posts concern virtue and implement the attributes by doing acts that are similar to the set laws of morality. Aristotle, therefore, concludes that only the government has the practical wisdom and knowledge to implement any virtue. On the other hand, the article also finds that people never have the authority to grant legislative authority to others as other the power may see some immoralities as constitutional (Aristotle, Keyt, 1999). Therefore, the government had the complete responsibility of the morality without considering the church, culture, and individual in making the moral decisions.

Aristotles view that the government should ensure stability to that promotes morality through enhancing neutrality in the decisions involving rival conflicts among the groups (Ackerman, 1980). The government should not coercively or non-coercively support the right unless otherwise the involved have the states authority consent. Similarly, the government should not advocate for good unless there exist consensuses and agreement from the society to do so. Aristotle further explains that the state should not have a justification for its actions by appealing to the idea of the right that meant for reasonable conflict. However, the Marcus Cole article concludes that the government is doing little in promoting the morality but rather making decisions that promote their selfish gains that are unacceptable to the societal wellbeing. For instance, Churches, which are the sacred places have turned to be night clubs and restaurants rather than serving the purpose of moral upbringing in the society.

Who has it right: Aristotle or (Marcus Cole)? Reason?

Am forced to believed that Aristotle concepts on the role of government in promoting morality to be correct. It is not only because of the level of education, or experience, but also the nature of his arguments in the different fields including philosophy, history, health, science politics among others.

Aristotle works on ethics are briefly and well summarized at various theories such as the real action and happiness and how they are related. He debates that one's actions determine how right or happy one will live. Therefore, it brings a clear picture of how people should live in a society promoting healthy and sustainable living environment while upholding morality.

Moreover, is articulation on morality in government to use practical wisdom and knowledge in making decision gives me the reason for choosing him to be correct as in morality in government. It is factual that practical knowledge is necessary for efficient decision making among conflicting parties. Different ethical dilemmas among individuals and state easily tackled through practical knowledge and wisdom. Therefore his works tend to give practical strategies rather than just opinions needed in enhancing morality in governance.

Besides, Aristotle discussions on justice concept are clearly brought out through precise and elaborate discussions of the different arms of the government. The different roles and responsibilities in promoting morality are also clearly set off in his arguments.

The grounds of neutrality in making an ethical decision in the government is also a better thought as compared complains that the government is unfair by making decisions that undermines the morality of the society while upholding immorality. His constant attacks on the government about exploitation of the innocent citizen through corruption and inappropriate distribution of resources are also critical in promoting morality in government.

In conclusion, it is prudent to accept that the two authors primary objective is to promote virtue in the state. Therefore, the useful life of citizen mostly depends on the states role in enhancing morality. Moreover, individuals also need to live a moral life to avoid the repercussions that may come as a result of immorality. Therefore, good life, prosperity and economic growth among citizens in a given nation is enhanced.


Aristotle, ., & Reeve, C. D. C. (2014). Nicomachean ethics.

Norman, R. (1998). The moral philosophers: An introduction to ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Aristotle, ., & Keyt, D. (1999). Politics: Books V and VI. New York: Oxford University Press.

Ackerman, B. A. (1980). Social justice in the liberal state. New Haven: Yale U.P.

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